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3 JOHN 7

“For they went out for the sake of the Name, accepting nothing from the Gentiles.”

One of my joys in life has been going to teach national Pastors and church leaders in Uganda and Kenya. I had been making that trip every year since 2013 until health reasons and then covid stopped those trips in the Fall of 2019. I can’t wait to go back. But one thing I have never done is ask those to whom I am going to teach to support me financially. I go without cost to them.

That is what John is talking about in verse 7. Those brethren Gaius is assisting were going to share the Gospel with the Gentiles. They did not want to receive anything from the Gentiles so that they would not be seen as trying to profit off of them. Now, a teacher of the Word is worthy of “double honor” according to 1 Timothy 5:17, but they never want to be seen as financially motivated to teach.


So how do we apply this verse to us today? Well, in one sense John is telling us to be aware of whom we can help go teach the lost. We can help send them on their way as they raise support. We can continue to support them once they get there. The one thing that can stop a missionary’s work quickly is the lack of funds. I wish I had the financial means to support all the missionaries I know.

We can also pray for those who will be hearing the Gospel from these missionaries. We need to pray for fertile soil. We need to pray for receptive hearts. Missionaries need to see fruit from their labors. That encourages them in their journey. We may not be able to go help them in their work there, but we can sure pray for those to whom they are ministering. If possible, get names from the missionary of people they are witnessing to. That would be a great way for our children to learn how to pray for missionaries and their work.

Make a list of missionaries you know and get them to send you a list of names of people you can pray for. Keep that list updated and celebrate with your family when someone you have been praying for comes to Christ. And I believe that will happen. God honors our prayers, and nothing thrills His heart more than to see one of His children return to Him. He wants to answer those prayers.

Father, I lift up all the missionaries who are faithfully serving today. Encourage them with a harvest of souls.  

Advice, Bible, Child Rearing, Christ's Return, Christianity, Comfort, Commands, Direction, Disciplemaking, Encouragement, Family, Forgiveness, Mentoring, Modeling, Obedience, Pastors, Resurrection


2 TIMOTHY 1:13 

Retain the standard of sound words which you have heard from me, in the faith and love which are in Christ Jesus. 

Paul’s charge to Timothy in today’s verse still rings true for us today. We are to “retain the standard.” That literally means to keep the example. Better yet, we are to be the example. This is a command, not a suggestion. Timothy had to be the one in Ephesus to do so. He was the example of Christ in a pagan city. 

So are we! Our testimony is the starting point for each of us. However, we are asked of the Lord to represent Him from that point on. That can only be done through faith and love in Christ Jesus. He lives in and through us to point the way for a lost world.  


Preacher’s kids get a bum rap. People think they should be better than the other kids. That’s not fair to them. If you are in the ministry, don’t put that on your kids. However, we should hold our children to a higher standard once they accept Christ. Why? Because now they represent the king of kings. They bear His name. 

It’s hard to get some children to understand just how important their walk with Christ is for others. They may feel judged or pressured to conform or perform. No! We don’t want that. We want them to simply let Jesus live through them. All we want is for them to yield to Him. He will take care of them. Just be Jesus. 

So, what are you doing with this command? Are you retaining the standard? Are you a worthy example of what Christ can and will do with a surrendered life? If you are struggling putting something down, Jesus is talking with you. Put it in His hands. Don’t let anything come between you and following the Lord. He is faithful to see you through the hardest things life has to “offer.” 

Help me trust You completely, Lord, and allow you to hold me up as an example. Let anything in my life that is seen by others simply point them back to you. 

Advice, Bible, Child Raising, Child Rearing, Confession, Encouragement, Gifts, Love, Mentoring, Modeling, Obedience, Parenting, Pastors


1 TIMOTHY 5:17

“The elders who rule well are to be considered worthy of double honor, especially those who work hard at preaching and teaching.” 

Preachers get a bum rap some time. Some people think they only work one day a week and it takes a whole team of ushers to take up their money. Not true! In fact, preaching and teaching is very hard work. The Greek word for “work hard” actually means to strain in labor until exhaustion. 

Now, it’s not necessarily the act of preaching and teaching that’s so hard. I am actually energized when I preach. I can’t wait to share what the Lord has shown me in my study time. But the studying and preparing can be exhausting. Why? Because I want to make sure I get it right. I want to make it applicable. Hours are spent preparing a message.


Talk to your children about your Pastor. Ask them what they think he does the other six days of the week. I bet you will get some interesting answers. I’ve heard them all, lol.  Then call your Pastor and ask if he can meet with you and your children to talk about this. Let him tell them directly what he does all week. 

And then most importantly, pray for him. Lead your children to pray for him. Show him the double honor Paul mentions here. If you feel so led, give him a gift card to his favorite restaurant or better yet to his favorite sports store. Make sure you tell him you are just living out today’s verse. That will bless him.

Are you honoring your Pastor? Or are you one of those church members who only criticize him. You don’t like his preaching. You don’t like the way he dresses. You don’t like (fill in the blank). Stop it. Confess that as sin. Start praying for your Pastor daily. It will change your view of him. Actually, God will change your view. Amen?

Thank you, Father, for my Pastor. Bless him today. Bless his family. Protect them today and give him rest.  
