Bible, Freedom, Passion, Scripture, Zealous



“and I was advancing in Judaism beyond many of my contemporaries among my countrymen, being more extremely zealous for my ancestral traditions.”

Okay, I have to admit it – I’m an avid Georgia Bulldog fan. I went to school at the University of Georgia, so it’s my school. I am especially a football fan. I have enjoyed the past few seasons with the success the team has had. But I know it is only a sport and that life does not hang in the balance with each win or loss. There are some fans, however, who are truly fanatics. They live and die with each ballgame. Zealous for the wrong reason!

Paul admits in verse 14 that he, too, was zealous for the wrong reasons. The Greek word for “zealous” comes from the root word zeo which mans to be hot enough to boil. Paul was, indeed, a zealot for the Jewish faith, even chasing down the early believers, throwing them in jail and even approving of their death. Remember, he was present when Stephen was stoned to death. He was zealous but for the wrong thing.


In Luke 6:15, we find one of Jesus’ apostles was called a zealot. “…and Simon who was called the Zealot;” Simon was a zealot over fighting for freedom from the Romans. When Jesus called him to be one of his chosen twelve, his zeal was changed from seeking freedom militarily to seeking freedom spiritually. Paul was no exception. Instead of seeking to arrest early Christians, he was arrested by God on that Damascus road and finally set free. Now, he was extremely zealous for Christ. He was even willing to risk his own life spreading the good news of the Gospel.

1 Corinthians 14:12 speaks to us all regarding the correct zeal we should pursue. “So you too, since you are eager to possess spiritual gifts, strive to excel for the edification of the church.” Instead of trying to obtain spiritual supremacy, we should be zealous to build up the body of Christ, the church. God has given each of us gifts for the body. Those are the things we should seek, not for ourselves, but for others.

The older I get, the less attention or praise I seek. I had rather serve behind the scenes and quietly watch others get blessed than seek my own accolades. When I do receive recognition, I want to be quick to give it all back to Him. I want to be zealous for Jesus, nothing else. Only He really matters. I want to boil over for Him. How about you?

I praise You, Lord, for giving me the zeal I need each day. Boil me over in passion for You.

Abiding, Belief, Bible, Commands, Commitment, Devout, God's Will, Mentoring, Passion, Scripture



And the LORD will be King over all the earth; on that day the LORD will be the only one, and His name the only one.”

I have been married almost 38 years. That’s a long time, but not nearly long enough. My wife is truly the only one for me. No other woman fills my thoughts. No other woman has my heart. There is only one for me. (I’m hoping she’s reading this, lol).

Aren’t the words of today’s verse exciting? The LORD will be King over the whole earth. He will be the only one. The Hebrew literally says “It shall be Yahweh one and His name one.” There is no need to say “only,” because it is implied with the word “one.” There is only one – the LORD.


When are we going to start living that way? When are we going to stop putting all these other things above Him? What are you talking about, Carl? I don’t do that. Really? Take a look at your calendar. Take a look at your bank account. Where do you spend your time and money? What do you prioritize?

We are all guilty at times of not making Him first in our lives. We get so caught up with life that we forget Who is first. I am not throwing stones. I am just as guilty. Too much time in front of the television. Too much time on the computer or phone. We are all obsessed with worldly objects.

Can we all agree to make Him first this week? I want to spend more time reading His Word. I want to spend more time encouraging other believers. I want to invest in the lives of more men to make them better husbands and fathers. What will you prioritize this week? Make Him number one. Deuteronomy 6:4 says it best. “Hear, Israel! The LORD is our God, the LORD is one!”

You are the only One for me, dear Lord. Forgive me when I fail to recognize that.

Abiding, Passion, Satisfaction, Scripture, Separation, Thirsting



“‘Then I did away with the three shepherds in one month, for my soul was impatient with them, and their soul also was tired of me.’”

I have never been accused of being the most patient man. However, in the past few years that has gotten better. Chalk it up to old age, right? Impatience with people or with situations always gave me fits. I just couldn’t tolerate slackness in work or a lack of care about how things were done. Like I said, though, age will build your patience.

The three shepherds in today’s verse are explained well by Theodoret. He says, “He speaks of the kings of the Jews, and prophets and priests; for by the three orders they were shepherded.” God had lost His patience with them because of the way they had led the people astray. But they had also grown “tired” of Him. Actually, the Hebrew word there for “was tired” is much stronger. It means to abhor. That word is only used one other time in the Old Testament, in Proverbs 20:21.


