Abiding, Accountability, Bible, Blessing, Consequences, Dependence, God's Will, Obedience, Scripture, Thanksgiving



“‘Therefore, because of you the sky has withheld its dew, and the earth has withheld its produce.’”

It’s that time of year again in the U.S. – tax time. Every year about this time, people are preparing to file their federal income tax returns. Most people have tax withheld from their salary during the year to hopefully not have to pay any additional tax. A little at a time is not so painful, but when you have to write that big check on a quarterly basis or at the end of the year, that “withholding” hurts.

The people of Israel were experiencing a different kind of withholding. There was no dew or rain which meant there was no produce, no harvest. God was withholding this from them because of their rebellion and disobedience. It was all to get their attention, to get them to repent and return to Him. When God withholds anything from us, it is for a reason. He always has a purpose behind His actions.


Have you felt like God was withholding something from you? Many of us have felt that way. Maybe you think He is withholding answered prayers. Maybe you have asked for physical healing, but it has not come. Maybe you have prayed for a husband or a wife, but you are still single. Stop right there. Ask the Lord why He is withholding that thing from you. I guarantee He has a reason.

You see, if we are living according to His will, God does not withhold His blessings to punish us. Psalm 40:11 tells us, “You, LORD, will not withhold Your compassion from me; Your mercy and Your truth will continually watch over me.” God is not in the withholding business (unlike the U.S. Treasury). God wants to give to us.

I have to admit there have been times when I was disappointed that God withheld something from me. But looking back, I realized He knew exactly what I needed. I saw it as a bad thing, but He knew what was best for me. Look back at your own life and see how He has done the same for you.

Lord, Your way is always the best way. Thank You for withholding what is not good for me.

Accountability, Battles, Bible, Commands, Danger, Destruction, God's Will, Scripture



“‘You start an ambitious project, but behold, it comes to little; when you bring it home, I blow it away. Why?’ declares the LORD of armies. ‘It is because of My house which remains desolate, while each of you runs to his own house.’”

Call me weird (many people have), but when I read this verse, I immediately thought of the children’s story about the big, bad wolf who huffed and puffed and blew down the houses of the little piggies. Their houses fell, of course, because they were built of inferior products (straw and sticks). But even the little piggie house built out of brick could not have withstood the breath of God.

We may think we are building something, but if it is not according to God’s will, it will not last. Here in verse 9, we see that. Because they had neglected God’s house, their houses would not stand. Because they had been disobedient, He would “blow it away.” They were so concerned about their own stuff and had no regard for the things of God.


Look at these words from James 4:13-15. “13 Come now, you who say, ‘Today or tomorrow we will go to such and such a city, and spend a year there and engage in business and make a profit.’ 14 Yet you do not know what your life will be like tomorrow. For you are just a vapor that appears for a little while, and then vanishes away. 15 Instead, you ought to say, ‘If the Lord wills, we will live and also do this or that.’” 

Get the picture? Our plans don’t matter. I heard a quote this weekend which is worth repeating. “God doesn’t care if you make Him part of your plan. He wants to make you part of His.” Are you part of His plan? Are you focusing on Him and not you? He has such great plans for your life. Believe that! He wants to use you.

So, how do we neglect God’s house today? By not giving. By not serving. By not obeying. All those are signs of neglect. And just like a physical house will fall down from lack of care, our spiritual house will collapse also if it is not properly cared for. Watch out for those signs of spiritual rot and decay. Be proactive, not reactive.

O Lord, I want to care for Your house. I want to be that servant who is diligent and faithful.

Attitude, Bible, Bondslaves, Commands, Faith, God's Will, Labor, Modeling, Obedience, Scripture, Service



“‘Go up to the mountains, bring wood, and rebuild the temple, that I may be pleased with it and be honored,’ says the LORD.”

When I was in seminary, I lived in a small four room house in the country that was heated by a wood-burning heater. That was my only source of heat. No problem, right? It doesn’t get too cold in North Carolina. Well…we had one of the coldest winters while I lived in that house. I was begging my neighbors for firewood. I was looking for any downed trees I could cut up. I need to cut some wood to stay warm. Cold is a great motivator.

The people of Israel needed to cut some wood, too. But they were not cutting it to burn. Cold was not their motivator. The Lord told them to cut some wood to rebuild the temple, to make repairs to its structure. They had allowed it to fall into disrepair. Obviously, some of the wood had either been damaged or had rotted. They needed to get out of their comfort and shed a little sweat to fix the temple. This, He said, would please Him.


