Accountability, Asking, Bible, Calling, God's Will, Prayer, Requests, Scripture, Talking



“do not cease giving thanks for you, while making mention of you in my prayers;”

For years now I have been praying for a list of friends, family, fellow missionaries and ministries. I am pretty regimented in my list. I have a daily prayer list, a weekly prayer list and a monthly prayer list. If I did not do that, I would definitely leave someone out of my prayers. But I also try to pray spontaneously when someone asks me to pray for them, either in person or through text or email. It doesn’t take but a second or two to bow your head and lift up a prayer to our Father.

Paul loved these believers in Ephesus. He knew he was probably not going to see them again, so he wanted them to know how grateful he was for them and that they were in his prayers. When someone tells you they are praying for you, that means a lot. I am sure when this letter was read to the church, they all smiled, picturing their beloved teacher and fellow believer. They knew the power of his prayers. This brought them comfort.


Who are you praying for? Who are you praying with? I have to confess something. The one person I don’t pray enough with is my wife. Sure, we pray at meals and once or twice a week before we go to sleep. But I mean we don’t spend that extra, consistent time we need as a couple praying with and for each other. Forgive me, Chris. Encourage me to do better.

Okay, I had to say that.  They say confession is good for the soul. I bet you are not much different. We are told in 1 Thessalonians 5:17 to pray without ceasing. Paul uses the adverb, adialeiptós, three other times in Romans 1:9, 1 Thessalonians 1:3 and 2:13. Adialeiptós means to not allow any interval of time to separate. We should always be in a spirit of prayer. Prayer is our way to communicate with God. Why would we ever want to stop talking to Him?

A.W. Tozer said, “The key to prayer is simply praying.” It’s not that hard. There are no magic words, just open hearts. Pray for your family. Pray for your friends. Pray for people you know who are lost and need Jesus. Keep praying. Don’t stop. He hears each and every prayer you offer. He will answer in His time, in His way.

Give me knees that are calloused from bending in prayer before You, O Lord.
