Ashamed, Bible, Double-minded, Embarrassment, Favoritism, Integrity, Scripture



For prior to the coming of some men from James, he used to eat with the Gentiles; but when they came, he began to withdraw and separate himself, fearing those from the circumcision.”

I went to a ballgame once with someone who got a little obnoxious after the game. We had lost a close game, and as we walked out of the stadium, the other team’s fans were celebrating. This person I was with took offense at that and began arguing and yelling at them. I immediately walked away so I would not be pulled into that scene. I was ashamed to be seen with them at the time. Their behavior was not appropriate. Later, we talked about that as we drove home.

Paul tells us what Peter did to cause the confrontation which we mentioned yesterday in my blog on the previous verse. Peter had been eating with the Gentiles until James’ men arrived. When they got there, Peter couldn’t be seen doing that. He was probably eating some food that would not have been kosher. Plus, just the fact of a Jew eating with a Gentile was frowned upon. Paul notices Peter doing that and calls him on it.


We should never act like Peter did in this situation. We are not better than anyone else. We do not “deserve” any special treatment. James 2 gives us a great illustration of this. Interestingly, this comes from the very man who sent the men to Galatia which caused the issue for Peter.

Verses 1-4 tell us, “1 My brothers and sisters, do not hold your faith in our glorious Lord Jesus Christ with an attitude of personal favoritism. 2 For if a man comes into your assembly with a gold ring and is dressed in bright clothes, and a poor man in dirty clothes also comes in, 3 and you pay special attention to the one who is wearing the bright clothes, and say, ‘You sit here in a good place,’ and you say to the poor man, ‘You stand over there, or sit down by my footstool,’ 4 have you not made distinctions among yourselves, and become judges with evil motives?”

Do you get the picture? I could add other verses on this but let me just include one more. Romans 2:11 says, “For God shows no partiality.” And there you have it – period. If God doesn’t do this, why should we? I am not saying it’s easy. Sure, we have our preferences of people. That’s normal. But never put yourself above anyone. Allow Christ to love them through you. Amen?

Father, I naturally have people I am more comfortable with, but don’t let me ever present myself as better than anyone.

Agreement, Allies, Bible, Fellowship, Hand, Integrity, Loyalty, Partner, Relationships, Scripture



“and recognizing the grace that had been given to me, James and Cephas and John, who were reputed to be pillars, gave to me and Barnabas the right hand of fellowship, so that we might go to the Gentiles, and they to the circumcised.”

A handshake – it used to mean something. Many a deal was made just by a simple handshake between individuals. A man’s word was his bond. That handshake meant each man would follow through on what they had agreed upon. No paperwork was required. No lawyer was needed. My dad had that kind of reputation in my hometown. Jack Willis’ word was enough. That’s the kind of man I strive to be.

When James, Peter and John gave Paul and Barnabas the “right hand of fellowship” they were agreeing to support them in their mission to the Gentiles. They were saying We trust you to carry out the mission we have agreed on. They recognized them as fellow-laborers for Christ. Whether this was done privately or in public, this handshake was a formal agreement between them. Paul believed them and was supported by them.


Perhaps you have given that “right hand of fellowship” to someone. What does that mean to you? Will you support that individual in their walk with the Lord? We need each other to accomplish God’s kingdom work here on earth. You and I can’t possibly do this all by ourselves.

There is a passage in Hebrews 10 that is often quoted to encourage each other to attend church. Look at verses 24 and 25 and see what you observe there. “24 and let’s consider how to encourage one another in love and good deeds, 25 not abandoning our own meeting together, as is the habit of some people, but encouraging one another; and all the more as you see the day drawing near.”

Do you want to know what I see there? I’m going to tell you anyway. I see “encourage one another in love and good deeds.” I see “encouraging one another.” It’s not just about not missing church. We need to be coming alongside each other. We need to be offering that “right hand of fellowship.” Why? Because the day is “drawing near.”

Paul has been talking a lot about allies, companions and partners in Galatians. I believe he wanted the Galatians to know that he was not a one man operation. He was co-laboring with Titus, Barnabas, Peter, James and John. And just like Paul, we need others to work alongside for the cause of Christ. Who is that person(s) in your life?

Thank You, Lord, for my partners in ministry all over the world.

Abiding, Accountability, Bible, Blameless, Encouragement, Following, Integrity, Ministry, Reputation, Salvation, Scripture, Testimony



“but they only kept hearing, ‘The man who once persecuted us is now preaching the faith which he once tried to destroy.’”