What is your motivation for serving the Lord? He may not call you to build or rebuild a church. He may, however, call you to another purpose. It may require something of you – time, money, energy. What are you willing to do for Him? Just like the Israelites, our service for God pleases Him. Our works don’t get us any more grace, but it sure brings a smile to our Master’s face.

The book of James tells us that faith without works is dead. (James 2:20) That does not mean that our faith depends on our works, but it does mean that our faith is made evident through our works. I serve God, not to get Him to love me. I serve God because He loves me. I serve because I love Him. I need to cut some wood for Christ. How about you?

Your “wood cutting” may be in the form of serving in the Children’s ministry at your church. It may be witnessing through a street ministry. Yours may be by singing in the choir. Whatever “wood cutting” job the Lord has for you, do it knowing that it pleases the One Who called you to it. That should bring a smile to your face, as well.

I want to serve You, Lord, not grudgingly or under compulsion. I want to serve You simply because I love You.

Abiding, Bible, Commands, Hearing, Listening, Obedience, Scripture



“The LORD of armies says this: ‘Consider your ways!’”

As I have gotten older, I have noticed I don’t hear as clearly as I used to. In fact, my left ear has some hearing loss. I have also lost a lot of the higher frequencies. So, sometimes when I answer my cellphone, I have to ask the person again who it is. Excuse me, who did you say this is? That person will then repeat what they said, and I most likely will recognize who it is.

The LORD of armies, or LORD of hosts, repeats Himself here. He had just said these exact same words, “consider your ways.” Why would God repeat Himself? All throughout Scripture we see God do this. He wants to emphasize a point. Any good point is worth repeating, right? So, here is the Lord saying once again to the people to watch how they are stepping. He wants to make sure they get this message.


Repetition is good. In the books we use in Every Man A Warrior, we repeat the skills over and over again. We know that most men need this kind of repetition for it to sink in. They need to hear the message over and over. It needs to become a sort of spiritual muscle memory, much like an athlete practices his swing or shot over and over until it becomes second nature.

However, we need to learn to listen to God the first time. He shouldn’t have to repeat Himself. If you are like me, however, I get so busy with my life that I don’t get quiet enough to hear Him sometimes. In Luke 9:44 Jesus told His disciples to “listen carefully.” He made a point to get their attention. He wanted them to hear clearly what He was about to tell them. He didn’t want any confusion to be had on their part.

Are you listening closely? Does God have to repeat Himself to you? Stop and get quiet. Listen for His voice. He is not speaking so you cannot hear Him. He doesn’t want you guessing it’s Him. Just ask Him to speak. Tune your ears to His frequency. Even though my physical hearing is not as good as it used to be, my spiritual hearing can get better and better as I listen for His voice. Join me.

I hear You, O God. I will follow Your voice wherever You lead.

Abiding, Asking, Bible, Blessing, Caregiver, Faithfulness, God's Will, Hunger, Provision, Scripture



“‘You have sown much, only to harvest little; you eat, but there is not enough to be satisfied; you drink, but there is not enough to become drunk; you put on clothing, but there is not enough for anyone to get warm; and the one who earns, earns wages to put into a money bag full of holes.’”

One step forward and two steps back. Never getting anywhere. Have you ever felt that way? It seems no matter how hard you try, you never get the results you are looking for. Take dieting, for example. I can lose ten pounds and before I know it, I’ve gained in back. A lot of that has to do with my eating habits (who doesn’t like fried chicken and mashed potatoes, lol). I know I need to focus and be more disciplined if I want those pounds to stay off.

Haggai wasn’t talking about losing weight, though, in today’s verse. He is passing on the Lord’s point to the people. They were never satisfied with their harvest, their food, their drink, their clothing or their wages. Why? Because they were relying on themselves and not Him. They were striving after all these things, yet their heavenly Father promised to care for them if they would just follow.


What is your need today? Did you know your Lord wants to meet that for you? He wants to come alongside you and show you the depths of His supply. As we submit to Him and follow Him, He takes care of those needs we have. Will you get everything you want? Of course not. That’s not how it works. We don’t just order room service from God.

Do you believe God’s Word? Philippians 4:19 tells us, “And my God will supply all your needs according to His riches in glory in Christ Jesus.” Take that on faith. Believe God will do what He said He will do. Why should you doubt the One who has redeemed you from a fiery end? He has saved and will preserve you.

I have never been wealthy and probably never will. That’s okay. I know I have everything I need. Look up Philippians 4:10-14. Take a good look at Paul’s attitude. We can have that same attitude as we trust God to provide our needs. Will you trust Him today? God knows your needs but tell Him anyway. He loves to hear you talk. He really does.

I am thankful, Lord, for the abundance You have blessed me with. You are a mighty God Who provides for me.