Do you ever get the feeling that God is tired of you? Honestly, I have had that feeling in the past. Do you want to know when I felt that way? When I wasn’t spending time with Him. Our hearts wander if we aren’t careful. We can get self-absorbed or busy with other things. Before we know it, we too have grown tired of God. What an awful feeling.

So, how do you combat that feeling? Psalm 143:6 says it well.
“I spread out my hands to you; I thirst for you like a parched land.” That’s how you deal with that feeling. You must thirst for God like a parched land. You can’t get enough of Him. You must long to spend time with Him and bask in His presence.

Now, let me say something quickly. God never tires of you. He is always ready to receive you. But He won’t beg you to spend that quality time with Him. If you are feeling distant from God, guess who moved. You did. So, stop and get close to Him. Snuggle up next to the God of the universe.

I am so thankful to know You are always ready to receive me, O Lord.

Attitude, Bible, Bitterness, Envy, Jealousy, Passion, Scripture, Zealous



“‘The LORD of armies says this: “I am exceedingly jealous for Zion, yes, with great wrath I am jealous for her.”’” 

Man, I can remember getting jealous about some things in my life. When I was a young teen, I remember getting jealous over girls. I remember being jealous over a friend’s new car. I remember being jealous about someone else’s job. Jealousy in these areas will eat at you and cause you to be bitter or resentful.

That is NOT the kind of jealousy we are looking at today in Zechariah 8:2. God says, “I am exceedingly jealous…” If that was meant in the same way I mentioned earlier, we would have a terrible God. But that is not what this word means here. Perhaps it is better translated as “zealous.” God is overwhelmed with love for Zion, for the people of Israel. He will defend the people with whatever it takes. They are His, and no one can take them away.


What are you that zealous or jealous about? What drives your passion? What good thing in your life has God given you which you have that kind of passion for? Let me name a few and see if they fit you. How about your children (if you have some)? Would you consider yourself protective of them to the point of being zealous? You know what they say about a mama bear and her cubs. My wife would defend our kids to her death.

Are you jealous over your time with God? Do you set aside time every day to be with Him? I mean, nothing disrupts that time. I can relate to that. My time with the Lord is very important to me. I had never really thought about it being a jealousy, but it is – in a good way. Matthew 6:33 tells us to seek Him first and His righteousness. Are you doing that?

The next time you get jealous (in a bad way) over something, stop yourself and ask if this thing you are so jealous about has any eternal value. Those are the things we need to be jealous about. Those are the things that matter. Jealousy can be a good thing. Just look at our God.

I want to show just how jealous I am over You, my Lord. I seek You with all my heart.

Abiding, Bible, Conviction, Correction, Corruption, Discipline, Passion, Scripture



“‘I said, “You will certainly revere Me, you will accept discipline.” So her dwelling will not be eliminated in accordance with everything that I have stipulated for her. Instead, they were eager to corrupt all their deeds.’”

I am typically an early riser. Sleeping to 6 a.m. is late for me. Normally I am up between 4:30 and 5:30 most days. I just can’t sleep late. The first thing I do after getting dressed is head upstairs to my office and have my Quiet Time. I love spending the first moments of my day in prayer and then in the Word. It sets me on the right course for the day.

In today’s verse the Lord is rebuking those in Jerusalem for doing just the opposite. “They were eager” is better translated “they rose early.” The got up early to corrupt all their deeds. The word “corrupt” actually means “to put to ruin.” Wow! They got up early to mess stuff up. Hmmm. Sounds like the world today, doesn’t it?


I pray you have the Lord on your mind when you arise. Psalm 3:5 says, “I lie down and sleep; I awake again because the Lord sustains me.” Isn’t that awesome? Even while I am sleeping, the Lord is ready to wake me up and sustain me. Why shouldn’t we have Him on our minds first thing?

Don’t wake up and think What can I get away with today. As believers, we are to strive to be holy as He is holy. He commands that. And if God commands something of us, it is possible. He will never ask you to do something which He will not enable you to do. Do you believe that? You should. So, don’t succumb to the schemes of the evil one. He wants to lead you astray.

