Belief, Bible, Calling, Direction, God's Will, Hearing, Listening, Messages, Persuasion, Scripture



“This persuasion did not come from Him who calls you.”

Have you ever been tricked by someone on a phone call? I used to occasionally call the office secretary when I was on a road trip and disguise my voice. I would pretend to be a donor who wanted to donate some wild and outlandish thing (which actually happened more times than you can imagine) just to make her squirm a little and figure out how to answer this person. Of course, towards the end of the call she would recognize it was me and threaten me bodily harm when I returned. Lol

Paul is warning the Galatians and us in today’s verse to be careful who you answer to, to make sure you know who is actually calling you. The Greek word for “persuasion” is only used here in Galatians 5:8. It refers to a self-produced persuasion. In other words, they decided themselves to believe this caller. It was not God who was calling them to keep the Mosaic law and deny their freedom in Christ.


Matthew Poole’s Commentary says this about “Him who calls you,” “is not from God, who hath called you out of darkness into marvellous light, unto fellowship with himself, into a state of grace and favour with him, and to the hopes of eternal life; and who yet calleth you by his gospel: it must therefore be from the devil and his instruments, who go about to seduce and pervert you.”

Think about Poole’s words for a second. It is God who has called you out of darkness into marvelous light (1 Peter 2:9), into fellowship with Himself (1 John 1:3), into grace and favor (1 Peter 2:20, and to the hopes of eternal life (1 Peter 5:10). It seems Poole liked 1 Peter, didn’t he? It is God who calls us to these things. He isn’t adding on to His requirements.

The next time you hear a voice directing you to do something, make sure it is the voice of God and not His arch enemy attempting to disguise his voice and imitate God. Remember, the devil will never ask you to do anything that will glorify the Father or the Son. It will only be about you, what will make you happy. Listen closely. Learn to recognize His voice.

Father, it is sweet to hear Your voice and recognize that You love me beyond words or deeds.

Accountability, Advice, Allies, Battles, Bible, Conflict, Confrontation, Direction, God's Will, Harmony, Relationships, Scripture



“But when I saw that they were not straightforward about the truth of the gospel, I said to Cephas in the presence of all, ‘If you, being a Jew, live like the Gentiles and not like the Jews, how is it that you compel the Gentiles to live like Jews?’”

I used to love to mow grass. Just the task of getting it done and seeing the finished job was calming. That probably sounds strange, doesn’t it? In my last children’s home job, I would occasionally hop on our zero turn mower and mow some of the large fields on campus. The key to keeping a straight line is to look down the field and find a spot to go towards. You have to watch your tire tracks to keep them straight also. My dad taught me that. Going straight just made the field look nicer once I was done.

Paul and Peter aren’t mowing grass in today’s verse. But the principle I just shared is applicable. Paul saw that Peter was not walking straight in regards to the teachings of Christ. The Greek word for “they were…straightforward” is orthopodeo, which is from two Greek words – orthos (straight) and pous (foot). This word is only used here in Galatians 2:14. Peter had strayed from the straight path. He was off course, and Paul had a moral and spiritual obligation to confront him publicly for this public display.


Sometimes we do things that are not “straight-footed.” We get off course. We stray. We are headed down the wrong path. Isn’t it great when someone confronts you? Not really! No one wants that. But it is so necessary. I have had to confront friends who were not walking straight. Friends have confronted me, as well. John tells us in 1 John 5:16 “If anyone sees his brother or sister committing a sin not leading to death, he shall ask and God will, for him, give life to those who commit sin not leading to death.”

Even Jesus gave us instructions in this matter. In Matthew 18:15-17 we read, “15 ‘Now if your brother sins, go and show him his fault in private; if he listens to you, you have gained your brother. 16 But if he does not listen to you, take one or two more with you, so that ON THE TESTIMONY OF TWO OR THREE WITNESSES EVERY MATTER MAY BE CONFIRMED. 17 And if he refuses to listen to them, tell it to the church; and if he refuses to listen even to the church, he is to be to you as a Gentile and a tax collector.’”

