Bible, Bondslaves, Freedom, Satan, Scripture, Slaves



“For it is written that Abraham had two sons, one by the slave woman and one by the free woman.” 

This verse reminds me of the Charles Dickens’ classic, A Tale of Two Cities. It begins with this quote:

“It was the best of times, it was the worst of times, it was the age of wisdom, it was the age of foolishness, it was the epoch of belief, it was the epoch of incredulity, it was the season of Light, it was the season of Darkness, it was the spring of hope, it was the winter of despair, we had everything before us, we had nothing before us, we were all going direct to Heaven, we were all going direct the other way…”

Do you see the analogies there? The opposites? Paul, in his own way is going to compare two opposites in the next several verses. One was Isaac, the son of Sarah, who was born free. The other was Ishmael, the son of Hagar, who was a slave of Abraham. Thus, Ishmael was born into slavery. This is the comparison we will see played out over the next several days.


Now, hold it a minute, Carl. I am not a slave to anyone. Really? If you are not walking in the Spirit, you are slave to sin. Romans 6:16 says this, “Do you not know that the one to whom you present yourselves as slaves for obedience, you are slaves of that same one whom you obey, either of sin resulting in death, or of obedience resulting in righteousness?”

Slavery isn’t just chains and cells. Slavery is bowing to the will of the flesh. Paul is going to compare freedom in Christ and slavery under the law. Believe me, he understood the slavery of the law because he had personally bound people with it as a Pharisee. He knew the hopelessness of it. And we can put ourselves under legalistic rules and regulations and lose our freedom in Christ.

But let me encourage you today to be “free indeed.” Free yourself from the lure of sin. Free yourself for self-inflicted laws. Let Christ lead you into true freedom in Him. Shake off the shackles that the evil one wants to tie you down with. He has no power over you. But through Jesus, you have power over him. Hallelujah!

O God, my Father, I am so thankful I have been born into freedom through Your Son.

Abiding, Belief, Bible, Bondslaves, Choices, Faithfulness, God's Will, Relationships, Scripture



“For am I now seeking the favor of people, or of God? Or am I striving to please people? If I were still trying to please people, I would not be a bond-servant of Christ.”

Adrian Rogers, the beloved former Pastor of Bellevue Baptist Church in Memphis, TN, said it best when he said, “If you please God, it doesn’t matter whom you displease. If you displease God, it doesn’t matter whom you please.” Boy, isn’t that true? You can either be a God pleaser or people pleaser. You can’t be both.

Paul nails this down with the last phrase. He says, “…I would not be a bond-servant of Christ.” HELPS Word-Studies says this about that Greek word for bond-servant, “is used with the highest dignity in the NT – namely, of believers who willingly live under Christ’s authority as His devoted followers.” Paul had tried the people pleaser route and found it lacking. But as a bond-servant of Christ, his only desire was to please his Master, King Jesus.


Now, how do we take this verse and apply it to our lives? This should not be confusing for any believer in Christ. You either please God or you please people. Paul says in Romans 6:16, “Do you not know that the one to whom you present yourselves as slaves for obedience, you are slaves of that same one whom you obey, either of sin resulting in death, or of obedience resulting in righteousness?”

But Paul isn’t done yet. Let’s go to 1 Thessalonians 2:4. “but just as we have been approved by God to be entrusted with the gospel, so we speak, not intending to please people, but to please God, who examines our hearts.” Aren’t you glad the Lord gave Paul this insight to pass on to us? Paul had dealt with the religious crowd. He knew their intentions were not true.

Therefore, we are to be focused solely on pleasing the One who gave us life. Lest we think this is a New Testament concept, look at Psalm 118:8. “It is better to take refuge in the LORD than to trust in people.” David knew this, too. So do you. Stop trusting in the approval of others. Seek to please Him. That is all that matters.

O Lord, it is so hard sometimes to not get wrapped up in pleasing others. Keep my attention on You.