My practice of getting up early and having my Quiet Time is a skill I have developed. It wasn’t something I just started doing. I had to discipline myself to do it. Every Man A Warrior helped me to do that. Check it out at This material was written for men, but women are also taking advantage of the skills it helps develop. Welcome to the journey.

Father, I long to please You. I do not want to do those things anymore that feed my flesh. I want to feed my spirit.

Abuse, Advocate, Bible, Compassion, Encouragement, Judgment, Mercy, Passion, Rescue


AMOS 8:7

“The LORD has sworn by the pride of Jacob, ‘Indeed, I will never forget any of their deeds.’”

Growing up in my home in Southwest Georgia, I never doubted for a second that my dad had my back. I mean, he was my protector. My dad wasn’t the biggest man in town or the toughest. But my dad loved his family and would stop at nothing to protect it if necessary.

The Lord swears by Himself (the pride of Jacob) that He will protect the poor and needy. The previous few verses told of the injustices that were on these people. God says here that He would never forget what those people had done to them. He came to their defense.


Let me ask you something. Who are you protecting? Do you look out for those less fortunate than you? Do you try to help those who come to you? Jesus tells us in Luke 6:30a, “Give to everyone who begs from you…” Have you done that lately? I have to confess that I haven’t.

God is always picking up the downtrodden. He lifts up the fallen. His heart is bent towards those who are struggling. So, He calls on us to be His hands and feet. He may call on you to deliver some much needed food to a widow. Or He may ask you to help a single mom with some childcare needs.

Just be willing to do whatever He asks you to do. Don’t be like the Israelites who looked over or took advantage of the ones who were hurting in their midst. I bet you those are the first ones Jesus would go to if He were here. Don’t you?

Forgive me, Lord, for looking over those in need. Help me see their need and do whatever I can to help.

Bible, Encouragement, Exhortation, Glory, Intimacy, Music, Offering, Passion, Scripture, Worship


AMOS 6:5

“Who improvise to the sound of the harp, and like David have composed songs for themselves,”

I have experienced a lot of different kinds of worship music over the years. Some of it has been extraordinary. Some of it has…well, not been. Worship music is supposed to lead us to the throne. It prepares our heart, in a service, to hear the written Word. It is vital, I think, to the whole process of worship.

You won’t believe what Amos has to say about this. Albert Barnes explains the Hebrew word parat, translated as “improvise.”  “The word, which Amos alone uses in this one place, describes probably a hurried flow of unmeaning, unconsidered words, in which the rhythm of words and music was everything, the sense, nothing;” They were just making noise!


You don’t have to guess how to you apply this verse. We have to make sure our worship is actually worshipful. It has to be directed to the Lord. It’s not about us. It’s all about Him. We are pointing others to the throne. We are leading others to a more intimate connection through the music.

I sang in choirs for decades. I truly love to sing. It can be easy to get pulled into a performance mode, if all you think about is how you are going to sound. Now, that’s important. I think we should strive for excellence. But it is more about the heart music. When my heart is right with the Lord and I am submitted to His leadership, the music that comes out of me will be sweet in His ears (not necessarily everyone else’s, lol).

I want to challenge you today to sing out. Psalm 33:1-3 says, “Sing for joy in the LORD, you righteous ones; Praise is becoming to the upright. Give thanks to the LORD with the lyre; Sing praises to Him with a harp of ten strings. Sing to Him a new song; Play skillfully with a shout of joy.”

O, how I praise You, Lord! Your name is deserving of all our worship.

Abiding, Bible, Calling, Career, Commands, Disciplemaking, Modeling, Obedience, Passion, Salvation, Scripture, Surrender, Teaching, Witnessing


AMOS 1:1

“The words of Amos, who was among the sheepherders from Tekoa, which he saw in visions concerning Israel in the days of Uzziah king of Judah, and in the days of Jeroboam son of Joash, king of Israel, two years before the earthquake.”

I can recall when the Lord called me to full time ministry. I had only been a Christian for a few months. It was in the Fall of 1978. I was in my Senior year of high school. It was almost like my surrender to Him in salvation morphed directly into my calling as a minister. He took out some things I thought  were important and replaced them with a passion to serve in ministry. So, I can relate somewhat to Amos, as we begin this study.

Amos was a farmer. He had sheep and also tended sycamore trees. Out of that unlikely vocation God called him to go prophesy against the nation of Israel. He had not been schooled in the school of prophets. He had been schooled by life. He obviously had a passion and desire for Jehovah, or he wouldn’t have been chosen for the task. God can use any instrument He chooses to accomplish His goals.


