Bible, Glorify, Glory, Praise, Reverence, Salvation, Scripture, Testimony, Worthy



“And they were glorifying God because of me.”

What exactly does it mean to glorify God? Have you ever wondered if you were doing it right? I mean, who wants to do that wrong? Am I right? Well, according to Strong’s Concordance the Greek word doxa means “to esteem glorious.” Thanks a lot, Carl. That doesn’t really help. It means to value God for Who He really is. Only He is worthy of glory. We certainly aren’t.

I love that Paul shared this in today’s verse. The people of the Judean churches, once they knew of the change in Paul, were glorifying God. Albert Barnes says of this verse, “They regarded me (Paul) as a true convert and a sincere Christian; and they praised God that He had converted such a persecutor and had made him a preacher of the gospel.” Paul’s conversion was something only God could have done. Therefore, only He (not Paul) was deserving of glory.


I am sure you have known people who were converted from a horrible lifestyle. We’ve heard of adulterers and murderers getting saved. We may know of drug addicts or alcoholics who have done the same. How do we react? We give God glory! When Peter was called before the Jewish leaders after being arrested for preaching about Jesus, he said in Acts 4:12, “‘And there is salvation in no one else; for there is no other name under heaven that has been given among mankind by which we must be saved.’” The same is true today.

When you hear of someone coming to Christ, give praise to the One who brings salvation to mankind. Don’t praise the actions of the one who was saved. Sure, encourage them. Walk with them as they begin their journey with Christ. But all the glory for their salvation goes to Jesus. Ephesians 2:8-9 is another of my favorite passages about this. It says, “8 For by grace you have been saved through faith; and this is not of yourselves, it is the gift of God; 9 not a result of works, so that no one may boast.”

That passage was written by Paul. He knew he had done nothing to deserve his salvation. He knew “it is the gift of God.” Coming out of a works-based religion, he knew his salvation in Christ wasn’t based on his works. It was all from Him. Only Jesus deserved the glory. And here, in today’s verse, Paul is praising God that the churches recognized that and gave God the glory. Will you glorify God today for all He has done in your life. He is worthy of all glory!

I glorify Your name, O God, Who saved me from the wretched life I was living and placed me into Your eternal family.

Adoration, Bible, Glorify, Glory, Honor, Ministry, Praise, Scripture



“to whom be the glory forevermore. Amen.”

Okay, be honest. Who doesn’t like a little glory? You know, that recognition and tribute you get from achieving something great. I always wanted that before coming to Jesus. In high school, I thought I could achieve it by excelling in sports. Even after becoming a Christian, I secretly wanted it for excelling in (wait for it….) ministry. That’s right! I was a closet glory seeker.

Today’s verse plainly tells us that the glory belongs to Jesus. Paul started right off talking about the One who gave him life, the One who rescued him. Now, he is pointing to Him and saying, “to whom be the glory forevermore.” Paul did not want any glory. He had seen how the Pharisees and Sadducees craved attention and glory. He wanted nothing to do with that. Instead, everything he did was to bring Jesus glory.


Are you a glory seeker or do you point to Jesus? It’s easy to get caught up in the praise and adoration, even in ministry, and begin to crave that glory. Oh, the devil loves that. He will whisper in your ear that you are worthy of it. Proverbs 18:8 says, “The words of a whisperer are like dainty morsels; they go down into the innermost parts of the body.” I love that verse because it gives us such a great picture.

So, what does it mean to give Jesus glory? To begin with we must start by humbling ourselves. We must give all credit to the One who gave us any abilities to do anything. We live in a perpetual attitude of reverence for our Lord. Ellicott’s Commentary says this about this verse, “In the insertion of this brief doxology the mind of the Apostle obeys an involuntary impulse of reverential awe.”

The next time you do something that brings you praise, simply point to Jesus. He is the One who is worthy of all the praise, honor and glory. We bow before Him. We praise His holy name. We magnify Him above all others. That’s giving Him glory. To quote an old praise song – “Shout to the Lord, all the earth let us sing. Power and majesty praise to the King.”

We give You all the praise. We glorify Your name, King Jesus.

Bible, Glory, Healing, Light, Praise, Rejoicing, Revelation, Scripture, Seeing, Sunrise, Sunset



“‘For from the rising of the sun even to its setting, My name shall be great among the nations, and in every place frankincense is going to be offered to My name, and a grain offering that is pure; for My name shall be great among the nations,’ says the LORD of armies.”

One thing I love about being outdoors is the opportunity to observe the sunrises and sunsets. I haven’t hunted much lately, but when I did, I loved watching the woods come alive at the first ray of light. In the evening, as the sun set, the woods would begin to go to sleep. Both times are marked by peace. We need more of that, amen?

