Accountability, Authority, Bible, God's Will, Harm, Scripture, Teaching



“And the LORD said to me, ‘Take again for yourself the equipment of a foolish shepherd.’”

My dad had quite the tool collection when he passed away. Over decades he had accumulated those tools, one by one, as he needed them. I remember him telling me that if he had a job to do at the house or on one of our vehicles that required a certain tool, he would purchase it. That way he would have it the next time it was needed. Having the right tool is important.

The Lord tells Zechariah to act the part of a foolish shepherd and acquire the wrong tool. Cyril explains it well. “Good shepherds, who understood their business, had slight staves, that, if there should be occasion to strike, the stricken sheep might not be bruised; but one who understandeth not, beats them with thicker clubs.” Right job, wrong tool. Damage was done with the wrong tool.


There are so many good applications to this truth today. Let’s take, for example, preaching and teaching about God. We have the perfect tool to use for that – the Bible. Those who study and prepare are able to use it for God’s glory. Others use everything but the Word. They use social media. They use lights and music. They will use anything but the Word. Right job, wrong tool.

If you are in the position to lead others in your church, remember to use His Word. James 3:1 says, “Do not become teachers in large numbers, my brothers, since you know that we who are teachers will incur a stricter judgment.” This is serious business. We have to use the right tool and use it correctly. Even the right tool handled incorrectly can harm.

I am thankful for mentors in my life who have taught me well. They showed me the importance of holding God’s Word in the highest regard and to be careful in how I handle it. I have to be careful to make sure everything I say is based on His Word, not mine. I know I have the right tool, and I know I have the right job. But I must continue to sharpen my skills in handling this tool.

O God, Your Word is the truth I need to share. Give me the wisdom to teach it well.

Abuse, Bible, Confrontation, Enemies, Harm, Humiliation, Insults, Mockery, Ransom, Salvation, Scripture



“And I said to them, ‘If it is good in your sight, give me my wages; but if not, never mind!’ So they weighed out thirty shekels of silver as my wages.”

Have you ever been truly insulted? It is not a good feeling. It’s embarrassing and humiliating. If it is done in front of others, that insult is magnified. That probably happened to me the last time while I was working with a fellow who disliked me because of my ministry. He called me a rather nasty name right in the middle of a staff meeting.

In today’s verse, we find Zechariah writing about his proposed wages from those he asked it – thirty shekels of silver. What you may not know is the standard price for a good servant was twice that. This price of thirty was what was paid for a servant that had been gored by an ox (see Exodus 21:32) and was therefore damaged goods. But you must remember that Zechariah was acting on behalf of Jehovah. The people were spurning God, not just Zechariah.


Before Christ, we were all guilty of spurning God. We figuratively spit in His face and refused the gift He offered us in His Son, Jesus Christ. But after we become believers, we see the value of the gift. We offer all we have to be one with Him. I am reminded of Matthew 13:45-46. “45 ‘Again, the kingdom of heaven is like a merchant seeking fine pearls, 46 and upon finding one pearl of great value, he went and sold everything that he had and bought it.’”

What price can you place on your gift of salvation? If we don’t offer Him everything, we are insulting the God of creation. We are saying we don’t value His gift to us. He laid down His life in the form of Jesus. He shed divine blood for us. He suffered and bled for all mankind. Why would we not give Him everything?

I can’t think of a single thing right now in my life that I place above that. I couldn’t have always said that. In the past I took my salvation for granted. I made it look cheap. Not now! I see its value in my life. Can you say the same? Is it worth everything to you? Lay it all down at His feet and watch what He does with it. I won’t spoil the surprise!

O Lord, my God, You are so good to me. I praise You for paying the ultimate price for my salvation.

Apathy, Bible, Choices, Goodness, Harm, Judgment, Punishment, Scripture



“‘And it will come about at that time that I will search Jerusalem with lamps, and I will punish the people who are stagnant in spirit, who say in their hearts, “The LORD will not do good nor harm!”‘”

Apathy drives me crazy. Really, it does. I had rather have someone disagree with me so we can talk it out than have them do nothing. Those people don’t want to take a side. They don’t believe either side is worth it. So, they sit in the middle. We used to call them “mugwamps.” They sit on the fence post with their mug on one side and their wamp on the other.

The Lord says he will punish such people. He calls them stagnant in spirit. Wow! That’s harsh. They don’t believe the Lord will do good or harm. I know people like that. They have no need for God. They don’t hate Him. They just don’t have any use for Him. They fit right into this category described here in Zephaniah.


What is your heart saying? I pray you are not like these people in Zephaniah’s day. It is time to choose whom you will serve. It is time to decide in your heart. Stop being stagnant. Trust in the Lord Jesus who does no harm. He only does good. Why? Because He is a good, good God.

We have been reading a lot about God’s judgment on Judah. That can get kind of depressing. But listen, God had much rather bless us than judge us. He had rather love on us than punish us. Because He is a holy God, He cannot let our disobedience go. He has to deal with it. However, lean into His love.

I am so glad I have decided to follow Jesus. The blessings He has bestowed on me have been too numerous to name. Have there been times when I disappointed Him? Unfortunately, yes. But He is right there to welcome me back into His warm embrace. He’ll welcome you, too.

I choose You, Lord. I know You do good to me. Help me do Your good in the lives of others.
