Attention, Attitude, Bible, Boasting, Compassion, Envy, Favoritism, God's Will, Goodness, Humility, Jealousy, Scripture



“But from those who were of considerable repute (what they were makes no difference to me; God shows no favoritism)—well, those who were of repute contributed nothing to me.”

I grew up with three siblings – an older brother and sister and a younger sister. Of course, I was mama’s favorite, lol. Just kidding! My mama never really showed any favoritism that I knew of. Each of her children were precious to her, and she showered each of us with her love and affection. She had enough love for us all.

Paul makes an interesting statement here in today’s verse – “God shows no favoritism.” Actually, the literal Greek says, “a person’s face God does not accept.” Isn’t that strange? But this goes back to a Hebrew saying about accepting a man’s face or showing partiality. Paul is saying this in relation to the apostles he met with in Jerusalem. He is saying that God did not see James and Peter as better than him. They were all equal in God’s sight.


We are commanded throughout the Word to do exactly what God does. In Acts 10:34 we read, “Opening his mouth, Peter said: ‘I most certainly understand now that God is not one to show partiality,’” This was in the story of Peter and the Centurion, Cornelius, who had the vision and sent for Peter. This experience changed Peter’s outlook on the Gentiles.

Also, we see in Romans 2:11, “For there is no partiality with God.” Neither the Jew nor the Greek were seen as better than the other in God’s eyes. Christ died for both. I was sitting in a coffee shop recently people watching with my wife. Why do coffee shops attract such, should I say, “diverse” people? Green dyed hair, white-faced with black lipstick, homeless, etc. As we sat there, my wife and I were quickly reminded that Christ loves each of these people and died for them.

How about James 2:1? “My brothers and sisters, do not hold your faith in our glorious Lord Jesus Christ with an attitude of personal favoritism.” You should really go to James 2 and read verses 1-7 to get the full picture of what James was saying. We have no right to put ourselves above anyone. We are all the same in God’s eyes.

Be honest! Do you ever think you’re just a little bit better than someone else? I can do that if I am not careful. After all, I am serving God. I give to the church and other ministries. I pray and read my Bible. But I have to remember that none of that makes God love me more. I do all that BECAUSE He loves me. And He loves those less fortunate than us. Reach out this week and show His love.

Father, I am eternally grateful for all the love You have shown me.

Asking, Attention, Bible, Blessing, Calling, God's Will, Hearing, Holy Spirit, Inspirational, Listening, Scripture



“Then He called out to me and spoke to me, saying, ‘See, those who are going to the land of the north have appeased My wrath in the land of the north.’”

I was walking through an airport recently and could have sworn I heard someone call my name. It was so clear. I quickly turned my head and scanned the terminal I was walking through. I thought perhaps there was a fellow traveler who knew me. I never did see that person. Maybe it was God calling me.

Zechariah once again hears the angel call his name. Zechariah, listen up. You don’t want to miss this. He is told very clearly that “those who are going to the land of the north” are going to settle things. God had had enough of Babylon’s irreverence. They had taken the sacred vessels from the temple and were using them in their idol worship. Yes, they had been God’s weapon to bring judgment on Israel, but they had gone too far.


Have you heard the voice of God lately? It takes a trained ear. Most people don’t hear God because they are not listening. Isaiah 6:8 is a pretty famous verse about hearing God. “Then I heard the voice of the Lord, saying, ‘Whom shall I send, and who will go for Us?’ Then I said, ‘Here am I. Send me!’” Isaiah heard because he was listening.

I love the message we get from Psalm 95:7b-9. “7b Today, if you will hear His voice, 8 Do not harden your hearts as at Meribah, as on the day of Massah in the wilderness, 9 “When your fathers put Me to the test, they tested Me, though they had seen My work.” You see, the danger of hearing God’s voice is ignoring it because His commands or directions do not line up with what you want.

Are you listening? Better yet, are you obeying? When He calls your name, are you saying as Isaiah did, “Here I am, send me”? Get alone in a quiet place and listen. Ask God to speak to you. Ask Him to show you your sins and confess them to Him. Allow Him to speak deep in your hearts. Then, and this is the most important part, do what He says.

Speak to my heart, Lord Jesus. There’s room in my heart for You,

Attention, Bible, Details, Eyes, Looking, Scripture, Seeing



“And he said to me, ‘What do you see?’ And I said, ‘I see a flying scroll; its length is twenty cubits, and its width ten cubits.’”