Now, all that may sound too confrontational for you. I understand. It’s not easy to confront a brother or sister. It’s not easy to be confronted. But if we live that way, holding each other accountable in love, we would have so much less need to do it. As for you, be willing to receive correction when given. None of us are perfect. Amen?

Oh Father, thank You for friends who will confront me in my sin to help lead me to walk “straight-footed.”

Abundance, Bible, Blessing, Caregiver, Direction, Giving, Kindness, Money, Oveflowing, Scripture



They only asked us to remember the poor—the very thing I also was eager to do.”

My wife and I love to give to others as the Lord leads us. Recently, we were at a restaurant and heard of a need from our server. We agreed almost instantly that the Lord would have us help meet that need. We like to bless our servers in restaurants. We have gotten to know a few through repeated visits. These individuals basically work for tips since their hourly wage is very low. God has so richly blessed us. We know He would have us share that when needed.

Paul mentions in today’s verse that the apostles in Jerusalem instructed them to “remember the poor.” These were probably those Judean believers who were suffering because of their conversion to Christ. They may have lost jobs and families because of their new faith. They had needs which Paul was glad to help meet. This was not the only time he did this. We’ll look at some of those efforts below.


You may be led to help take up a collection to help someone or a group. In Romans 15:25-27 we see Paul doing that for the Judean believers. “25 but now, I am going to Jerusalem, serving the saints. 26 For Macedonia and Achaia have been pleased to make a contribution for the poor among the saints in Jerusalem. 27 For they were pleased to do so, and they are indebted to them. For if the Gentiles have shared in their spiritual things, they are indebted to do them a service also in material things.”

Paul tells the Corinthian church to do the same. 1 Corinthians 16:1 says, “1 Now concerning the collection for the saints, as I directed the churches of Galatia, so you are to do as well.” Giving to others is something that has been seen all through Scripture. We see it in the Old and New Testaments.

I particularly like the way James puts this in James 2:15-16. “15 If a brother or sister is without clothing and in need of daily food, 16 and one of you says to them, ‘Go in peace, be warmed and be filled,’ yet you do not give them what is necessary for their body, what use is that?” Is that crystal clear? I think so. Ask the Lord if there is a need around you that you could meet. I promise you will be blessed as much if not more than the person who help.

God, direct me to those who You would have me bless and meet a need.

Advice, Allegiance, Allies, Authority, Bible, Church, Counsel, Direction, God's Will, Leading, Scripture



“But I did not see another one of the apostles except James, the Lord’s brother.”

I have had the privilege to work with some fine men through my lifetime. I won’t begin to name names for fear of leaving someone off the list. Some of these came to me through my work environment. Others came through church or a men’s group. Some I chose, and others chose me. Funny how that works, isn’t it?

As Paul made his journey to visit with Peter, he had the opportunity to meet with a lot of different people. Jerusalem was still the hub of Christianity at this time. Surely there were more apostles present besides Peter and the one named in today’s verse – James. Scholars disagree whether this was the James, the son of Alpheus and cousin of Jesus, or James, the actual brother of Jesus born to Joseph and Mary. Irregardless, this James was a leader of the young church there in Jerusalem and someone who could come alongside Paul.


We have another reference to James in the book of Acts that is quite interesting. In Acts 15, there is a council held in Jerusalem. You really need to read verses 1-21 to get the full picture, but here is Paul and Barnabas before the council giving evidence of the work of God among the Gentiles and seeking the church’s approval of their methods.  After some discussion and Peter’s speech, James speaks up. He is obviously the leader of the church by this time. Verse 19 says, “‘Therefore it is my judgement…’” This is James giving his judgment.

Why do I bring this up? Why point to this passage while discussing Galatians 1:19? Paul had no idea how God would use this James in latter years. But here we have evidence of James’ leadership. That leadership, that respect from the other apostles, gave James the role he held in Acts 15. God led Paul to James early in his ministry in order to seek counsel from the future leader of the church.