I have had the opportunity to go back to my hometown church a few times to share about my ministry. Now, you need to understand something about me. I wasn’t always what you would call “ministry worthy.” My life before Jesus was filled with self. I wouldn’t call me a persecutor of Christians like Paul, but I didn’t want to be labeled as a “do gooder.” I kind of liked the reputation of a tough guy or at least as someone who loved to party. So, when I return now as a minister of the Gospel, those who knew me then raise an eyebrow or two.

As I mentioned in yesterday’s blog, the churches outside of Jerusalem had heard about Paul, but didn’t know him. They would have been a little wary of this guy showing up preaching Jesus. They may have seen him as a threat, as someone who was trying to trick them. Paul is still laying out his story here in Galatians. He is telling them who he was and where he had come from. He wasn’t who he was before. He had changed, and Jesus was the One who had changed him and given him the message he was to preach.


Have you ever met someone for the first time, and they told you they had heard of you? That’s happened to me a few times, and I usually reply, “Well, I hope it was all good.” Listen to me – our reputation matters, especially to a lost world. I love Revelation 12:11 that says, “And they overcame him because of the blood of the Lamb and because of the word of their testimony, and they did not love their life even when faced with death.” Notice that phrase “word of their testimony.” Our testimony has an effect on people. I don’t mean you have to have this testimony of coming out of drugs or alcohol. Your testimony consists of when you accepted Jesus and what He has done in your life since then.

But back to our reputation. How others see us and hear about us matters. Proverbs 22:1 tells us, “A good name is to be chosen rather than great riches, and favor is better than silver or gold.” We are told in Ecclesiastes 7:1, “A good name is better than precious ointment, and the day of death than the day of birth.” I could go on and list numerous verses on the importance of our reputation, but I will stop there. You can do your own study on that.

Why is our reputation important? Because we are representing the King of kings and Lord of lords. We are Christians – Christ like. We are His ambassadors who have been given a mission to carry out to a lost world. Paul had to overcome his bad reputation of being a persecutor of believers by showing them how he had changed. He had to love them. He had to share what Christ had done for him on that road to Damascus. He was faithful to the end, up to the moment he was martyred in that Roman prison. How about you? What is your reputation?

Let me never forget, Lord, that I represent You? I want others to know Whom I represent.

Accountability, Deceit, God's Will, Heart, Integrity, Offering, Scripture



As for the man who does this, may the LORD eliminate from the tents of Jacob everyone who is awake and answers, or who presents an offering to the LORD of armies.”

Man, when we are in tight places, we’ll make all kinds of bargains with God. You may have heard the expression, “there are no atheist in foxholes.” We think if we are sincere enough, if we say it through enough tears, then God has to believe us. We forget that God can see right through those veiled vows.

Malachi warns the people in today’s verse of the same thing. He is referring back to yesterday’s verse when he says, “who does this.” “Who is awake and answers” refers to both passive and active sins, those who committed the sin and those who just stood by and watched. And then they went and offered sacrifices to try to gain God’s favor. God knew their hearts.


How many times have you done this? Be honest, now. You went out one weekend and partied hard, sowing some wild oats. Then you are at the altar on Sunday morning begging God for a crop failure. Now, maybe you were truly sincere at that altar, maybe you were truly remorseful. But you have to remember that God knows the intent of your heart.

Jeremiah 17:9-10 says, “9‘The heart is more deceitful than all else and is desperately sick; Who can understand it? 10 I, the LORD, search the heart, I test the mind, to give to each person according to his ways, according to the results of his deeds.’” You can’t hide your heart’s intent. So, stop trying to do that.

I have found the best practice is to NOT DO THOSE THINGS, lol. I realize sin will be present in our lives until we go to glory. But we seriously can live lives that are holy and devoted to Him. How? By submitting daily to His will, you and I can avoid most of those bad decisions. We will give Him glory and praise Him for all our choices that honor Him. Practice that today!

Lord, I praise You for knowing my every thought. Help me stay focused on honoring You.

Accountability, Bible, Calling, Commands, God's Will, Holiness, Integrity, Judgment, Scripture



“‘And now, this commandment is for you, the priests.’”

Hearing the words that it is now your turn can be either delightful or terrifying. When the dentist says, “Okay, Mr. Willis, it’s your turn” I am a little terrified. I don’t like to go to the dentist. That’s nothing personal against the dentist. I just don’t like people in my mouth with power tools. And that whirring sound – now that is truly terrifying.

