Abiding, Bible, Examples, Following, God's Will, Leading, Scripture



“If we live by the Spirit, let’s follow the Spirit as well.”

I can’t help but think about the childhood game of “Follow the Leader” when I read this verse. That was such fun as a child, especially when you got to lead. Over and under things, up and down others. The leader would often make it challenging, but if you followed the path of the leader and watched what they did, you could make it.

Paul tells the Galatians here since they are alive in Christ through their acceptance of Him as Savior and Lord, they should also follow Christ’s example. The Greek word translated “follow” is only used five times in the New Testament. It means to “walk in line, in strict accordance to a particular pace (‘stride’); walk in cadence, ‘keep in step.’” (HELPS Word-studies) It can also be defined as “to be in rows, fig. to walk by rule.” (NAS Exhaustive Concordance). So, you see it wasn’t just to follow Christ. It was to follow exactly.


How in the world does the Lord expect us to do that? I can’t live just like Jesus. He is the Son of God. Sure, He had an earthly body, but He had superpowers. Right? I can’t turn water into wine. I can’t heal leprosy by touching someone. I can’t raise the dead. Or can’t I? Now, hold on. Don’t think I have lost my mind. Hear me out. No, hear the Word out.

In John 14:12-14, Jesus says, “‘12 Truly, truly I say to you, the one who believes in Me, the works that I do, he will do also; and greater works than these he will do; because I am going to the Father. 13 And whatever you ask in My name, this I will do, so that the Father may be glorified in the Son. 14 If you ask Me anything in My name, I will do it.’” What a promise! I am not going to go build a whole, new denomination of churches on that, but I am told He can do anything through me.

You see, that right there is the key. It is Him working through me to do these things. It is not me. So, when He tells me to follow Him exactly, He empowers me to do so. He will not force me to march like a robot. We have that irritating free will. But if we will allow Him to work in our lives, we can do anything for Him. Isn’t that awesome?

Follow! follow! I will follow Jesus!
Anywhere, everywhere, I will follow on!
Follow! follow! I will follow Jesus!
Everywhere He leads me I will follow on!

Bible, Following, Holy Spirit, Leading, Scripture, Submission



“But if you are led by the Spirit, you are not under the Law.”

There have been many decisions that I have made in my life as a believer that were not led by the Spirit. I simply chose to do what I wanted to do because I wanted to do it. Those decisions seldom if ever turned out for the best. But whenever my wife and I prayed about a matter and listened to the Spirit’s direction, things turned out better. I am not saying it was always the easiest way, but it was the better way.

Paul knew all too well the controlling power of the Law. He knew how it bound people to a rigid, unforgiving, impossible lifestyle. Once he was set free by Jesus on that Damascus road, Paul couldn’t wait to tell others about this freedom. Read Acts 9 sometime and see how Paul responded. He says in today’s verse that we are to be “led by the Spirit.” What does that mean?


Being led somewhere is very different than being driven or pushed somewhere. Let me give you an example. Get a piece of string and lay it on a table so it’s straight. Now place your finger on one end of that string and push it towards the other end. What happens? The string just bunches up in a wad. Now, straighten it out again and this time, place your finger on one end and pull the string away from the other end. What happens? The rest of the string follows. That’s “being led.”

In Luke 4:1, we see Jesus being led by the Spirit. “Now Jesus, full of the Holy Spirit, returned from the Jordan and was led around by the Spirit in the wilderness.” The Spirit doesn’t always lead us somewhere that is comfortable. He led Jesus into the wilderness to be tempted by Satan. Jesus submitted to the Spirit in order to show Satan who was boss!

Over in Romans 8:14 Paul says, “For all who are being led by the Spirit of God, these are sons and daughters of God.” We should follow the one God has sent to dwell within us. Do you understand that the God of the universe indwells you through the Holy Spirit? That person of the trinity lives in each of us if we have accepted Jesus as our Savior. So, follow Him.

Forgive me, Lord, when I buck up and refuse to follow Your Spirit. I know He only wants what is best for me. 

Advice, Allegiance, Allies, Authority, Bible, Church, Counsel, Direction, God's Will, Leading, Scripture



“But I did not see another one of the apostles except James, the Lord’s brother.”

I have had the privilege to work with some fine men through my lifetime. I won’t begin to name names for fear of leaving someone off the list. Some of these came to me through my work environment. Others came through church or a men’s group. Some I chose, and others chose me. Funny how that works, isn’t it?