Abiding, Appointed, Bible, Bondslaves, Direction, Following, Scripture



“with one of which the black horses are going out to the north country; and the white ones are to go out after them, while the spotted ones are to go out to the south country.”

Following a map is a skill everyone needs to learn. With the emergence of Mapquest and Google Maps, people have no idea how to use a map. But maps don’t require a smart phoneor a data plan. Could you read a paper map if you needed to? We need to know where we are going if we hope to get there.

In verse 6, we see the white, black and speckled horses going north and south. This was a message to the people about their conquerors. Two are going north (Babylon and the Greeks.) The Roman empire would go south to conquer Egypt. It’s not so important where they are going. It was more about who is sending them. The Lord God is controlling them and sending them where he wishes.


If the Lord told you today to load up your “chariot” and head to some other city or country, would you go? There is no mention of these empires rebuffing God’s direction. They probably were not even aware that He was using them. God can use you the same way. These words from Eliphaz the Tenamite to Job holds true for us. “‘Submit to God and be at peace with him; in this way prosperity will come to you.’”

When we submit to His will, we become a useable vessel. I don’t know about you, but I don’t want to be put on a shelf. I want to be used. That may mean that I pack my chariot and follow where He leads. I am not guaranteed anything. We are just told to yield to His authority. He decides what direction is best for us.

Back in the 1980’s, I was called to serve an agency in another state. Let me just say, it wasn’t what we expected. But looking back now after almost 40 years, I can see how the Lord used this in my life. Is God trying to get you to go somewhere? Just say yes and follow.

Where You lead me I will follow. Where You lead me I will follow.

Attitude, Bible, Bondslaves, Commands, Faith, God's Will, Labor, Modeling, Obedience, Scripture, Service



“‘Go up to the mountains, bring wood, and rebuild the temple, that I may be pleased with it and be honored,’ says the LORD.”

When I was in seminary, I lived in a small four room house in the country that was heated by a wood-burning heater. That was my only source of heat. No problem, right? It doesn’t get too cold in North Carolina. Well…we had one of the coldest winters while I lived in that house. I was begging my neighbors for firewood. I was looking for any downed trees I could cut up. I need to cut some wood to stay warm. Cold is a great motivator.

The people of Israel needed to cut some wood, too. But they were not cutting it to burn. Cold was not their motivator. The Lord told them to cut some wood to rebuild the temple, to make repairs to its structure. They had allowed it to fall into disrepair. Obviously, some of the wood had either been damaged or had rotted. They needed to get out of their comfort and shed a little sweat to fix the temple. This, He said, would please Him.


What is your motivation for serving the Lord? He may not call you to build or rebuild a church. He may, however, call you to another purpose. It may require something of you – time, money, energy. What are you willing to do for Him? Just like the Israelites, our service for God pleases Him. Our works don’t get us any more grace, but it sure brings a smile to our Master’s face.

The book of James tells us that faith without works is dead. (James 2:20) That does not mean that our faith depends on our works, but it does mean that our faith is made evident through our works. I serve God, not to get Him to love me. I serve God because He loves me. I serve because I love Him. I need to cut some wood for Christ. How about you?

Your “wood cutting” may be in the form of serving in the Children’s ministry at your church. It may be witnessing through a street ministry. Yours may be by singing in the choir. Whatever “wood cutting” job the Lord has for you, do it knowing that it pleases the One Who called you to it. That should bring a smile to your face, as well.

I want to serve You, Lord, not grudgingly or under compulsion. I want to serve You simply because I love You.

Abiding, Allegiance, Bible, Bondslaves, Demons, Direction, Disciplemaking, Encouragement, Enemies, Following, Obedience, Scripture


MICAH 7:16 

“Nations will see and be ashamed of all their might. They will put their hand on their mouth, their ears will be deaf.” 

I shall never forget football drills and the coach screaming at us, “I want 110% out of you men. Don’t slack off.” I gave it my all. I played hard. I knew when I was giving it my all and when I was not. The coach could tell, too. I would miss blocking assignments or a tackle.  