So, as we begin chapter two of Malachi, God is giving the priest a heads up. He says, “And now, it’s your turn, priests.” Actually, He says He has a commandment for them. We will see in the coming days what that is. (Hint, hint – it’s not good). Now, what is a commandment? Here, the better word would be “decree.” Listen up, priests.


What is the Lord saying to us in this verse? Do you want to know what I found for me? God is calling me to attention. He is telling me to listen up, to pay attention, to do what He says. I know I am not a priest in the Old Testament sense of the word, but I  am a priest according to His word.

I Peter 2:9-10 calls us that. “9 But you are A CHOSEN PEOPLE, A royal PRIESTHOOD, A HOLY NATION, A PEOPLE FOR GOD’S OWN POSSESSION, so that you may proclaim the excellencies of Him who has called you out of darkness into His marvelous light; 10 for you once were NOT A PEOPLE, but now you are THE PEOPLE OF GOD; you had NOT RECEIVED MERCY, but now you have RECEIVED MERCY.”

Are you listening, priests? Are you obeying all He has commanded? Are you leading well? Each of those is an important question that we must answer ourselves. If you are a believer, God has called you into His priesthood. Priests lead others to worship. Will you do that?

Father, I am blown away by your mercy. You have chosen me to be Your priest. Use me, Lord.

Abiding, Accountability, Battles, Bible, Choices, Discipline, Godliness, Integrity, Purity, Scripture



“A day of trumpet and battle cry against the fortified cities and the high corner towers.”

I have never played a trumpet but have the utmost respect for those who do. One of my favorite trumpeters is Phil Driscoll. He is amazing. He’s been playing the trumpet for decades and using it to praise the Lord. If you haven’t heard him, you need to check out some of his music.

Unfortunately, Zephaniah isn’t referring to Phil Driscoll in today’s verse. Instead, he is reminding the people of the trumpets that were played in times of war. There were different trumpets and different sounds played to give signals and warnings. Now, they are going to hear God’s trumpet as He brings judgment on the land.


God may not sound a trumpet to give us warnings, but we have every warning sign we need in His Word. All throughout its pages God tells us how to live and the consequences if we don’t. It would be nice if we had red lights that flashed and got buzzed with an electric current every time we came close to straying, but God gives us that infamous free will, doesn’t He?

The only way we can stay holy is to follow His Word. I love 2 Peter 1:3-4. “3 for His divine power has granted to us everything pertaining to life and godliness, through the true knowledge of Him who called us by His own glory and excellence. 4 Through these He has granted to us His precious and magnificent promises, so that by them you may become partakers of the divine nature, having escaped the corruption that is in the world on account of lust.”

So, what is our excuse? It says very clearly that He has given us everything we need to live godly lives. We want trumpets to blare and sound the warning. We want God to reach down and jerk us away from sin. We have to make the choice – the choice to live holy, to live in purity. Will you today?

Take my life, lead me Lord, take my life, lead me Lord!

Accountability, Accused, Bible, Confession, Destruction, God's Will, Guilt, Integrity, Judgment, Modeling, Rebuke, Scripture


MICAH 3:12 

“Therefore, on account of you, Zion will be plowed like a field, Jerusalem will become a heap of ruins, and the mountain of the temple will become high places of a forest.” 

No one likes to be accused of something, especially if you are innocent. But what if you are guilty? You know you did it. You deserve the blame. Perhaps you have gotten “away with it” for a while, maybe even years. But now it is out. Your sin has been discovered and has cost others. 

This is exactly where the leaders of Israel and Judah find themselves. Their guilt has been exposed. God knew all the time but is just now bringing forth the charges. The judgment is falling. It cost not only them but the entire nation because the people had followed them right into destruction. 


I see two lessons here for us today. One, be careful who you follow. Too many of us are tunnel-visioned. As long as the church looks good on the outside and has all the latest and greatest programs and technology, we think they are on top of it. After all, can’t we trust someone in ministry? Just check your paper or internet stories, and you will find that not to be true. 

Secondly, we must have someone in our lives who can and will hold us accountable. When no one is watching over us, we can resort to all kinds of fleshly decisions. We make our decisions on what “feels” right instead of what God says. Oh, the danger in that. 

I am so glad I am part of a few accountability groups. I meet weekly with two groups and another once per month. I help lead a group of men through our Every Man A Warrior study which demands accountability. If you are not aware of this study, check it out at There is no better way to get a man to go deep with God and be a responsible disciple maker.  

Lord, I am so thankful for the men You have put in my life who will hold me accountable. 

Accountability, Accused, Bible, Cleansing, Confrontation, Deception, Despair, Destruction, Evangelism, Gospel, Integrity, Leading, Scripture, Witnessing


MICAH 3:10

“Who build Zion with bloodshed, and Jerusalem with malice.”