If you read this verse today as an unbeliever, you might think the Lord is very arrogant. “My name shall be great.” “In every place…offered to My name.” “My name shall be great.” Wow! What an ego. Wrong! The Lord is the Lord of all. He is not bragging. He is simply stating the truth. He is reminding the people of this.


When I read today’s verse, I immediately thought of a song that has been popular for a while. The lyrics come right out of Psalm 113. “3 From the rising of the sun to its setting, the name of the LORD is to be praised. 4 The LORD is high above all nations; His glory is above the heavens.”

When you see a sunrise or a sunset, what do you think about? Do you stop to extol the greatness of our God. Today’s verse and this Psalm tells us to do just that. I want to challenge you when you see your next sunrise to take a moment and lift a word of praise to Jesus. When you see the sun set, stop and thank the Lord for another day He has given you. He is worthy of all our praise.

I am planning a camping trip soon. Can’t wait. But now, based on this verse, I am even more excited. It will be easy to praise Him as I am enjoying the outdoors. Would you pray that I hear His voice while I am out there? I am seeking some direction right now in my ministry and need to hear His voice. I don’t want to get off track.

Your name is lifted high, O Lord, above the heavens. Both the rising and setting of the sun declares Your glory.

Affection, Bible, Correction, Disappointment, Gifts, Giving, Guilt, Holy Spirit, Hypocrisy, Praise, Scripture, Worship



“‘If only there were one among you who would shut the gates, so that you would not kindle fire on My altar for nothing! I am not pleased with you,’ says the LORD of armies, ‘nor will I accept an offering from your hand.’”

I have to admit something to you. I have given gifts out of guilt. Yep, I’ve done that. Don’t point your finger at me, though. I bet you have done the same thing. I have hurt people in the past, most of them unintentionally. So, what do I do? I try to find a way to make it up to them. That may involve a small gift of some sort. That is such hypocrisy, isn’t it?

The Lord speaks through Malachi in today’s verse and tells the priests, “nor will I accept an offering from your hand.” God doesn’t want gifts that are made half-heartedly. He wants us to come to Him with sincerity and purpose. God even hinted at even closing the doors of the temple to prevent them from offering sacrifices erroneously.


Jeremiah 6:20 says something similar. “‘For what purpose does frankincense come to Me from Sheba, and the sweet cane from a distant land? Your burnt offerings are not acceptable and your sacrifices are not pleasing to Me.’” This thought wasn’t exclusive to Malachi. All through Scripture God abhors false worship.

Carl, what’s all this talk about worship. Can’t we just restrict that Sundays? Are you kidding me? Worship is a daily event. We should be worshipping the Lord every day through praise, through thanksgiving and through listening for His voice. By the way that is PTL – Praise, Thanks, Listen. Try that today and see if you don’t worship.

This past Sunday at the church I attend, the worship service was truly Spirit-filled. I don’t mean we got Pentecostal (nothing wrong with that if it’s genuine). After all, we are Baptists, lol. But there were tears shed. There were hands raised. There were people standing up in their pews in celebration of praises going up through music. But I know my worship isn’t just on Sundays at my church. It’s every day.

I worship, O Mighty God, there is none like You.

Bible, Glory, Honor, Praise, Reverence, Scripture, Sincerity, Truth, Worship, Worthy



“‘You are presenting defiled food upon My altar. But you say, “How have we defiled You?” In that you say, “The table of the LORD is to be despised.”’”

Worship is something I take seriously. I hope you do also. In my ministry experience over the past 4+ decades, I have seen quite a diversity of worship. Some has been pointed more at man than God, unfortunately. As I preach or sing in worship, it is my prayer that everything done is pointed heavenward.

The Lord is chastising the priests of Israel because of their manner of worship. They were bringing defiled offerings to Him, and He was not pleased. Their excuse was that since the people were not taking it seriously, it did not matter what they did. They missed it. They were wrong.


So, how do you know if you are doing it right? By listening to Him. By making it all about Him and not you. If you are a singer, sing to the Lord. If you are a preacher, preach to draw people to Christ, not yourself or your church. If you are sitting in the pew or chair, forget about yourself and concentrate on Him. If we shy away from the truth, we have despised worship as much as those priests who brought defiled offerings.

Psalm 96:7-9 is a beautiful picture of worship. “7 Ascribe to the LORD, you families of the peoples, ascribe to the LORD glory and strength. 8 Ascribe to the LORD the glory of His name; Bring an offering and come into His courtyards. 9 Worship the LORD in holy attire; Tremble before Him, all the earth.”

Now, if we do that, we are truly worshipping. This Sunday, as you are in church, reflect on today’s verse and this Psalm. Check your attitude at the door. Spend time BEFORE you go to church worshipping in your Quiet Time. Prepare your heart for worship before you ever set foot inside the church. Let Jesus see your heart and feel your reverence.