Some people have an eye for detail. They can spot a mistake in your grammar a mile away. They can find that flaw on your skin and point it out to you. Some mother-in-laws can see every speck of dust in their daughter-in-law’s house. Some eyes for detail can be constructive, while others more destructive.

Obviously, Zechariah had an eye for detail. When asked by the angel what he saw, he didn’t just say a flying scroll. I would have answered You wouldn’t believe me if I told you. He not only said what he saw, but he gave the dimensions (@30 feet long by 15 feet wide). It was kind of hard to miss, huh?


How is your attention to detail? Can you describe what you see in Scripture? One thing I love about our ministry in Every Man A Warrior is how we teach men to study the Word. We have a specific methodology we teach them to conduct their Quiet Times. Most men don’t have a clue how to tackle this, so we give them the tools they need to have that critical eye of Scripture.

What has the Lord shown you lately in your Quiet Times? Well Carl, I really haven’t seen anything. Really? God is not hiding His truths from you. They are there and ripe for the picking. But you have to spend the time to seek them. After you read a passage ask yourself what the best verse is for you. Is there a command to obey, a sin to avoid, a promise to claim, an application to make or something new about God?

That’s how we teach our men in Every Man A Warrior to dig it out, how to have that eye for detail. Since I began using this method God’s Word has truly become what the Psalmist said in Psalm 12:6. “The words of the LORD are pure words; like silver refined in a furnace on the ground, filtered seven times.”

Father, give me a critical eye for Your Word. I want to find those gems You have for me each day.

Angels, Attention, Belief, Danger, Dreams, Judgment, Looking, Scripture



“Then I raised my eyes again and looked, and behold, there was a flying scroll.”

I have seen a few things in my life that I could hardly believe. Have you? You had to do a double take because what you were seeing did not make sense. You were seeing it, but you were not believing it. Sometimes our eyes can deceive us. And sometimes we just can’t comprehend what we are seeing.

That seems to be the issue in today’s verse. Zechariah is seeing a flying scroll! This flying scroll represented God’s swift judgment that was about to fall upon the people. A scroll was a normal thing. That was what was used to write upon. But to see one unrolled and flying through the air – that was something new. God’s message was written upon it and was coming down from heaven.


Listen carefully – God’s judgment is coming! There is no doubt. His final word will be confirmed. All throughout His Word we have the warnings. Jesus warns us of the coming judgment of God over and over again. In Luke 6:46-49 Jesus gives us a parable about the wise and foolish builders. This is a clear warning about God’s coming judgment.

46 “‘Now why do you call Me, “Lord, Lord,” and do not do what I say? 47 Everyone who comes to Me and hears My words and acts on them, I will show you whom he is like: 48 he is like a man building a house, who dug deep and laid a foundation on the rock; and when there was a flood, the river burst against that house and yet it could not shake it, because it had been well built. 49 But the one who has heard and has not acted accordingly is like a man who built a house on the ground without a foundation; and the river burst against it and it immediately collapsed, and the ruin of that house was great.’”

Who are you in that story? The wise or the foolish builder? One day we will all face God. We cannot fathom that sight right now. It is kind of like seeing a flying scroll. We can’t wrap our brain around the idea of seeing God. But one day we will. The time to get ready to see Him is now. Are you ready?

I cannot wait to see Your face, O Lord. Right now I cannot imagine that, but I am looking forward to the sight.

Accountability, Attention, Belief, Bible, Commands, Faithfulness, Ministry, Power, Scripture



“He stood and caused the earth to shudder; He looked and caused the nations to jump. Yes, the everlasting mountains were shattered, the ancient hills collapsed. His paths are everlasting.”

You’ve all heard the expression when someone is in charge and wants immediate responses. When they say, “Jump,” you are supposed to ask, “How high?” In other words, don’t question the directive. Just do it. Some parents are that way. Some bosses are that way.

Habakkuk describes God that way. Even the earth and the nations respond to God immediately. Habakkuk tells us the mountains are scattered at His voice. The ancient hills collapse. God’s power is incredible. He can literally cause the universe to change. We would do well to remember that as we interact with the Holy of holies.


The world today seems to belittle or limit God. Many do not believe He is capable of the miraculous anymore. Those days are gone or so they think. God has shown off in the past but not anymore. Don’t believe that for a second. He is still up to the incredible.