From whom do you seek counsel? Do you ask the Lord about that before you seek it? You know, He may direct you to someone you would never think of. He may put someone in your path who has just the right words for you. Don’t just go to your buddy or pal or best friend. Seek counsel from those you respect as a leader in your church. Go to an elder or deacon whom you have observed for a while. God’s counsel is not spoken through just anyone. Be selective and watch how God works.

Lord, You have blessed me with many great counselors in my lifetime. Help me be that for others.

Abiding, Bible, Direction, Following, Scripture, Walking



“‘And I will strengthen them in the LORD, and in His name they will walk,’ declares the LORD.”

Call me crazy (and many people do, lol) but when I read today’s verse, I immediately thought of the phrase “Walk like an Egyptian.” You’ve seen people imitate that. (If any Egyptians are reading this right now, I mean no disrespect.) I remember the comedian, Steve Martin, and his skit on King Tut. I don’t think Zechariah was thinking about that when he wrote this verse. Do you?

But seriously, the LORD declares that the people of Israel will walk in His name. That sounds simple enough, right? The Hebrew word for “walk” has a lot of meanings. It can mean to march, to move speedily, to walk back and forth and so forth. It doesn’t just mean to walk. Every move they make will be in His name. When they walk to the market, when they walk to worship or when they walk their children to school, they are to be walking in His name.


We are told in Colossians 1:10 “so that you will walk in a manner worthy of the Lord, to please Him in all respects, bearing fruit in every good work and increasing in the knowledge of God;” Again, in 1 Thessalonians 2:12 we read, “so that you would walk in a manner worthy of the God who calls you into His own kingdom and glory.”
Walking in His name didn’t stop with the Israelites in the Old Testament. We are commanded to do the same today. Each of our steps should be directed by Jesus. Everywhere we go we represent Him if you are a believer. People are watching you. They are looking to see how you behave and how you live your life. How are you walking right now?

I am very conscious every day of every step I take. I have some pretty severe neuropathy in my feet. I can’t feel my toes which causes me to be off balanced (no jokes please). I can easily trip. So, I am careful. But I am also careful of my spiritual steps. I want each of my steps to be a witness for my Savior. I pray that is your goal too.

Just a closer walk with Thee, Grant it Jesus is my plea

Accountability, Bible, Calling, Church, Direction, Family, God's Will, Holy Spirit, Presence, Scripture



“‘The LORD of armies says this: “It will yet turn out that peoples will come, that is, the inhabitants of many cities.”’”

You may be one of those people who love to shop on Black Friday. For those of you who don’t know what that is, it is traditionally the Friday after Thanksgiving when the Christmas shopping season begins. Here in the U.S., huge crowds gather outside stores offering reduced pricing on items. People get a little crazy on this day and crowds can become unmanageable. Personally, I stay as far away as possible from shopping areas on that day.

The people aren’t gathering in Jerusalem to shop here in verse 20. The Lord says that people are going to come to Jerusalem from all over. We will see in the next few verses why they are coming, but we know it is all about the Lord. They have seen how He has restored Israel, and they want to be a part of that. Instead of being shunned by the nations, Israel is seen as a destination point.


I want to be in the midst of wherever the Lord is, don’t you? I love Moses’s words to the Lord in Exodus 33:15-16. “15 Then he said to Him, ‘If Your presence does not go with us, do not lead us up from here. 16 For how then can it be known that I have found favor in Your sight, I and Your people? Is it not by Your going with us, so that we, I and Your people, may be distinguished from all the other people who are on the face of the earth?’”

Listen, we should look different from the world. We should be attracting people to come be a part of us. Last night my home church had a members’ meeting. We welcomed a couple of dozen new members to our church. People are coming to join our body of believers. Why? I would hope it is because they sense the presence of the Lord in our midst. We feel just like Moses. We are distinguished by His Holy Spirit among us.

I pray you are part of a body of believers. If not, seek one out. You need that fellowship. You need that accountability under a shepherd. And the body needs you. You, as a believer, are filled with the Spirit of God. As you join others with the same Spirit of God, the unity of the church universal is strengthened. Come to His gathering place and feel the presence of the Lord.

