Abiding, Altars, Bible, Provision, Restoration, Sacrifice, Scripture, Temple



“‘Then say to him, “The LORD of armies says this: ‘Behold, there is a Man whose name is Branch, for He will branch out from where He is; and He will build the temple of the LORD.’”’”

When I hear the word “branch” I think of a couple of things – a small stream or creek and a tree limb. Let’s stick with the second idea for today’s verse. Tree limb or branch – can’t you just see that right now? It reaches out to bear fruit or provide shade, depending on the type of tree it is.

But the word used here in Zechariah 6:12 for branch is the Hebrew word tsemach. It means a bud or a sprout. The same word is used in Jeremiah 23:5. “‘Behold, the days are coming,’ declares the LORD, ‘When I will raise up for David a righteous Branch;’” We all know Who that is pointing to, don’t we? Jesus, our Messiah.


The Hebrew meaning really changes how I look at this verse. Jesus started as a lowly, little sprout – a baby. But He grew into a man – the God Man. He is the one referred to here in verse 12, not Zerubbabel, the governor of Judah, as some think. Sure, Zerubbabel was the one lauded for rebuilding the physical temple in Jerusalem. But it did not last, did it? It was destroyed.

Jesus built the spiritual temple, which can never be destroyed. This Branch of David is the one responsible for the eternal stones that were laid. I love how Peter describes us as part of this structure. 1 Peter 2:5 says, “you also, as living stones, are being built up as a spiritual house for a holy priesthood, to offer spiritual sacrifices that are acceptable to God through Jesus Christ.”

Because of my acceptance as Jesus as my Branch, my Savior, My Lord, I have been made a part of the spiritual house. My sacrifices to Him are daily. I offer myself upon the altar daily to be used as He sees fit. A sacrifice’s job is to just lay on the altar, not to give input on how it is used. The High Priest – Jesus – decides that. He is our Branch.

You are my Branch, O God. You delivered me through Your sacrifice.

Abiding, Bible, Blessing, Prayer, Protection, Provision, Scripture, Temple, Trust



“‘What are you, you great mountain? Before Zerubbabel you will become a plain; and he will bring out the top stone with shouts of “Grace, grace to it!”’”

I once helped my dad and other volunteers build additions to the school we were attending. I watched them pour the foundation and begin laying the block. At first, it was kind of exciting. But for a young boy like me, that did not last until…they were laying the last block on the top of the wall. Whew! What a project!

In today’s verse you see the mention of the “top stone.” Zechariah is being told their enemies (great mountain) will be defeated (become a plain). And then the temple, which had long had its foundation cornerstone laid, would have the crowning achievement completed – the laying of the top stone. Scholars agree that this is a reference to Jesus being not only the cornerstone but also the top stone. He is the beginning and the end.


Do you see that in your life? I mean, is Jesus your first and last, the beginning and the end? He should be. He should have your highest priority. You have heard that your priorities should be God, family and then church. That is the order of things. That is how it should be. Jesus should be the crowning achievement in your life, your top stone.

When we don’t place Him first, we lose focus. Putting other things before the Lord never works. Jesus told us in Matthew 6:33, “But seek first His kingdom and His righteousness, and all these things will be provided to you.” Do you believe that? It’s true. He will meet your needs. Just put Him first in your life.

Maybe you have done that, and you still don’t feel He is listening. Hold on, dear one. He is. Keep trusting. He knows exactly where you are. He knows your name. Keep calling out to Him. His timing is always perfect even though we think He is not responding. He is. I promise. Better yet – He promises.

I know You hear my cries, dear Lord. I shall wait for You.

Abiding, Bible, Glorify, Glory, Holy Spirit, Indwelling, Scripture, Temple



“‘I will shake all the nations; and they will come with the wealth of all nations, and I will fill this house with glory,’ says the LORD of armies.”

One of my fondest memories as a child was going to my Grandma Carter’s farm for Thanksgiving or Christmas. She lived about 10 miles from our home in the city (I guess you can call my hometown a city, lol), but it seemed like a different world. She had acres to explore. But the distinct memory is of her house filled to overflowing with my kin. Uncles, aunts and cousins were everywhere. There was literally no room to spare.

God tells the people that He will “fill this house with glory.” Now, when God does something, He doesn’t do it half-way. He meant He was going to fill that place full. Every nook and cranny would be filled with His Spirit. He would make it His place. Can you imagine the pride the people must have felt to hear that God was going to indwell the building they were repairing for Him. He was saying, “Well done, my good and faithful servants.”


Has God filled your heart with His glory? So many believers are looking for another “filling.” Listen, beloved, when Christ sends His Holy Spirit to you at salvation, you are filled. Listen to the words of John in 1 John 2:27. “But you have received the Holy Spirit, and he lives within you,…” And when the Holy Spirit comes in, He indwells every nook and cranny.

So, why isn’t God’s glory shining forth in your life or my life? Because we let our old self get in the way. The Spirit is there, ready to burst forth, but we keep it shielded from exhibition by our own choices. Let me give you an example. Every morning when I wake up (and I get up earl), it is dark in our bedroom. I don’t want to wake my dear bride, so I try to walk in the darkness with little to no light. I usually have my cell phone in my hand, so I touch the screen for it to light up a little. I hold that close to my chest so only a little light illuminates the darkness to keep me from stumbling. Too much light and I risk disturbing my wife’s sleep. Too little and I might bump into something and hurt myself or even fall.

Hmmm! Are you shielding the light of the Spirit by cloaking it with darkness in your life? Be warned! If you let the Spirit in you shine forth, it may disturb those around you who are “sleeping.” But when you let it shine, your path is brighter. You can see where you are walking. The Spirit is there. Your house is full. Let Him shine!

Hide it (Him) under a bushel? No! I’m gonna let it (Him) shine!