As I travel the globe in my ministry, I hear stories told of the dead being brought back to life. I hear about villages being supernaturally protected from the evil forces who want to destroy them. God is still about the miraculous. He is not done showing the world who He is and what He is capable of.

And the greatest miracle of all is the miracle He does in the life of a sinner who comes to Jesus. He totally cleanses that person of their sins and gives them a new life in Christ. He sets them on His everlasting path towards glory and gives them a new purpose. That’s miraculous!

Father, forgive me when I doubt Your power in my life. I can do nothing without You.

Accountability, Attention, Bible, Choices, Commands, Confidence, God's Will, Listening, Scripture, Wisdom



“The voice of the LORD will call to the city—and it is sound wisdom to fear Your name: ‘Hear, you tribe. Who has designated its time?’”

My dad was a wise man. He always gave me good advice. Even before he was a believer, I could trust what he said to be true. And once he came to Christ, his wisdom increased because then he had true wisdom. The wisdom of the world does not always match up to the wisdom from God. I miss my wise dad.

In today’s verse, Micah is giving the word of the Lord and says, “and it is sound wisdom to fear Your name.” I like this other translation that reads, “and the man of wisdom shall see thy name.” You see, only the wise can truly recognize the Lord’s voice. Those who are wise according to God’s principles are given that ability to hear Him.


I want to be known as a wise man. That does not mean I have to grow a long beard and sit on a mountain tip dispensing a secret knowledge. No! Being wise in God’s eyes means listening to Him and doing what He says. It means relying on His Word to direct me in all my decisions. It means recognizing that outside of God, I have no wisdom.

I get asked a lot for my “opinion” on things. My opinion does not mean much. However, my wisdom based on God’s Word can carry a lot of weight. That “weight” is solely dependent on the Word of God. I am helpless without His wisdom. I gladly admit that it is my crutch.

I have been told by some people that religion is just a crutch for people. My relationship with Jesus is so much more than a crutch, but He is One that I will willingly lean on. In fact, I dare not walk anywhere without Him. I know my flesh too well. I pray I can be that wise man who hears the Lord when He calls. His is the only voice I should be tuned in to. How about you?

Lord, I want to hear Your voice and do exactly what You say each and every day.

Abiding, Accountability, Attention, Bible, Blessing, Commands, Destruction, Discipline, Following, God's Will, Goodness, Mercy, Scripture



“But God designated a worm when dawn came the next day, and it attacked the plant and it withered.”

I have mentioned several times in my blogs about my gardens that I have had in the past. I loved gardening, especially raised bed gardening. There is just something about planting something, watching it grow and then enjoying the harvest. I wish I had a spot to garden today. I would definitely do it again. But one thing I do not miss is those infernal cut worms. Those worms can literally cut your plants down overnight. They attack the stem and chew it right into. The next morning there is your plant, flat on the ground.

Jonah experienced that. God had appointed a plant to grow up in one day to cover Jonah. He had enjoyed the shade it provided. Then, just as quickly, it was gone. What he perceived as “deserved” was suddenly gone. Now, take note here. God has appointed a large fish, a plant and now a worm. God can truly use anything to send us a message. He commands His creation to this day.


God was trying to get His message across to Jonah. He was not done yet. There is more to come. Why do you think Jonah was not receiving it? Do you think he was a little hard-headed? Sounds just like us, doesn’t it? We are no better than Jonah. We think we have it all figured out. We think we know better than God. If I was God, I would do this. Really?

Now, we may not say that out loud, but our actions speak louder than words. We ignore His precepts. We avoid godly counsel from friends. We go our own way and expect God to bless us. Well, beloved, that is not how it works. God will get our attention if He has to use a fish, plant or worm to do it.

As for me, I prefer to hear from God through His Word and through prayer. That is a lot less painful. I still make plenty of mistakes, but I want to at least go down swinging. I want my mistakes to truly be that – mistakes. I want to try to live for Him every day. I still have to deal with sin while I live in this fallen world. I know that. But I want to be able to say honestly to the Lord, “Today, I am going to follow You.” How about you?

Thank You, Father, for making my path clear. It may not be the easiest path, but it is the surest with You as my guide.

Abiding, Accountability, Attention, Bible, Confession, Discipline, Distress, God's Will, Hearing, Listening, Obedience, Prayer, Scripture



“‘While I was fainting away, I remembered the LORD, and my prayer came to You, into Your holy temple.’”