Are you being used by the Lord right now? Perhaps you think He can’t use you. Wrong! Just like Amos, you just have to be available. It doesn’t matter what vocation you are in, the Lord can use you. The Lord doesn’t need more preachers. Now, hear me out. I am not knocking preachers. I am one. But you can reach so many more people in your circle of influence in your vocation, if you are willing.

God plucked Amos right out of the pasture and sent him on a mission. God may select you to do something extraordinary. He is just waiting for you to surrender to His will. Do you trust Him to give you the words? He gave Amos some very bold words. Do you trust Him to direct your path? He will. Just ask Him.

Oh, the things we can do if we are willing. God changed the world with 11 unlikely disciples, mostly uneducated men who had a passion for Jesus. They all laid down their lives for the mission. I often ask myself if I would do the same. I know I can through His power. I want Him to use me to change the world. Will you join me?

O Lord, use me like You did Amos. Give me the same boldness to speak truth in a fallen world.

Abiding, Angels, Battles, Bible, Blessing, Compassion, Courage, Encouragement, Inspirational, Passion, Prayer, Reward, Scripture


HOSEA 12:4

“Yes, he wrestled with the angel and prevailed; he wept and implored His favor. He found Him at Bethel, and there He spoke with us,”

When I was growing up with my older brother, Tim, we used to wrestle a lot. I can still hear my mother screaming for us to stop. She hated when we did that. And in all those years, my brother would win. After all, he was over 4 years older than me. Until…he went away to college, and I started seriously lifting weights at school for football. I remember when he came home for Christmas during his freshman year at college. I pinned him. He was shocked. It felt great, lol.

Jacob wrestled the angel “and prevailed.” The angel of God or the man with whom Jacob wrestled is believed by many scholars to be the pre-incarnate Christ. He gave Jacob a new name, Israel, which means he who contends with God. That sounds bad but it isn’t. Jacob was persistent in asking for his blessing, and he received it.


Have you ever wrestled with God? I don’t mean like my brother and I used to do. Have you wrestled with Him in prayer? There is nothing wrong with getting intense during your prayer time. When we do that we really have God’s ear. We already have it, but He knows when we are intense. He can feel our passion.

I want to encourage you to make a plan to do that. I am sure you have something which you need to come to the Father about. Maybe it’s something you have been praying about for years. Go to Him and don’t let go until you hear. God’s answers are always right on time. You need to pray expectantly, knowing He will answer, just like He did with Jacob.

Prayer for me is intimate. I love talking to my Lord. There have been times when I wrestled with Him over things. God has never let me down. He has always come through. He will for you also, if you trust Him with it. Are you ready to wrestle?

I am so thankful You hear my prayers when I wrestle with You. Give me the wisdom to wait on You.

Bible, Blessing, Courage, Passion, Promises, Reward, Scripture


HOSEA 12:3

“In the womb he took his brother by the heel, and in his mature strength he contended with God.”

Strength and power are seen as bad today in many places. If you are aggressive and ambitious, it is often perceived as a negative thing. It seems any exhibition of power in our society today means you are uncaring and/or ungrateful. Nothing could be further from the truth, if it is done according to God’s will.

Hosea is pointing out the strength of Israel that was evident in the life of Jacob, later renamed Israel. Even from birth he was pursuing his birthright over his brother by grabbing his heel. And later he wrestled with the angel of God until He blessed him. Jacob was a strong man. And the nation needed to be reminded of that.


The Lord stands ready to bless you also. It is through His strength that He can do that. Have you asked for it lately? Don’t wait until you are knee deep in the mire of life to do that. There’s no need to wait. God’s strength is available to all His children every day. We just fail to receive it.

I bet you are facing something right now which could really benefit from God’s strength and blessing. Most of us face them all the time. But we continue to labor under our own strength and fail. What is so hard about asking for help from Jesus? Nothing! But we have to ask. You have to ask.

I know I have to ask every day. I can’t go one day with His strength and blessing in my life. Whether it is a physical challenge, emotional struggle or financial woes, He can give you the power to overcome. No, let me rephrase that. He will overcome through you.

Strengthen me today, O Lord. I praise You for the blessings You bestow on me every day.
