Bible, Divorce, Emotions, Fighting, God's Will, Home, Love, Relationships, Scripture



“‘For I hate divorce,’ says the LORD, the God of Israel, ‘and him who covers his garment with violence,’ says the LORD of armies. ‘So be careful about your spirit, that you do not deal treacherously.’”

Through my 40+ years of ministry, I have dealt with a lot of divorced couples. Some I knew quite well, others I did not. But the pain and suffering visible in these couples was terrible. Sometimes the suffering was self-inflicted. And other times it was pretty one-sided. I am no counselor, nor do I pretend to be, but I am sure of one thing – Jesus can heal broken relationships.

The topic of divorce and marriage continues in today’s verse. This was obviously a major issue in the lives of these priests whom Malachi is still addressing. The Hebrew word for “divorce” is shalach, which means to send away or to push out. That’s very descriptive because many times that is exactly what happened to these wives. They were physically put out of their homes. And the word for “violence,” which was commonly used for injury to a wife, is hamas. Isn’t that interesting?


How should we as believers deal with this subject of divorce? How should it be addressed? May I suggest two books for you to read? They are not exactly easy reads, but they are in-depth looks at this topic from God’s Word. The author is the late Spiros Zodhiates, who was a Greek scholar known for his writings. The two books are entitled “What About Divorce?” and “May I Divorce and Remarry?” Both are available on Amazon.

I only suggest those books because there are so few books that look at this subject biblically. Most simply throw divorcees on the heap pile and move on. Dr. Z looks at Matthew 5:27-32; 19:3-12; Luke 16:18 and Romans 7:1-3 in the first book at 1 Corinthians 7 in the second. If you desire a thorough study of divorce according to God’s Word, take a look at these two books.

Okay, enough book selling, lol. It is my heart that you get rid of the world’s view of divorce and rely on God’s Word to guide you as you deal with this difficult subject. Whether you are going through a divorce, have gone through one or know someone who is going through a divorce, take the time to read God’s Word on this. That is the only truth you can rely on.

O Lord, it is so easy to get pulled into the world’s view on issues that face us daily. Help me to keep my eyes on You.
