Access, Accountability, Battles, Bible, Devil, Opponents, Satan, Scripture, Security, Testimony



“But we did not yield in subjection to them, even for an hour, so that the truth of the gospel would remain with you.”

There are some things in life which you just can’t allow for a second. You can’t allow a match to be struck in a room filled with propane. The result would be devastating. Neither would you allow a fox into your chicken coop. There would be feathers and blood everywhere. Some things just can’t be tolerated. Period.

Paul goes on in verse 5 of chapter 2 to explain his complete denial of any suggestions or influence from those wanting to impose the Mosaic law on the Gentiles, thus altering the Gospel he has been preaching. Albert Barnes says this about this verse. “We did not submit to this at all. We did not yield even for the shortest time. We did not waver in our opposition to their demands, or in the slightest degree become subject to their wishes.” In other words, we do not give them an inch for we know they would take a mile.


This verse is so applicable to us today. You may not see it at first glance but look again at what Paul is saying. We cannot allow the world to influence the Gospel. We must influence the world with the Gospel. Paul did say in 1 Corinthians 9:22b, “I have become all things to all people, so that I may by all means save some.” I would encourage you to read that verse in context (verses 19-23) to get the full picture of what Paul is saying. He is not saying to take on the behaviors of those people.

We must relate to people and our world without becoming them. I can share the Gospel with someone without lowering my standards or accepting their vices. Ephesians 5:8 tells us, “for you were once darkness, but now you are light in the Lord; walk as children of light.” We have to hold the torch of Christ high even though the world is doing everything it can to blow that flame out.

If the Lord has called you to someone or a group of people who do not hold to the truth of the Gospel, hold firm. Do not give in to their promptings to reduce the demands of the Gospel. Keep it simple and clear but hold the line. Don’t give in for a second. Satan loves to find those little cracks in the armor. Stand firm.

O Father, I will not give in with Your help. You sustain me and lift me up.

Access, Battles, Bible, Deliverance, Evil, Fear, God's Will, Hate, Love, Scripture



“‘but I have hated Esau, and I have made his mountains a desolation and given his inheritance to the jackals of the wilderness.’”

I was leaving my home the other night, when out of nowhere this coyote ran across the street. Mind you, I don’t live out in the rural area of town. I live in a very urban area, surrounded by interstates and houses. Where did this little bugger come from? Better yet, where did he go?

In verse 3 of chapter 1 of Malachi, the Lord is pronouncing a judgment on Esau. Remember him, the twin brother of Jacob? The word “hate” is a strong word which we take in a very negative way. The fact is God had chosen Jacob in the womb to be the father of Israel. Esau could have done nothing to change that. His region and people would be destroyed five years after the Babylonians defeated Jerusalem.


We make choices in life. Esau chose to go in another way. But after the story of him reconciling with Jacob, there isn’t much mentioned of him. It’s almost as if he just wandered into the wilderness where those jackals lived. The Hebrew word for “jackal” comes from the Hebrew tan, which means hideous monster or land creature. Are you living among the monsters? You don’t have to.

1 John 4:18 tells us, “There is no fear in love, but perfect love drives out fear, because fear involves punishment, and the one who fears is not perfected in love.” The Lord wants to bring you in from the wilderness. There is no reason to fear. There is no reason to live among the jackals. He has made you a home, a safe home, a refuge.

I love Psalm 18. Verse 2 says, “The LORD is my rock and my fortress and my savior, My God, my rock, in whom I take refuge; My shield and the horn of my salvation, my stronghold.” So, come in from the wilderness of sin and strife. Put your full trust in Jesus, Who came to give you peace.

Father, You are my rescuer. You have delivered me from the wilderness and the jackals.

Access, Allegiance, Bible, Calling, Children, Dependence, Faithfulness, Obedience, Promises, Scripture



“I will whistle for them and gather them together, for I have redeemed them; and they will be as numerous as they were before.”

My dad was a great whistler. I did not inherit that trait. My wife makes fun of me every time I try to whistle. I would love to be able to whistle. It would come in handy from time to time to call a dog or maybe even a child. But I did not get than gene, lol.

In today’s verse, God just whistles and His children come. This same Hebrew word is used when God called the quail for His children and the bees to drive out their enemy. It is only used twelve times in the Old Testament. That might make a great word study for you sometime. The point is though, the people had to be somewhat attentive to the whistle of God to respond. I am sure His whistle was quite unique.


I have never heard God whistle, but I have heard Him call my name. When I was sixteen, He called me to salvation. A few months later, I knew He called me to full time ministry. All through my life, at critical points, God has called me. Let’s just say He whistled, and I responded. How about you? Have you heard that unique whistle or call by God?

John 1:12 says, “To all who did receive Him, to all who believe in His name, He gave the right to be called children of God.” To receive and believe, you have to hear His whistle, His call. When we respond to that, we receive that promise – to be called His kids. I am God’s kid. He’s my Father. When He calls, I am supposed to come, just like any child should. When He whistles, I should listen for His direction.

Are you going to be listening for God’s whistle? When He calls, are you going to obey? It is pretty simple. He calls, we come. He whistles, we turn our attention to Him to see what’s next. When I played football in Junior High and High School, the coaches all had whistles they would blow to get our attention. We had better respond or there were consequences (extra laps, etc). There are dire consequences if we do not respond to God’s whistle. Listen up!