I come, Lord, into Your presence each week as I gather with other believers. Thank You for the fellowship I have with them.

Accountability, Bible, Commands, Direction, Exhortation, God's Will, Judgment, Peace, Scripture, Truth



“‘“These are the things which you shall do: speak the truth to one another; judge with truth and judgment for peace at your gates.”’”

I remember many years ago, when I worked at the Georgia Baptist Children’s Homes, that I gave one of the boys in my cottage permission to wash my car to earn a little extra money. The kid was about fourteen, so I just assumed he knew how to wash a car. (A word to the wise – never assume anything, lol). Let’s just say the car wash had a lot to be desired. But he was so proud that he had done it. I didn’t have the heart to tell him how bad it was. So, what did I do? I decided the next week when he asked again that I would help him and direct him. It turned out a lot better, and he learned a new skill.

Clear directions are important. They help us walk with the Lord better, don’t they. Well, in today’s verse we see the Lord telling the people of Israel some pretty clear commands. He says, “These are the things which you shall do.” That’s pretty clear. Then He tells them to speak the truth to one another and to judge with truth and peace. If we could all do that, life would be so much less quarrelsome. God knew that. They were returning to their land. They were completing the temple rebuild. They were starting again. Here were some simple, clear commands to follow.


Years ago, I was a trainer in Crisis Intervention. One of the skills I taught in that was for the staff to always give clear and concise instructions to the kids they were dealing with. Doing that would often prevent a kid from getting upset and confused. Most crises can be prevented if we practice those things. Our Father in heaven knows that. He gave us just ten commandments to follow, not a thousand. Man took those ten commandments and stretched them into hundreds. Jesus narrowed it down further when asked which was the most important commandment. I have referenced this passage before, but it bears repeating.

Matthew 22:36-40 says, “36 ‘Teacher, which is the great commandment in the Law?’ 37 And He said to him, ‘“YOU SHALL LOVE THE LORD YOUR GOD WITH ALL YOUR HEART, AND WITH ALL YOUR SOUL, AND WITH ALL YOUR MIND.” 38 This is the great and foremost commandment. 39 The second is like it, “YOU SHALL LOVE YOUR NEIGHBOR AS YOURSELF.” 40 Upon these two commandments hang the whole Law and the Prophets.’”

Can you follow that? Obviously, you can if Jesus told us to do it. He would never tell us to do something that He would not enable us to do. So, today, strive to follow the clear, simple commands of our Savior. It is total agreement with our verse from Zechariah today. Speak truth, practice justice and peace with all men. That’s my goal today. I hope it’s yours.

Father, I am not able on my own to do anything You ask of me. But through Your power and Your Holy Spirit I can.

Abiding, Abundance, Battles, Bible, Change, Deliverance, Direction, God's Will, Maturity, Scripture



“‘“But now I will not treat the remnant of this people as in the former days,”’” declares the LORD of armies.

Don’t you just love the part of a suspense movie or book when everything changes? The bad guys are about to get what is coming to them, and the good guys are wining. It’s that “but” moment. All this has happened, BUT NOW this is about to happen. A change of fortune has taken place. A cosmic shift just occurred.

Our God says in verse 11 that He will not treat the people as He had treated them before. The literal Hebrew reads, “But now not as in the former days, I, the remnant…” The verb in today’s verse, “will…treat,” is not in the text. The action is implied, based on the previous action of God. I like that because God’s ultimate good treatment of His people is always implied. His good intentions are always there.


What are the “but now” moments in your life? I could name dozens of them in my life, beginning with the change in my life at salvation. And there was the moment He called me to full-time ministry. There were the seasons of ministry that shifted from one place to another. I could go on, but you get the picture.

Write down those moments you can think of and let me encourage you to keep doing that as they occur. I promise you there will be times ahead when you will need to reflect on your “but now” moments. Those moments shift you from one phase of your Christian journey to another. God is doing something. He is saying, “But now, see what I am going to do in your life.”

I am thankful for those “but now” moments in my life because I know each of those moments brought me closer to God. Colossians 1:22 (CSB) says it perfectly. “But now he has reconciled you by his physical body through his death, to present you holy, faultless, and blameless before him —” Isn’t that a great “but now”?

