Bible, Blessing, Curses, Grace, Holiness, Judgment, Law, Scripture



“For all who are of works of the Law are under a curse; for it is written: ‘CURSED IS EVERYONE WHO DOES NOT ABIDE BY ALL THE THINGS WRITTEN IN THE BOOK OF THE LAW, TO DO THEM.’”

Being penalized for not keeping the rules is frustrating. I love football, but I don’t like all the rules. Some of them are flat out silly, if you ask me (of course, no one has asked me). But rules are rules. If you break the rule, there is a penalty. Some of those penalties may come at the absolute worse time in a game. I have seen penalties that have actually cost a team a win.

Paul talks about curses today in verse 10. The Greek word for “curse” is katara. It refers to the penalty that occurs when God condemns something. Paul quotes from Deuteronomy 27:26. He is saying that if you try to keep the Law but fail in just one of the commands, you are guilty of breaking the whole Law and are cursed. You will receive the penalty as if you had not kept any of it. That’s the futility of trying to keep the Law.


So, do we just give up? Well, yes and no. James 2:10 says it well, “For whoever keeps the whole Law, yet stumbles in one point, has become guilty of all.” James understood the futility of law-keeping. He had been under the Law. He knew only Jesus (his half-brother) could satisfy the demands of a holy God. We give up on the Law but place all our faith in the One who satisfied it.

I had much rather be blessed than cursed. How about you? Curses push you down. Curses break your spirit. Curses kill all hope. But blessings – awwwww blessings – they cheer the soul. They renew hope. They bring joy. Numbers 6:24-26 rings through my head right now. “The Lord bless you and keep you; the Lord make his face to shine upon you and be gracious to you; the Lord lift up his countenance upon you and give you peace.” Isn’t that awesome?

Keep on trying to do stuff to please God and fall flat on your face. You just can’t do enough to earn heaven. All you have to do is turn to Jesus. It really is that simple. I will still strive to keep all of God’s commands, not because I have to but because I want to. I want to live holy to honor Him, not appease His wrath. Jesus has already taken care of that. Amen! Hallelujah!

Thank You, Father, for sending Your Son to satisfy the demands of the Law. His sacrifice covers me!

Accountability, Bible, Boasting, Evil, Guilt, Holiness, Judgment, Perversion, Scripture, Wickedness



“You have wearied the LORD with your words. Yet you say, ‘How have we wearied Him?’ In that you say, ‘Everyone who does evil is good in the sight of the LORD, and He delights in them,’ or, ‘Where is the God of justice?’”

Our world has so many things backwards. Men who were born male can now become women physically. Women who were born female can change their sex. We are arguing about what pronoun to call someone. None of this makes sense to me. I am sure many of you are confused. But just think what the Creator of the universe thinks about all of this.

Malachi told the people that they were wearying the Lord with their words. They were even claiming that the Lord approved of the evil being done (Sound familiar?). They were even mocking God by saying “Where is the God of justice?”. They were thinking, “If this evil they were doing was so bad, why wasn’t God punishing them?” Arrogance and lack of awe of God was prevalent.


Man, this sounds just like today, doesn’t it? What is different? The New Living Translation writes Psalm 10:13 this way, “Why do the wicked get away with despising God? They think, ‘God will never call us to account.’” You see, this question has been asked for generations. We see a bad person prospering while we are serving the Lord and struggling to make ends meet. Why?

It isn’t ours to know why. God will judge everyone at some point. His timing is not our timing. We are called to be holy and devoted to Him. We are to focus on becoming as Christlike as possible and trust God with the rest. Do you trust Him? Do you believe He is just?

Take a few minutes and meditate on Psalm 73. Asaph struggled with this question of the wicked prospering as well. You have to read the whole psalm to see how he ends. But near the end is one of my favorite verses – verse 26. It says, “My flesh and my heart may fail, but God is the strength of my heart and my portion forever.” That is where we rest, beloved.

Father, I need to keep my eyes on You and not on the prospering wicked. You will take care of them in Your own time.

Accountability, Bible, Calling, Commands, God's Will, Holiness, Integrity, Judgment, Scripture



“‘And now, this commandment is for you, the priests.’”