O Lord, my God, You are too wonderful for words. I worship You.

Belief, Bible, Exalting, Joy, Love, Praise, Scripture, Worship



“And your eyes will see this, and you will say, ‘The LORD be exalted beyond the border of Israel!’”

The Lord never ceases to amaze me. He has done such incredible things in my life these past almost 63 years (hint, hint! I’ve got a birthday this month). I shouldn’t be amazed. I know His character, but it seems every time the Lord “shows out” in my life, I stand amazed.

Judah is being addressed here by Malachi. In today’s verse, he tells them to stand back and look at what the Lord has done for them. And goes on to say that they should be praising and celebrating Jehovah God “beyond the border of Israel.” Guess what? That is being done. The Lord is being praised all over the world.


How are you exalting the Lord today? I don’t know, Carl. I save all my exalting for Sunday at church. No, no, no! We are to exalt and praise the Lord every day. Psalm 104:1 says, “Bless the LORD, my soul! LORD my God, You are very great; You are clothed with splendor and majesty,” How about Psalm 33:2? “Give thanks to the LORD with the lyre; Sing praises to Him with a harp of ten strings.”

Nowhere in those two verses do you see any mention of only praising the Lord on Sundays. Every morning in my Quiet Time, I have a time of Worship as part of my prayers. I praise Him in words, in song and in silence. When we lift praises to the King of kings, He is pleased. Don’t you want to please Him?

Read Psalm 100 today. Meditate on each phrase. Take the time to dig in a little deeper. Then you can praise Him. He wants to reveal Himself to you. He often does that as we are lifting Him in praise. I am reminded of the hymn that says:

Praise Him! Praise Him, Jesus, my blessed Redeemer. For our sins He suffered and bled and died

Bible, Children, Encouragement, Eternity, Family, God's Will, Praise, Scripture



“And a people of mixed origins will live in Ashdod, and I will eliminate the pride of the Philistines.”

I have never owned a pure bred dog. All my dogs were mixed. My last dog was part Chow and part Australian Shepherd. We got him at the animal shelter. He was a mutt – cute, but a mutt. Those kinds of dogs don’t have much monetary value. Their value is only in the eyes of the beholder.

The Hebrew word in today’s verse for “mixed origins” really means bastard, one born out of wedlock, or one born of mixed heritage. When Alexander destroyed the Philistine cities, he repopulated them with people from other conquered nations. Any children born afterwards were of mixed races. Thus, the term used here referred to them. The pride of Philistine was gone. Their nation would be no more.


Now, what can we get from this verse today. Listen, as children of the King, we have a royal heritage. Peter tells us that in 1 Peter 2:9. “But you are A CHOSEN PEOPLE, A royal PRIESTHOOD, A HOLY NATION, A PEOPLE FOR GOD’S OWN POSSESSION, so that you may proclaim the excellencies of Him who has called you out of darkness into His marvelous light;”

Your value to God is not based on what you were. It doesn’t matter where you came from. You are now a child of the King. You are part of His family. You carry the authority of Jesus to conquer the enemy. You are worth everything to God. He spared nothing to bring you home. Don’t let anyone ever tell you differently. You matter a lot to Him.

I never felt anything but love from my parents. Sure, they disciplined me. There were times we did not see eye to eye. But I never doubted their love for me. But as much as we loved each other, God loves me so much more. His love never waivers. He will love me for eternity. I am His and He is mine. Praise the Lord!

I praise Your holy name, O God. I know I am Your child and will live with You forever.

Bible, Glorify, Glory, Majesty, Praise, Scripture



“‘“‘Yes, it is He who will build the temple of the LORD, and He who will bear the majesty and sit and rule on His throne. So He will be a priest on His throne, and the counsel of peace will be between the two offices.’”’”

I can still hear his booming voice as if it was yesterday. My late brother-in-law, Wayne Barber, would quite often yell, “Well, Glory!” When he entered the church building you could hear him. He couldn’t sneak in anywhere, lol. He wasn’t being obnoxious or trying to call attention to himself. Wayne’s ultimate desire was truly to bring glory to his Lord.

Why am I talking about glory? Because the Hebrew word for “majesty” can be translated “glory.” In fact, this word is often used to describe God’s glory. This Branch (mentioned in yesterday’s verse) will bear God’s glory. How is that possible? Because He is God. Jesus, the Messiah, prophesied here in Zechariah, has built the temple and taken His seat. Glory!


What has that got to do with us? A lot! We are to bear the glory of Christ. We are to give all the glory to Him. We are all about His glory. The world doesn’t want us to do that. Why? Because it points out their darkness. The world wants us to wallow in the pit with them instead of standing and shouting, “Well Glory!”