Bible, Looking, Obedience, Scripture, Sin, Trust, Walking



“Now then, the LORD of armies says this: ‘Consider your ways!’”

As I get older, I am much more cautious of the steps I take. By that, I mean my physical steps. I suffer with peripheral neuropathy in both feet which makes walking challenging at times. One of my biggest concerns is not being able to feel my feet, especially my toes, and making a misstep. When I am walking outside, I am very conscious of the ground and am constantly monitoring myself to avoid holes or uneven ground. It is a little scary at times.

Haggai shares in today’s verse a similar admonition. But this warning isn’t about physical steps. He is referring to the Israelite’s spiritual steps. The Hebrew word for “way” is derek, which can mean way, road, distance, journey or manner. The LORD is telling them to seriously consider, to give thought to, to be aware of their manner of life, their journey, their relationship with Him. That’s a word we could all use.


How is your walk? Are you watching your steps? Are you walking in the light or darkness? I don’t know about you, but I prefer to walk in the light, both in this physical world and in the spiritual world. I know there are hazards out there that can trip me physically, especially with my numb feet. But there are also plenty of spiritual hurtles out there that can cause me fall into sin if I am not watching.

John tells us in 1 John 1:7 “but if we walk in the Light as He Himself is in the Light, we have fellowship with one another, and the blood of Jesus His Son cleanses us from all sin.” Walking in the light benefits us and others. If I trip and fall, I can bring others down. I definitely don’t want to do that.

When I was going through my chemo treatments a few years ago, I was having some issues with fainting. My wife was so fearful I was going to fall, so she would walk beside me or behind me, as if she could stop me if I started falling. I knew if I fell and she tried to stop me, she was going down too. That is so true spiritually, as well. We must guard our steps to protect others and ourselves. Watch your feet!

Make my feet like hinds’ feet, Lord. Make me surefooted as I follow You.

Accountability, Bible, Blessing, Gifts, Giving, Offering, Scripture, Treasures



“‘Is it time for you yourselves to live in your paneled houses while this house remains desolate?’”

Today’s verse really connects with me because I grew up in a paneled house. My dad built our house way back in the mid 1950’s. He used pine boards to panel all the rooms. These boards were stained and varnished to last a long time. My older sister still enjoys those paneled walls. They are beautiful.

So, when I read this verse today in Haggai 1, I immediately thought back to that house where I grew up. The Lord is scolding the people of Israel, however, because while they spent all that time and money making sure their own homes were beautiful, they had neglected God’s house, the temple. There is nothing wrong with having the paneled houses, but He comes first.


1 Timothy 6 warns us of the danger of wealth that is misprioritized (I think I just made that word up, lol). Look at verses 9-10. “9 But those who want to get rich fall into temptation and a trap, and many foolish and harmful desires which plunge people into ruin and destruction. 10 For the love of money is a root of all sorts of evil, and some by longing for it have wandered away from the faith and pierced themselves with many griefs.”

Having nice things are fine. I don’t want to give the impression that it is not. But when we put our “stuff” above worshipping and blessing our Heavenly Father, then it’s not good. Are you giving to the Lord as you should? Are you giving of your first fruits or your leftovers? Take a look at your manner of giving and see if it reflects God’s guidelines.Giving is a personal thing. We should not broadcast to the world how much or what we are giving.

Part of my responsibilities as a staff member at Every Man A Warrior is to approach individuals, foundations and churches to ask them to consider giving to our ministry. I want to allow them to be blessed by being obedient to the Lord. I would be remiss if I didn’t do that now. Check out our giving site at www.twr.org/carl-willis. May God guide you in your giving.

Lord, thank You for the joy of giving to Your kingdom. Take our offerings and use them for Your glory.

Accountability, Bible, Commands, Commitment, Discipline, Exhortation, God's Will, Gospel, Holy Spirit, Humility, Messages, Scripture



“Then the word of the LORD came by Haggai the prophet, saying,”

How many sermons do you think you have heard in your lifetime? A hundred? A thousand? For some of us church goers, it can easily be in the thousands. I did some calculations this morning. If I have averaged just one sermon a week since age six, I have conservatively heard around 3,000. Some of those weeks I heard more than one. This doesn’t count the many conferences and revivals I have attended. That number could easily jump to 5,000.

So, when we read the words of today’s verse, don’t just read that and pass it by. Look at the words. “Then” means at a certain time, at a certain point. God decided when to speak to Haggai. Haggai didn’t just spout off some information he had. He waited for the Lord’s words. They came to him as he waited for the Lord to speak. Then and only then did Haggai speak. That’s important to see.