I am listening, O Lord, to hear Your whistle, Your call.

Access, Answers, Asking, Bible, Confession, Forgiveness, God's Will, Hearing, Prayer, Scripture



“‘And just as He called and they would not listen, so they called and I would not listen,’ says the LORD of armies;”

Don’t you just hate it when you text someone, and they don’t text you back? In days past, you would write a letter and wait for a response. Later on, you would call and leave a message on an answering machine, expecting a return call. Our frustration with not receiving a response hasn’t changed, has it? We still want to hear back, and the sooner the better.

So, when the Lord said these words to Zechariah to deliver to the people, they must have stung. The Lord of armies (also known as the Lord of Hosts) says “they called and I would not listen.” Why? Because their unrepentant sin had cut off communication. It was as if the phone line to heaven had been cut. They called out, but no one answered. I bet the silence was deafening.


Do you want God to hear your prayers? Then stay “prayed up.” Confess your sins quickly and completely. Name them. Ask Him to reveal to you those secret sins you keep tucked away. Psalm 90:7-8 tells us. “7 For we have been consumed by Your anger,

and we have been terrified by Your wrath. 8 You have placed our guilty deeds before You, our hidden sins in the light of Your presence.”

Did you catch that last phrase? It said, “our hidden sins.” Another translation says, “our secret sins.” Come on, you know you have them. What have you not confessed to the Lord? What is that secret sin you are holding on to? I know you don’t want to cut off communication with heaven. No one wants that.

Our approach to the altar makes all the difference. If we come as the Israelites did with pride and arrogance, God will not hear. But if we come in humility and brokenness, He promises to hear and answer. God wants to work in our lives. He really wants to. Clear the slate. Confess those sins. Allow Him to work in the ways He wants. You won’t be sorry.

Thank You, Lord, for hearing my confessions. I want to keep our lines of communication wide open.

Access, Asking, Bible, Cleansing, Cross, Direction, Escape, Forgiveness, God's Will, Heaven, Salvation, Scripture



“So I said to the angel who was speaking with me, ‘Where are they taking the ephah?’”

If you have children, you have probably put up with “explorations.” We put up baby gates and all sorts of contraptions to try to keep the little buggers contained. But lo and behold, they would find ways to escape. I can remember sitting and watching my children trying to figure out how to get loose. I would jokingly ask them, “Where do you think you’re going?”

Zechariah just watched the two winged women swoop down and pick up the ephah with the woman (wickedness) inside and fly away. His first thought was “Where are they going?” I don’t think he was concerned about the woman’s welfare. He was just curious about their destination. By this time, Zechariah wasn’t afraid to ask anything of that angel. (Come back tomorrow to see where they take her.)


As I was thinking of an application for this verse, the thought came to me – what happens to our sins? Where does God carry them? We have the answer right in Scripture. Psalm 103:11-12 says, “11 For as high as the heavens are above the earth, so great is His mercy toward those who fear Him. 12 As far as the east is from the west, so far has He removed our wrongdoings from us.”

That’s a long way! You can’t get to the east by traveling west or vice versa. You just keep traveling in the direction you are going, whether that be heading east or heading west. In other words, you can’t get back that sin once it has been forgiven. It’s gone. Now, you may choose to sin again, but it won’t be that same sin. It will be a brand new one.

God could pile all our sins up in one big heap in heaven (mine would be mountainous) and show them all to us when we get there. But no, He removes them. So, we don’t have to ask that question I asked earlier. We know where He carries our sins – to the cross, where they are forgiven forever. Amen? Amen!

Burdens are lifted at Calvary, Calvary, Calvary
Burdens are lifted at Calvary, Jesus is very near

Access, Angels, Belief, Bible, Confession, Death, Forgiveness, Glory, Heaven, Life, Salvation, Scripture



“‘The LORD of armies says this: “If you walk in My ways and perform My service, then you will both govern My house and be in charge of My courtyards, and I will grant you free access among these who are standing here.”’”

What does “free access” mean to you? I picture going to an amusement park and having a ticket that allows you to ride all the rides, eat all the food you want, drink all you want and having reserved parking in the parking lot. But even with that you still would not be allowed behind the scenes of these rides or in the offices of those who made all the decisions.

The LORD of armies is saying through the angel that if Joshua would “walk in My ways and perform My service” then he would have free access. But to where? He would be promised to be with the angels who were around him when he died. Eternal life, promised heaven. Who wouldn’t jump at that offer, right?


We are promised the same if… Our “if” is receiving Jesus Christ as our Lord and Savior. There is no other way to gain free access to glory. Jesus tells us that in John 14:6. “Jesus said to him, ‘I am the way, and the truth, and the life; no one comes to the Father except through Me.’”

Paul says something similar in Romans 10:9. “…that if you confess with your mouth Jesus as Lord, and believe in your heart that God raised Him from the dead, you will be saved;…”

You can’t get much plainer than that. Free access comes one way – through Jesus. Let me ask that question again. Who wouldn’t jump at that offer, right?

You may be surprised. Many think coming to Jesus will cramp their lifestyle. They will have to give up too much. They don’t understand the freedom they could have in Christ. That’s where you come in. You have to tell them. You have to show them. You have to live in such a way that they come to you asking you about your freedom. Free access is available to all. Help others come to it.

I am free, Father, to live my life pleasing You. I can’t wait to see You face-to-face.