Micah is now addressing the people again after God has spoken. Here he is showing us that we will always face opposition. The enemies of Israel gave their all against them but failed. The word “all” means whole or complete. In other words, they were all in. But they found out their might was no match for the might of God.  


Are you giving your all to Him today? I am not asking if you are working non-stop for Jesus without taking any breaths. No, I mean are you all in? Does Jesus have all of you? So many of us think we can just say a prayer and go about our business as if nothing has happened. That is not the case. 

I promise you that the enemies of the cross are all in after us. They are giving it their all to try to bring us down. But their “all” is no match for us if we are all in for Christ. It is His power that will defeat them, not our power. I can make you another promise. Christ is all in for you. 

Look at what He did for you. He died a horrible death on the cross for your salvation. You cannot get much more “all in” than that. His love for you cost Him everything. He gave His life to ransom your soul. He deserves your all. Give it to Him today. 

All to Jesus, I surrender. All to Him I freely give. 

Accountability, Bible, Bondslaves, Harvest, Modeling, Perseverance, Sowing


HOSEA 10:12

Sow for yourselves, with a view to righteousness; harvest in accordance with kindness. Break up your uncultivated ground, for it is time to seek the LORD until He comes and rains righteousness on you.”

Man, O man, I love harvest time. There is just something about harvesting things you have planted. I used to have great gardens. I don’t have a space for it anymore. But picking squash and tomatoes, green beans and corn. Yum, I can just taste those fresh vegetables.

The Lord tells us in today’s verse to “sow…with a view to righteousness.” He also says to “harvest in accordance with kindness.” Look at that. Righteousness and kindness. Those were two things that Israel was lacking during those days. But the Lord still expected that, just as He expects it from us.


Just how righteous are you? Now I know any righteousness we have comes from Jesus. Right? He makes us righteous through His shed blood. But as we are made righteous, we shall live that way. Everything we do (sow) should be done in righteousness. And then we shall reap in kindness.

Galatians 6:7-9 says, “Do not be deceived, God is not mocked; for whatever a person sows, this he will also reap. For the one who sows to his own flesh will reap destruction from the flesh, but the one who sows to the Spirit will reap eternal life from the Spirit. Let’s not become discouraged in doing good, for in due time we will reap, if we do not become weary.” Take this to heart.

Sowing and reaping go hand in hand. Whatever we choose to sow, we shall reap. It’s really our choice. I choose righteousness because I want kindness and mercy. Don’t you?

Father, I desire Your righteousness and mercy. I want to sow to please You.

Accountability, Battles, Belief, Bible, Blameless, Bondslaves, Busyness, Choices, Cleansing, Commands, Confession, Disciplemaking, Faith, Following, Judgment, Obedience, Punishment, Redemption, Repentance, Salvation, Scripture


HOSEA 7:12

When they go, I will spread My net over them; I will bring them down like the birds of the sky. I will discipline them in accordance with the proclamation to their assembly.

I have never used a net to catch birds, but I have used a cast net to catch fish. There’s quite an art to it. You need to know how to fold it in your hands and swing it just right to cause the net to open as it hits the water. Otherwise, you just have a mess of a net in a wad in the water. When you throw it correctly, you have the potential to catch some bait fish to use later.

The Lord has cast His net over the dove mentioned in verse 11. Ephraim may have thought they could escape capture and judgment just like a dove to quickly fly off and escape. But the Lord’s net it sure. He knows exactly how to throw it. His cast is always perfect. He would hold them down to earth to face the consequences of their sins.


Oh, be sure, my brothers and sisters, you will not escape the wrath of God. Unless we all turn to Jesus as our Lord and Savior, we will all face His wrath. We will pay for our sins. We have no excuse. We can’t claim ignorance. We can’t say we were too busy and meant to get to it. No! We will face judgment one day.

But thanks be to God, He has provided a way of escape (1 Corinthians 10:13) for us. All we have to do is turn to Jesus, admit we are a sinner, believe He is the Son of God who died on that cruel cross for us, was buried and rose again. Then we confess our sins and ask for His shed blood to cover them. Then God extends His loving arms to us and grants us forgiveness and gives us the faith to live obediently to Him.