The danger many preachers face each week is waiting on the Lord to speak before they do. The pressure to “get a sermon ready can lead to some misspoken words. Words are shared as if they are from the Lord but are not. We have to wait on Him, just like Haggai did. 2 Timothy 2:15 is a great verse to contemplate about this. It says, “Be diligent to present yourself approved to God as a worker who does not need to be ashamed, accurately handling the word of truth.”

Maybe you don’t preach or teach the Word each week. How do you share it with others? Are you accurately handling it then? Do you quote verses incorrectly to suit your situation. We have to be careful about that, too. We need to make sure when we share a verse with someone that it points them to Jesus, not just what we think is right.

Sharing God’s Word with someone else is a good thing. But we must do it with humility, knowing it is not our word but His. Only His Word can heal and guide correctly. Only His Word can accurately teach us how to handle life in the way He intended. Our job is to listen carefully for the Spirit’s bidding and then act. Wait on God’s word to come to you before you speak.

I want to be true to Your Word, O Lord, in everything I do. 

Abiding, Accountability, Bible, Commands, Faithfulness, Modeling, Priorities, Scripture



“This is what the LORD of armies says: ‘This people says, “The time has not come, the time for the house of the LORD to be rebuilt.”’”

In my ministry and in my life, I am always prioritizing and reprioritizing events. What is number one on my list could change depending on the day. It’s a daily ritual. I look at my calendar and adjust it according to what has become more important. It doesn’t mean I won’t do the other things. It just means some irons getting hotter than others in the fire and must be dealt with.

The problem in Jerusalem was the temple had been pushed so far down on the list that it was not even registering anymore. While they were building their own homes and taking care of themselves, they had left the temple in disrepair. They excused this time and time again by saying “The time has not come…” Procrastination! Why do today what you can put off until tomorrow, right?


As believers, we can be just as guilty. In these current post-Covid days, we see this a lot. I’m going to get back in church soon. The kids just really love watching church online in their pajamas. It is so much more convenient. Covid changed things, for sure. But it is time to return to our places of worship. I know a lot of believers out there agree. Some people may have legitimate reasons for being home, but most don’t have an excuse.

But this isn’t just about going to church. The greater risk we face daily in our priorities is simply putting God first. Matthew 6:33 says it clearly. “But seek first His kingdom and His righteousness, and all these things will be provided to you.” A command with a promise. What more could you ask for? Read that verse in its full context later. Jesus told us how to prioritize.

My habit each morning is to get in God’s Word and pray. Some habits are good ones. This is one of those. When I don’t get this done first thing in the morning, I feel I have robbed myself of something. I truly believe the Lord has a special message each day for me. It may be a word of encouragement or one of chastisement. Either way, I am blessed because I am seeking Him first. Give it a try. Stick with it. You will be blessed.

Give me the discipline, Lord, to do what You ask of me each and every day.

Abiding, Accountability, Bible, Obedience, Order, Prophesy, Scripture, Submission, Surrender



“In the second year of Darius the king, on the first day of the sixth month, the word of the LORD came by the prophet Haggai to Zerubbabel the son of Shealtiel, governor of Judah, and to Joshua the son of Jehozadak, the high priest, saying,”

Chain of command is important in the military. It’s also important in business. It’s even important in ministry. We all answer to someone. We all get our “marching orders” from someone else, don’t we? I have had to answer to superiors who were excellent and to others who weren’t so excellent. As I matured in my faith, I learned how to deal with those “not so excellent” ones.

Look at the order in which the word of the LORD came. God first delivered it to Haggai (we’ll learn more about him in future blog posts). Haggai delivered it to the governor of Judah and to the high priest. Now, if you were the governor or the high priest, you were probably asking yourself why the LORD had not given you the message. Weren’t you good enough? Who is this Haggai anyway? God has a purpose in His order every time.


It is important to note that Haggai was an old man when God called him to prophesy to the people. Why is that important for us to know? Because I have known far too many believers who think they are finished once they get gray-headed or retire. Nothing is further from the truth.

You now have far more wisdom you can share with the younger generations. You usually have more time to devote to ministry. Think how many men or women, boys or girls you could mentor and disciple. We are not done when we start drawing our pension. We don’t retire – we refire. If that shoe fits, then wear it.

Why am I hammering the old folks today? Because I am one. In most cultures I am considered an elder. I have been given the privilege to pass down to others the truths God has given me. Why would I hold them back. Just like God chose Haggai to bring His word to Zerubbabel and Joshua in today’s verse, God may be calling you to deliver His word to those younger than you.

Lord, use me until You call me home. I want to enter eternity having spent my last breath extoling the greatness of my Lord.