In one of my earliest ministry experiences, I worked with a person who was in leadership on the campus where I served. That person would take gifts meant for the children we served and take them home for their grandchildren. They would also take pool chemicals purchased for the campus to use in their own pool a home. Dishonest gain!

Micah continues his prophecies against the leaders of Israel and Judah. They had made their way to the top by stepping all over the “little people.” The poor and less fortunate were used by these leaders so they could gain more wealth and prestige. It did not matter who they hurt to get ahead.


There is nothing much worse than someone who will take advantage or steal from the poor. They must not have a conscience. Wickedness pours out of them. They do not care who they use, as long as they get what they want. We believers should be able to spot those individuals a mile off.

So, how do we deal with people like that? Just like Jesus. What did He do? He loved them (He even died for them), but He did not join in with them. He dealt with the Pharisees and Sadducees often. Many of these got their positions by these very means – using others. Jesus knew that. He confronted them of their sins. But He still loved them.

Loving someone like that is hard, but we are called to do just that. How else will they hear and see the Gospel. They may spurn your words. They may even threaten you. That is okay. You have planted the seed which can grow later. It is our calling to spread the good news to everyone. Will you do that today? Who knows that person just might repent and come to Christ because of a word you shared?

Thank You, Lord, for cleansing me of my selfishness. Give me a love for the unlovable so they can hear Your message of forgiveness.

Accountability, Bible, Conceit, Deceit, Godliness, Guilt, Integrity, Modeling, Scripture, Truth


MICAH 2:11

“‘If someone walking after wind and falsehood had lied and said, “I will prophesy to you about wine and liquor,” he would become a prophet to this people.’”

We probably all remember the childhood rant, “Liar, liar, pants on fire.” We would say that to people we caught lying about something. There is nothing good about lying. It always leads to a bad end. We find ourselves lying about the lie we just told, and then we get confused about what we said. It is a never-ending circle of lies.

These lying prophets lied for one purpose – to satisfy the ears of the people. They prophesied health and wealth. They prophesied nothing but good times. When God says they prophesied “about wine and liquor,” He is saying they are telling the people that the land will be plentiful, and they will enjoy the fruit of the vine. They found out differently.


Application is always important when we look at a verse or passage of Scripture. Why else read it? Here, the application is clear. Tell the truth! Do not lie to people. Even bad news is better told than lying to cover it up. People need to know the truth, no matter how hard it might be.

But let’s think about that for a second. You also need to “speak the truth in love.” (Ephesians 4:15) We should never use the truth to hurt someone else. Some of us remember the line from “A Few Good Men.” Jack Nicholson said to Tom Cruise, “You can’t handle the truth!” Be tender when you speak truth to others. There is never any reason to be harsh in truth telling.

I am thankful that my God is truthful. He is truth and nothing but the truth. I can always depend on Him to tell me the truth. I discover His truth from His Word. Jesus tells us, “the truth shall set us free.” (John 8:32) We all want the truth. Will you accept it today?

I am so glad You only speak truth to me, Lord. I know Your truth will remain.

Abiding, Accountability, Advice, Bible, Blameless, Disciplemaking, Following, Integrity, Modeling, Obedience


AMOS 5:10

“They hate him who rebukes in the gate, and they despise him who speaks with integrity.”

When I worked for decades in the child welfare field, the one thing I talked about more than anything else was the need to teach the children we served how to have integrity. If one has integrity, all the other areas of their life will be okay. Integrity is crucial for healthy relationships.

However, as Amos points out in today’s verse, people don’t want to hear that. It was true in Amos’ day, and it is true in ours. Being honest about things causes those who are dishonest to be uncomfortable. They don’t like the light of integrity shining on their sins.


So, should we stop showing integrity because it makes people feel uncomfortable? No way! We have to stand for what is true and right and just, no matter how the world responds. Jesus warned us that the world would hate us. Why should we be surprised when they do?

The only way we can be sure that we are showing integrity is by staying in God’s Word. It is the only trustworthy source to rely on. By living according to it, we can be sure to show integrity in all we do. If we follow Jesus’ example, we are definitely going to do that.

Integrity is so important for we believers to practice. In a world that doesn’t see it much, we need to shine the light of truth. Integrity means owning up to our own mistakes when we make them also. Being vulnerable is risky, but when we do, that may just point someone in the direction of Christ.

Lord, help me show integrity in everything I do. I will mistakes but give me the strength to correct them and make things right.