But now, Lord, I am Yours to do with as You see fit. Use me, Lord, according to Your will.

Abiding, Attitude, Bible, Direction, Discipline, Following, Scripture, Stubbornness, Submission, Yoked



“‘But they refused to pay attention, and turned a stubborn shoulder and plugged their ears from hearing.’”

Lalala! You’ve seen children, when told to do something, stick their fingers in their ears and say that, right? They don’t want to hear what they are being told. They are stubborn and rebellious and don’t want to follow directions. I have had to deal with a lot of those kinds of kids through my ministry years. When they are doing that, it is really hard to get them to listen. I would usually leave them alone to let my words sink in and come back later when they were ready to listen.

In today’s verse, God is further describing His rebellious children. These words in Zechariah sound very familiar. In Hosea 4:16a it says, “Since Israel is stubborn like a stubborn cow,…” The last line of Nehemiah 9:29 says, “…And they turned a stubborn shoulder and stiffened their neck and would not listen.” Hmm, so this attitude had been going on for a long time. Why didn’t the people listen? Don’t start pointing fingers at them. Remember, when you do that, you have three pointing right back at you.


Just how plugged up are your ears? I don’t mean with wax (yea, I know that is gross). I mean are you refusing to listen to God? Have you turned a stubborn shoulder to Him. That is a perfect picture of a stubborn animal in a yoke pulling in the wrong direction. If they keep doing that, they will rub a sore spot on their neck and shoulder. We can get the same result when we pull against the yoke.

Matthew 11:28-30 is a great illustration of this. Jesus says here, “28 ‘Come to Me, all who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. 29 Take My yoke upon you and learn from Me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and YOU WILL FIND REST FOR YOUR SOULS. 30 For My yoke is comfortable, and My burden is light.’” Did you catch that last phrase? His yoke is easy! You just have to yield to Him.

I have enough callouses on my shoulders and neck to prove this point. But I finally learned that it is much easier when I allow Him to guide me. His yoke is easy and comfortable IF we allow Him to lead. Will you do that today? Yield to the Master.

I am thankful I am yoked with You, Jesus. I know You will always lead me right.

Bible, Commands, Direction, God's Will, Inspirational, Messages, Obedience, Scripture



“Then the word of the LORD came to Zechariah, saying,”

I just realized something this morning. I began supervising people back in 1987 when I went to work at a children’s home in South Carolina. When I moved to my current ministry with Every Man A Warrior in January 2022, it was the first time in thirty-five years I was not supervising employees. Call me slow, but I just figured that out. I am not telling others what to do. I have to admit – it’s kind of nice.

God keeps speaking to Zechariah and telling him what to do. Why was that? What made Zechariah so special? God was delivering to his chosen prophet a message. This message wasn’t meant just for him. These words were meant to share with the people of Israel. They needed to hear God’s words, not just Zechariah. Zechariah could have kept all God’s words to himself, but he didn’t. He wrote them down and also shared them with the people. We can learn a lesson here.


Who are God’s words intended for? Certainly not just for us, right? The last part of the Great Commission tells us what to do. Matthew 28:20a reads, “‘teaching them to follow all that I commanded you;…’” The Greek word used here for “follow” is tereo which means keep, guard, observe or watch over. It’s much more than just follow.

We are to teach others His Word. We are to share with others the importance of observing, keeping and guarding His Word. God’s Word is important. Well Carl, God isn’t speaking directly to me like He did to Zechariah. Oh really? What do you call it when you read His Word and you receive instructions for daily living? That’s God talking to you – just as clearly as He did to Zechariah.

I have mentioned before how I love to hear God’s voice. I hear that in my prayer time as He directs me who to pray for and what to pray. I hear His words when I pick up my copy of His Word and read. I hear Him speak to me through other believers as they share what God has done in their lives. God is still speaking. Are you listening?

The B-I-B-L-E, yes, that’s the book for me. I stand alone on the Word of God. The B-I-B-L-E.