You have a choice today. You can be a netted dove, caught in your sins, awaiting judgment or you can be set free by the blood of Jesus. Which is it? I am so thankful I am free. I am free to live a life dedicated to the Lord Jesus Christ. My life is in His hands. I am secure and protected. What a feeling. I feel just like that dove soaring high in the sky, knowing I am protected by my loving Father. How about you?

I am free because of Jesus’ blood. Thank You, Lord, for cutting loose the net that bound me to my sins.

Bible, Blessing, Bondslaves, Disciplemaking, Encouragement, Faithfulness, Gospel, Harvest, Joy, Labor, Obedience, Reward, Scripture


HOSEA 6:11

Also, Judah, there is a harvest appointed for you, when I restore the fortunes of My people.

I grew up in a rural community. My hometown was surrounded by farms. One great part of that childhood was my grandmother’s garden. She lived out in the country and always had a huge garden. All of us children knew that when the vegetables were ready for picking, we would be right there with our mom and grandmother.

God is promising to restore Judah, and with that, He would restore the harvest. Crops would be gathered. Seed could be saved for another year. A bountiful harvest gave hope for the coming winter and even into the following spring. Harvest time gave joy to the people. God’s harvest time is even more joyful.


One day God will reach down and reap the harvest of His people. We don’t know when that will come. He may do that right in the middle of our harvest season or in the dead of winter. We are His bounty. He wants to gather us home. But only He knows when the full crop will be ready.

While we are waiting, we have a job. We should be sowing and tending the seed He has given us to share. We are His bondservants with a specified job. We are to spread the Gospel, thus increasing the yield at the harvest. What an awesome responsibility. He will be well pleased at our efforts, if we are obedient and faithful.

I like gardening. I like sowing the seed of the Gospel even more. There is nothing more exciting than to see a seed you have sown take root and sprout. Then you see it come to maturity and reproduce 20, 60 or 100 fold. Wow! What a joy! Will you join me in the harvest?

Bringing in the sheaves, bringing in the sheaves, we shall come rejoicing bringing in the sheaves.

Advice, Bible, Bondslaves, Child Raising, Child Rearing, Commands, Confession, Disciplemaking, Encouragement, Evil, Faithfulness, Following, Freedom, Inspirational, Love, Modeling, Obedience, Parenting, Scripture, Testimony


1 PETER 2:16

Act as free men, and do not use your freedom as a covering for evil, but use it as bondslaves of God.”

Peter gives us some very good advice in this verse and uses a word that is only used right here – the word covering. It actually means a covering, a cloak, a veil. What is Peter saying here? He is telling us, through the inspiration of the Holy Spirit, to not pretend to be one thing while saying we are something else.

In other words, live truthful. Remember, we, as Christians, are bondslaves of God. We have willingly indentured ourselves to our Lord. We have committed ourselves to serving Him. If we are in service to Him, there is no room for doing evil. There is no room for cloaking evil in our lives.


Have your children ever tried to cover up a wrong done? Most children will do that at one time or another. Perhaps they made a mistake or accidently broke something. That is not what I am talking about. I talking about deliberately choosing wrong and then trying to hide it. Read them this verse. You can’t get much plainer than this verse.

I remember when I was growing up, I did this on several occasions. I didn’t want to get spanked (and boy, could my dad spank). I would hide my wrongdoings. Some my parents never found out about. But guess what? God still knew. I became more aware of that after I came to Christ. I always knew it, but it wasn’t until I became a bondslave did it really sink in. The same is true for your kids.

Are you cloaking your sin? Are you hiding your wrongdoings now? God is aware. You can’t cloak your sins from Him. Confess those now and bow in obedience to His sovereign will. A bondslave loves his master and is loved by His master. A bondslave lives to please the master. Is that you?

Forgive me, Lord, for trying to hide my disobedience. Forgive me for not bowing before You each day as Your bondslave. Today I will bow and obey.