I have heard of some incredible answers to prayer. I am sure you have also. Some of those answered prayers are just about too good to believe. If I had not known the person and situation personally, I would have never believed it. But God has a way of making believers out of unbelievers, doesn’t He?

Don’t forget our scene – Jonah is still in the belly of that fish. He’s been praying to God for the several verses. In the written book we have what may seem to be a short prayer. This prayer may have been given over that three-day period. Here in today’s verse, he is fainting away. I am assuming he must be towards the end of those three days. No water, no food, no light! He is week and feeble, yet he prays, “and my prayer came to You, into Your holy temple.” Wow!


Even in your lowest hour, when you are at your weakest. None of us have been where Jonah was. So, we can surely pray to the Lord. We don’t have seaweed and stuff floating around us. But we may have other things trying to drown out our access to our holy God. We can’t let anything distract us from praying.

God is always listening, no matter where we are. We must not forget that God placed Jonah in the belly of that fish for a reason. He places us in our “fish’s belly” for a reason also. He wants to draw all our attention to Him.

I don’t know about you, but I prefer to not learn my lessons in a fish’s belly. I want to walk in obedience and do what the Lord asks me to begin with. I have still got a lot to learn about obedience, but I am trying. I am listening. Are you? Or are you content to wallow around in your “fish’s belly”?

Thank You, Lord, for teaching me obedience. I want to learn quickly and do exactly what You tell me.

Attention, Boasting, Commands, Disciplemaking, Evangelism, Relationships, Scripture, Testimony



“So he said to them, ‘I am a Hebrew, and I fear the LORD God of heaven who made the sea and the dry land.’”

I met with a young man recently for the first time. We had only briefly met earlier at a local restaurant, so I did not know anything about him. When we met, I asked him to share his background with me. Why? So, I could get to know him a little better. I needed to understand where he had come from.

After lots were cast and Jonah had been questioned by the sailors as to who he was, Jonah finally begins to reveal himself to them. He said, “I am a Hebrew, and I fear the LORD God of heaven who made the sea and dry land.” In other words, Jonah was saying he knew who was behind this storm. That was not welcomed news.


Have you been revealed? Do others know anything about you. After my new friend shared his background with me recently, I felt like I knew him better. I understood where he was coming from. With that information, I could help direct him in the right direction, perhaps.

Revealing ourselves is difficult. It is especially dangerous when we aren’t sure how we will be affected. We open ourselves up to ridicule and shame. But we have to remember that Jesus revealed Himself even though He knew what the result would be. No one has ever revealed themselves as clearly as Christ.

I am pretty picky as to whom I reveal myself. Trust is not something I give away easily. It has to be earned. That can be earned quickly, as with this new friend I just made. Or it may take some time. But revealing myself is something I must do. That draws others to Jesus. Would you reveal yourself to someone today and share how the Lord has led you?

I am forever grateful, Lord, for You revealing Yourself to me. Help me to do the same for others.

Attention, Bible, Busyness, Calling, Commands, Hearing, Inspirational, Listening, Modeling, Scripture, Surrender



“The word of the LORD came to Jonah the son of Amittai, saying,”

“I give you my word.” We’ve probably heard those words spoken to us a lot over the years. Someone is trying to get you to side with them about something. Perhaps someone is trying to convince you of the reliability of something they are selling you. Whatever the reason, we may just not believe their word is reliable.

BUT…when God says those words, you can take it to the bank. It is dependable. Here, in Jonah 1:1, we see “the word of the LORD came to Jonah.” Don’t read those words and move on. Stop to think about that. The word of the Lord – now that’s something. God spoke to Jonah. He had something to say.


Is God talking to you? You know, He has something to say to each and every one of us. We just have to be listening in order to hear it. That’s our problem. We are so busy, we don’t hear Him. We don’t hear Him telling us to do this or that. We go on our merry way without regard to the Master’s words.

God doesn’t waste His breathe. When He speaks, it is with purpose. God always has a reason behind His words. When He says “Go” we need to go. He’ll tell us where when it’s time. When He says “Give” reach into the back pocket of the guy in front of you and give like you never have. Just kidding. But we need to give “not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver.” (2 Corinthians 9:7)

Listen for God’s word to you today. You can hear Him in His Word as you study. You can hear Him in your prayer time (stop talking and listen). But then, when you hear Him, DO WHAT HE SAYS!!! Amen?

Father, I want to hear Your word today. I want to hear Your instructions for my life.

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