Why don’t you do a word study on the word “glory” throughout Scripture? Notice the different ways it is used. For instance, in John 9:24, the religious leaders told the blind man whom Jesus had healed to “give glory to God” because they knew Jesus was indeed a sinner. Not everyone who says they are giving glory to God understands it.

I know I am supposed to give glory in all things. Honestly, that’s hard sometimes. When you don’t get the news you want from the doctor, it’s hard to give God the glory. When you don’t get the promotion you have been praying for, it’s hard. But in all things, we must learn to glorify Him. As we do that, we please the Father and point others to Him.

I will glorify Your holy name, O gracious God. You are worthy of all the glory!

Affliction, Bible, Choices, Consequences, Fire, Gospel, Praise, Rescue, Scripture



“And the LORD said to Satan, ‘The LORD rebuke you, Satan! Indeed, the LORD who has chosen Jerusalem rebuke you! Is this not a log snatched from the fire?’”

I love to go camping, even though I don’t do it a lot. I really like primitive camping when all you have is a tent, a campfire and some easy to cook food. One of the best things to me about camping is the campfire. I love the smell of wood burning. I love the flicker of the flames at night. I love the sound of the wood crackling. What happens if you pull one of the logs out of the fire? It will eventually stop burning although it will have the obvious signs of having been burned.

The LORD is rebuking Satan in today’s verse for bringing accusations against Joshua, the high priest who was mentioned in verse 1 of chapter 3. When the Lord says, “Is this not a log snatched from the fire,” He is saying to Satan, “Can’t you see the signs of suffering on him for his sins?” Remember, Israel had only recently returned from exile because of their sins. They were still wearing signs of their struggle.


There are so many applications for us in this verse. I will try to stick to just one. We are all wearing the scars of our sinful flesh. Some of us made choices before salvation that caused actual physical scars. Some of our sins caused long-lasting emotional scars. We are like that log that has been snatched from the fire. God has taken us out of that fire, but we are still singed.

The beautiful thing about salvation is God can take you right where you are and cleanse you. Your sins are washed away. Eventually that singed smell will go away. Through the healing power of God, you can be “washed whiter than snow.” Listen to Isaiah in Isaiah 2:18. “‘Come now, and let us debate your case,’ Says the LORD, ‘Though your sins are as scarlet, they shall become as white as snow; Though they are red like crimson, they shall be like wool.’”

I know I have some leftover effects from my “Before Christ” days. They are a reminder of the grace of God in my life. I stand amazed every day that He would save a wretch like me. I bet you do too. But praise be to God, we are washed. We are cleansed. We have been set free.

Are you washed in the blood, in the soul-cleansing blood of the Lamb.

Abiding, Belief, Bible, Glory, God's Will, Holy Spirit, Praise, Scripture, Worship



“So the LORD stirred up the spirit of Zerubbabel the son of Shealtiel, governor of Judah, and the spirit of Joshua the son of Jehozadak, the high priest, and the spirit of all the remnant of the people; and they came and worked on the house of the LORD of armies, their God,”

There has been a stirring of the Spirit in the past month at some colleges and universities, which started at Asbury College in Kentucky. What began as a regular chapel service grew into a movement of God with literally thousands from around the country coming to experience this non-stop service. Some people have questioned what was happening there. That is not our right. God will reveal whether this was real or not. The stirring of the Spirit is not for us to question.

Finally, the spirit of the people is stirred by the Lord here in Haggai 1:14. Notice that this began with the leaders, Zerubbabel and Joshua. Then the people were stirred. And this stirring of their spirit resulted in putting their feet into action. They began to work on the temple, God’s house, the LORD of armies. They didn’t just sit around and enjoy the stirring. They obeyed God’s call to action. Glory!


I truly believe the reason God’s work has not been accomplished sooner is because our leaders have not been receptive of God’s stirring. The event that is described in today’s verse is also mentioned in Ezra 1:5. “Then the heads of fathers’ households of Judah and Benjamin and the priests and the Levites rose up, everyone whose spirit God had stirred to go up to rebuild the house of the LORD which is in Jerusalem.”

It is important to mention that no one should try to accomplish what they think God wants until He stirs their heart to do so. But our leaders have to be ready and able to hear God’s voice. This is only through prayer and time in His Word. So much ministry is done without the first thought of what God wants. Good can get in the way of what is best if we are not careful.

I know in my own life I could stay very busy doing “stuff” for God. There is no end to the lists I could make to keep my calendar full. I have to ask the Lord each day what He would have me do. It is not about what I want to do. It is all about what He would have me do. How about you? Check out your motives for ministry. Make sure you have heard God and let Him stir your spirit with His Spirit.

Please stir my heart
Take me back to the fire
And bring to me recollections of joy
And renew my first desire