As Paul made his journey to visit with Peter, he had the opportunity to meet with a lot of different people. Jerusalem was still the hub of Christianity at this time. Surely there were more apostles present besides Peter and the one named in today’s verse – James. Scholars disagree whether this was the James, the son of Alpheus and cousin of Jesus, or James, the actual brother of Jesus born to Joseph and Mary. Irregardless, this James was a leader of the young church there in Jerusalem and someone who could come alongside Paul.


We have another reference to James in the book of Acts that is quite interesting. In Acts 15, there is a council held in Jerusalem. You really need to read verses 1-21 to get the full picture, but here is Paul and Barnabas before the council giving evidence of the work of God among the Gentiles and seeking the church’s approval of their methods.  After some discussion and Peter’s speech, James speaks up. He is obviously the leader of the church by this time. Verse 19 says, “‘Therefore it is my judgement…’” This is James giving his judgment.

Why do I bring this up? Why point to this passage while discussing Galatians 1:19? Paul had no idea how God would use this James in latter years. But here we have evidence of James’ leadership. That leadership, that respect from the other apostles, gave James the role he held in Acts 15. God led Paul to James early in his ministry in order to seek counsel from the future leader of the church.

From whom do you seek counsel? Do you ask the Lord about that before you seek it? You know, He may direct you to someone you would never think of. He may put someone in your path who has just the right words for you. Don’t just go to your buddy or pal or best friend. Seek counsel from those you respect as a leader in your church. Go to an elder or deacon whom you have observed for a while. God’s counsel is not spoken through just anyone. Be selective and watch how God works.

Lord, You have blessed me with many great counselors in my lifetime. Help me be that for others.

Advice, Battles, Bible, Commands, God's Will, Leading, Obedience, Preparations, Scripture, Wisdom



“‘Are these not the words which the LORD proclaimed by the former prophets, when Jerusalem was inhabited and carefree along with its cities around it, and the Negev and the foothills were inhabited?’”

I can’t recall the number of times I have been given good advice which I ignored in favor of doing something my way. I knew the person giving the advice knew what they were talking about. They had been there and done that. They spoke from experience. But I thought their idea was outdated or too simplistic. I usually had to come back around to their way of thinking to deal with the issue at hand.

The Lord, in this verse, is telling Zechariah basically that. He was saying, “Didn’t Isaiah and Jeremiah tell you all this? They gave you My words, which you ignored. You were all fat and sassy and thought nothing could touch you. You didn’t heed my advice.” The Hebrew literally says, “Should you not have obeyed the words I declared?”


In Luke 6 Jesus tells us the parable of the two houses. One was built on a firm foundation. The other on sand. You know the story, right? The storm comes and dashes against the houses. The one built on the firm foundation stood while the other one collapsed. But do you know the verse that set up this story?

Luke 6:46 says, “Now why do you call Me, “Lord, Lord,” and do not do what I say?’” Obedience to His words, to His advice, to His commands is so important. Why? He is trying to help us prepare for the storms of life. He can see what we cannot see. He knows exactly when the storm will arrive. We would do well to heed His words.

My wife hates thunder and lightning. Anytime it is forecast for our area she watches it closely on the weather app. On that app you can look at the weather radar and can predict when those storms will arrive and how long they will last. What you can’t predict is the damage they will do. So, you must prepare, right? Try applying that to your spiritual life. God has that radar and knows the storms are coming. Get ready. He wants you prepared. That is only done when we listen to His Word.

I know Your Word can show me how to prepare for the storms of life. I will look to it for my guidance.

Accountability, Accused, Advice, Bible, Blasphemy, Deception, Defiled, Elders, Following, Leading, Scripture



“Her prophets are insolent, treacherous men; her priests have profaned the sanctuary. They have done violence to the Law.”

When I read this verse, my mind instantly went to the stories of the preachers who buy their multi-million dollar jets. They have mansions and are covered with fine clothes and jewelry. Many of them have been caught stealing from the churches they are supposed to serve. They are wolves in sheep clothing.

The same held true for the priests in Jerusalem. Zephaniah describes them as insolent, treacherous, profane and violent. Not a good way to be described. I am sure Zephaniah put himself in danger saying these words. These men who he is prophesying against would not take kindly to being called those names. But truth must be told.


This behavior was nothing new. We see it in 1 Samuel concerning the sins of the sons of Eli. In 2:17 it says, “And so the sin of the young men was very great before the LORD, for the men treated the offering of the LORD disrespectfully.” The saying goes that power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely. Men who hold positions of power have to be careful how they use that power.

