Abiding, Angels, Answers, Bible, Devil, Direction, Distractions, Eyes, Looking, Scripture, Visions



“Then the angel who had been speaking with me went out and said to me, ‘Now raise your eyes and see what this is that is going forth.”

Sometimes it feels like something will never end – like a tennis match on tv, lol. My wife loves to watch tennis. She played a lot of it years ago and just loves to watch matches. But for me, they seem to just keep going and going. It seems they are almost done and then it continues.

Zechariah must have felt like that. He gets through with one vision and here comes another. We are going to see this vision over the next few days. But I want you to notice something in this verse. The angel tells Zechariah to raise his eyes and see. He knew Zechariah had seen a lot and maybe was a little tired. So, he directed his eyes to this next vision. He wanted to make sure he was looking.


Where are you looking? Are your eyes wandering? In order to see what the Lord would have us do we have to be looking at Him. We can’t be distracted. Oh, that is a ploy of the devil. He wants to get our eyes off of Jesus. He wants us to look at anything other than Him.

Isaiah 45:22 tells us, “‘Look to Me, and be saved, all you ends of the earth! For I am God, and there is no other.’” Wow! God wants us to look at Him. He says, “Look to Me.” There is no other means for salvation. It only comes through Him There is no other source for direction. He points us in the right way. Where are you looking?

For most of my teenage years, my eyes were looking inwards. I wanted to please myself. I wanted what I wanted. It was not until I met my Master at age 16 that I started looking at Him. There have been days since when my eyes have gotten turned. But thanks be to God, He has never moved. He is there, waiting for me to look towards Him again. My eyes are fixed now.

Fix my eyes only on You, O God. I do not want any other view.

Attention, Bible, Details, Eyes, Looking, Scripture, Seeing



“And he said to me, ‘What do you see?’ And I said, ‘I see a flying scroll; its length is twenty cubits, and its width ten cubits.’”

Some people have an eye for detail. They can spot a mistake in your grammar a mile away. They can find that flaw on your skin and point it out to you. Some mother-in-laws can see every speck of dust in their daughter-in-law’s house. Some eyes for detail can be constructive, while others more destructive.

Obviously, Zechariah had an eye for detail. When asked by the angel what he saw, he didn’t just say a flying scroll. I would have answered You wouldn’t believe me if I told you. He not only said what he saw, but he gave the dimensions (@30 feet long by 15 feet wide). It was kind of hard to miss, huh?


How is your attention to detail? Can you describe what you see in Scripture? One thing I love about our ministry in Every Man A Warrior is how we teach men to study the Word. We have a specific methodology we teach them to conduct their Quiet Times. Most men don’t have a clue how to tackle this, so we give them the tools they need to have that critical eye of Scripture.

What has the Lord shown you lately in your Quiet Times? Well Carl, I really haven’t seen anything. Really? God is not hiding His truths from you. They are there and ripe for the picking. But you have to spend the time to seek them. After you read a passage ask yourself what the best verse is for you. Is there a command to obey, a sin to avoid, a promise to claim, an application to make or something new about God?

That’s how we teach our men in Every Man A Warrior to dig it out, how to have that eye for detail. Since I began using this method God’s Word has truly become what the Psalmist said in Psalm 12:6. “The words of the LORD are pure words; like silver refined in a furnace on the ground, filtered seven times.”

Father, give me a critical eye for Your Word. I want to find those gems You have for me each day.

Advocate, Authority, Bible, Conviction, Eyes, God's Will, Hiding, Scripture, Seeing



“‘“For behold, the stone that I have put before Joshua; on one stone are seven eyes. Behold, I am going to engrave an inscription on it,” declares the LORD of armies, “and I will remove the guilt of that land in one day.”’”

You have probably heard the expression that someone “has eyes in the back of their head.” I accused a lot of my teachers of having those eyes. I couldn’t get away with anything in the classroom. They would be at the chalkboard (yes, we had chalkboards, not whiteboards) and call me down for misbehaving. How did they do that?

Here in today’s verse, we have a stone with seven eyes. What in the world does that mean? Well look at a similar verse in Revelation 5:6. “And I saw between the throne (with the four living creatures) and the elders a Lamb standing, as if slaughtered, having seven horns and seven eyes, which are the seven spirits of God sent out into all the earth.” Do you think there is some connection? This stone in Zechariah represented the all-seeing God.


The application today is obvious. God is all-seeing. You cannot hide from Him. There is no place to hide. Look at the words of David in Psalm 139:7-10. “7 Where can I go from Your Spirit? Or where can I flee from Your presence? 8 If I ascend to heaven, You are there; If I make my bed in Sheol, behold, You are there. 9 If I take up the wings of the dawn, If I dwell in the remotest part of the sea, 10 Even there Your hand will lead me, And Your right hand will take hold of me.”

So, why are you still running? Why do you doubt God’s presence? There is no escape. You may have been running from God for decades. You may think you can just ignore Him and He will go away. Ask Jonah how that turned out? Lol. Instead of running from Him, try running towards Him. He will open His arms and welcome you.

My problem was I did not even know I was running. I attended church but didn’t really follow Him. I was pursuing all the pleasures of this life I could get. I was running in the wrong direction. I learned what I was missing when I stopped pursuing those things and started pursuing God. What a difference!

I run to You, Lord. I want to pursue those things Paul mentioned to Timothy – righteousness, godliness, faith, love, endurance and gentleness.

Bible, Eyes, Fellowship, Looking, Love, Radiance, Reflection, Scripture



“For the LORD of armies says this: ‘After glory He has sent me against the nations that plunder you, for the one who touches you, touches the apple of His eye.’”

You have heard, I am sure, lots of moms or dads say that their child was the apple of their eye. What does that mean? Well, I googled it. Here’s what I found. “The phrase comes from a Hebrew expression that literally means ‘little man of the eye. ‘ It refers to the tiny reflection of yourself that you can see in other people’s pupils. To be the apple of someone’s eye clearly means that you are being focused on and watched closely by that person.”

That certainly applies to today’s verse. Israel was the apple of God’s eye. He was focused on theme. He was watching them closely. So, if anyone touched them, they were touching God as well. We know what that means. If the enemies of Israel touched her, they were going to receive the full wrath of God. What a promise Zechariah was delivering to an exile weary people.


I decided to see where else that phrase “apple of my eye” was used in Scripture. I found three other locations. The first is in   Psalm 17:8. “Keep me as the apple of the eye; Hide me in the shadow of Your wings.” Another was in Deuteronomy 32:10. “He found him in a desert land, and in the howling wasteland of a wilderness; He encircled him, He cared for him, He guarded him as the apple of His eye.” And the third is in Proverbs 7:2. “Keep my commandments and live, And my teaching as the apple of your eye.”

Those first two are how God sees us – as the apple of His eye. If you are a child of the King, that is a given. But the third is referring to how we see God’s Word. We should have it as the apple of our eyes. We should watch it closely. We should focus on it. And Who is the Word? Jesus. Jesus should be able to see Himself in our eyes.

How close are you to the Lord today? We know He sees us as the apple of His eye, but are you seeing Jesus that way? Is He the apple of your eye. Come closer. Let Him look intently into your eyes. He wants to see Himself in you. Come closer. Come closer still. Now then – there’s that reflection He is looking for. And now you can see yourself in His eyes. You are the apple of His eye.

I shall look closely at You, O Lord. I want to see Jesus as the apple of my eye.