And we must be aware of who we sit up under as our spiritual leaders. We must check what they say and do against Scripture. Only the Word is the complete truth. Our spiritual life is too important to be held captive by someone who corrupts the Word and leads falsely. This is a Biblical concept found in Acts 17:11 when the Bereans checked out Paul and Silas. “Now these people were more noble-minded than those in Thessalonica, for they received the word with great eagerness, examining the Scriptures daily to see whether these things were so.” 

I am not saying all preachers are bad. Far from that. Most of these men are humble servants who only want to love their people. Follow these men. They are men who heed to the words in 1 Peter 5:1-3. “1 Therefore, I urge elders among you, as your fellow elder and a witness of the sufferings of Christ, and one who is also a fellow partaker of the glory that is to be revealed: 2 shepherd the flock of God among you, exercising oversight, not under compulsion but voluntarily, according to the will of God; and not with greed but with eagerness; 3 nor yet as domineering over those assigned to your care, but by proving to be examples to the flock.” These are men worth following.

Lord, protect Your servants from the schemes of the devil. Keep their eyes clearly focused on You.

Advice, Bible, Leading, Modeling, Obedience, Relationships, Scripture



“Her leaders within her are roaring lions, her judges are wolves at evening; they have no bones to gnaw in the morning.”

I have had the privilege to have served under some great leaders. I have known others who led well. I have always tried to learn from these role models. However, others I have known have not led well. Their employees were uncontented. The turnover rate was high. What made the difference between these two types of leaders? Integrity!

Jerusalem’s leaders and judges were treating the people horribly. Zephaniah compares them to lions and wolves. Not exactly a great compliment. They were taking advantage of their positions and causing harm to the people. People were starving, and they were feasting. For this, they would be judged more harshly.


If you are a leader in your church or place of work, you have the responsibility to lead well. James 3:1 gives us a warning. “Do not become teachers in large numbers, my brothers, since you know that we who are teachers will incur a stricter judgment.” Teachers are leaders. God holds us to a higher standard. Why? Because we are leading others. They are trusting us to lead well.

Another great verse about the importance of good and godly leaders is Proverbs 11:14. “Where there is no guidance the people fall, but in an abundance of counselors there is victory.” Isn’t that good? We need good leaders, not leaders who use their power to put people down. Pray for your leaders. Ask the Lord to give them wisdom.

I have been in some type of leadership role for the past four decades. I have to admit that I have not always led well. I have allowed my ego to get in the way at times. But God has forgiven me of those failures and has put a servant leadership heart in me. I try to lead by serving now. Will you do that? Allow Jesus to show you how He led and imitate Him.

Lord, without Your guidance I will fail as a leader. Show me how to lead and love well.

Abiding, Allegiance, Battles, Bible, Commands, Enemies, Judgment, Leading



“Now muster yourselves in troops, daughter of troops; they have laid siege against us; with a rod they will strike the judge of Israel on the cheek.”

I recently read this great book by David Hosaflook about Marin Barleti’s first-hand account of the siege of Shkodra. It was a detailed description of the horrors of the siege. The assault on that city was a terrible loss of life and property. Reading about the way, however, the people of Shkodra fought was inspiring.

Now, the Lord tells the people that the siege is coming. They knew about sieges. They had faced them before. They could only imagine how bad it would get, but this was their own doing. They had dishonored their God and had to face the consequences.


Sometimes in our lives we feel we are under siege. It seems the whole world has gathered its forces against us and is battering down the front door. Bills pile up. The car breaks down. Your child gets suspended from school. I could go on and on, but you get the picture.

In times like these, we must do as the Lord told the people – we must muster our troops. What does that mean? We look to our commander. No troops are effective without a leader. We have one in Jesus Christ. He knows the best defense. He knows the best offense. He will guide us through these hard times, if we will let Him.

I have gone through my share of hard times, some harder than others. I have not always looked to my commander. At times, I have tried to muster my own troops and lead myself. That usually ended with another defeat. But when I looked to Jesus and rested in Him, I got through that battle. You can too if you will just look to Him.

I am grateful for Your Son, Jesus, leading me in my hardest times. He is forever faithful.

Accountability, Accused, Bible, Cleansing, Confrontation, Deception, Despair, Destruction, Evangelism, Gospel, Integrity, Leading, Scripture, Witnessing


MICAH 3:10

“Who build Zion with bloodshed, and Jerusalem with malice.”

In one of my earliest ministry experiences, I worked with a person who was in leadership on the campus where I served. That person would take gifts meant for the children we served and take them home for their grandchildren. They would also take pool chemicals purchased for the campus to use in their own pool a home. Dishonest gain!

Micah continues his prophecies against the leaders of Israel and Judah. They had made their way to the top by stepping all over the “little people.” The poor and less fortunate were used by these leaders so they could gain more wealth and prestige. It did not matter who they hurt to get ahead.


There is nothing much worse than someone who will take advantage or steal from the poor. They must not have a conscience. Wickedness pours out of them. They do not care who they use, as long as they get what they want. We believers should be able to spot those individuals a mile off.

So, how do we deal with people like that? Just like Jesus. What did He do? He loved them (He even died for them), but He did not join in with them. He dealt with the Pharisees and Sadducees often. Many of these got their positions by these very means – using others. Jesus knew that. He confronted them of their sins. But He still loved them.

Loving someone like that is hard, but we are called to do just that. How else will they hear and see the Gospel. They may spurn your words. They may even threaten you. That is okay. You have planted the seed which can grow later. It is our calling to spread the good news to everyone. Will you do that today? Who knows that person just might repent and come to Christ because of a word you shared?

Thank You, Lord, for cleansing me of my selfishness. Give me a love for the unlovable so they can hear Your message of forgiveness.

Advocate, Bible, Calling, Commands, Disciplemaking, Encouragement, Leading



“The word of the LORD which came to Micah of Moresheth in the days of Jotham, Ahaz, and Hezekiah, kings of Judah, and which he saw regarding Samaria and Jerusalem.”

How can we, as mere citizens, impact a nation for Christ? We often complain and moan about what the elected officials are doing. So, how do we change that? I have friends who have served or are serving in some elected position. I pray for them. I pray for God’s wisdom as they make decisions. I also pray for those elected officials whom I did not vote for. I pray that, too, will make decisions based on godly advice.

As we begin this study in Micah, we notice in verse one that Micah had influence over three kings of Judah. That’s a lot of opportunities. It’s interesting that while Jotham and Hezekiah were known as good leaders and good men, Ahaz took a different trek. He was an evil man and a very poor leader. But through the reign of all three of these men, Micah prophesied to Samaria and Judah. His heart was for his country and his God.


We have opportunities every day to impact our communities for Christ. How is that possible? One, by praying for our leaders. Two, by sharing Jesus with those around us. They may have ways to impact your city that you are not even aware of. And three, by being the best leader you can be when given the chance.

Many of us will never lead. We are followers. That’s okay. We can’t all be chiefs, as they say. We need some Indians, lol. But we all can lead our families. We can lead in our churches. We can ask the Lord for leadership opportunities. If you want to change a culture for Christ, our men must be taught to lead and lead well. They need to know the tools so they can lead.

I am serving now with a ministry called Every Man A Warrior (EMAW), the Men’s ministry of Trans World Radio (TWR). Our goals are to help men walk with God, succeed in life and multiply spiritually. We want to build men who can lead other men and change our world for Jesus. Will you pray for us as we strive to do that? Check out our website at www.everymanawarrior.com. You can take a look at my ministry site at www.twr.org/carl-willis.

Father, let me be an influencer rather than someone who is influenced by others. I want to see lives change for Christ.

Advice, Belief, Bible, Direction, Following, God's Will, Judgment, Leading, Obedience, Repentance, Restoration, Scripture



“Then Jonah left the city and sat down east of it. There he made a shelter for himself and sat under it in the shade, until he could see what would happen in the city.”

I know people who are directionally challenged. They could not tell you which way was east if their life depended on it. On a recent trip I made to Albania, I got out my trusty phone compass to identify which direction east was so I could watch for the next morning’s sunrise. I had made a lot of turns that day and was a bit confused on the direction. I like that little compass.

In Scripture, going east is used to show men moving away from God. Going east represents the world. Going west represents holiness. Jonah went east (away from God). He had probably waited the forty days of his prophecy and then went out to see what would happen. He still seemed to have hope that God would strike Nineveh for their sins, even though they had repented.


What direction are you going? East or west? Are you moving away from God or towards Him? Let me tell you something. Going east does not solve anything. We need to always be moving west towards God. Now, I do not mean we need to literally move west. I am speaking symbolically here.

Many times, something bad happens and we withdraw from God. We do not understand His actions or lack of action. For instance, the recent school shooting in Texas has people both crying out to God and blaming God. God did not cause that shooting. Get that out of your head. God has no part of evil. But evil exists in this world. We must cling to God in the presence of evil and trust Him to get us through these kinds of tragedies.

I choose west. I choose to move towards God, no matter the ramifications. I know I can trust Him. I know He knows what is best for me. Even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will trust Him. Will you join me on my westward journey?

I will move towards You, Lord. Westward I will go!