Hearing the words that it is now your turn can be either delightful or terrifying. When the dentist says, “Okay, Mr. Willis, it’s your turn” I am a little terrified. I don’t like to go to the dentist. That’s nothing personal against the dentist. I just don’t like people in my mouth with power tools. And that whirring sound – now that is truly terrifying.

So, as we begin chapter two of Malachi, God is giving the priest a heads up. He says, “And now, it’s your turn, priests.” Actually, He says He has a commandment for them. We will see in the coming days what that is. (Hint, hint – it’s not good). Now, what is a commandment? Here, the better word would be “decree.” Listen up, priests.


What is the Lord saying to us in this verse? Do you want to know what I found for me? God is calling me to attention. He is telling me to listen up, to pay attention, to do what He says. I know I am not a priest in the Old Testament sense of the word, but I  am a priest according to His word.

I Peter 2:9-10 calls us that. “9 But you are A CHOSEN PEOPLE, A royal PRIESTHOOD, A HOLY NATION, A PEOPLE FOR GOD’S OWN POSSESSION, so that you may proclaim the excellencies of Him who has called you out of darkness into His marvelous light; 10 for you once were NOT A PEOPLE, but now you are THE PEOPLE OF GOD; you had NOT RECEIVED MERCY, but now you have RECEIVED MERCY.”

Are you listening, priests? Are you obeying all He has commanded? Are you leading well? Each of those is an important question that we must answer ourselves. If you are a believer, God has called you into His priesthood. Priests lead others to worship. Will you do that?

Father, I am blown away by your mercy. You have chosen me to be Your priest. Use me, Lord.

Bible, Blood, Chosen, God's Will, Holiness, Holy, Offering, Scripture



On that day there will be inscribed on the bells of the horses, ‘HOLY TO THE LORD.’ And the cooking pots in the LORD’S house will be like the bowls before the altar.”

It seems everyone is trying “normalize” everything. Things we thought were abnormal a generation ago are now mainstream. Same sex marriage has been made equal with normal heterosexual marriage. Pregnancy before marriage is now accepted. Nobody bats an eye. We have “dumbed” down society to a level that is hardly recognizable.

That is not what is happening in today’s verse. In verse 20 of Zechariah 14, Zechariah is bringing these everyday items up to a level of holiness. Holiness isn’t brought down to their level. They are lifted up. That is exactly what the Lord does for us, isn’t it? He lifts us up out of the mirey clay, cleanses us and places us in the heavenlies.


We need to do the same. We need to reach down and pull up the things that are unholy, change them through Jesus and declare them holy. 2 Timothy 2:21 says, “Therefore, if anyone cleanses himself from these things, he will be a vessel for honor, sanctified, useful to the Master, prepared for every good work.” Whew! Wow! “Useful to the Master.”

Let me ask you something. Are you useful for the master? Just like the bells on the horses and the cooking pots will be made holy, you may also be made holy through the blood of the Lamb. He wants to use you for His special tasks. He has plans for you. And He needs you to be a holy vessel, worthy of Him.

The great thing about us being holy is it is not up to us. We don’t have to do a bunch of works to earn it. We don’t have to keep 613 laws, drawn up by fallible men. We only have to rely on His holiness. We simply submit and let His holiness pour over us. Are you ready for some holiness on you?

Father, You are holy so I want to be holy. Use me as Your vessel.

Belief, Bible, Blessing, Decisions, Exalting, God's Will, Holiness, Majesty, Marvelous, Salvation, Scripture, Wonder



“‘The LORD of armies says this: “If it is too difficult in the sight of the remnant of this people in those days, will it also be too difficult in My sight?” declares the LORD of armies.’”

What determines if something is marvelous? The Webster definition of “marvelous” is something causing great wonder; something extraordinary. Wow! Think about the things you have seen or heard about that fits into that category. I was eight-years-old when we landed men on the moon. That was definitely something that caused great wonder. It was extraordinary.

Why am I talking marvelous things. Do you see that word in our verse today? Well, it’s there. The Hebrew word translated as “difficult” in the New American Standard Bible (which is what I use) is also translated “marvelous” in other translations. In Jeremiah 32:27 we read, “‘Behold, I [am] YHWH, God of all flesh: is anything too wonderful (wonderful) for Me?’” (Literal Standard Version) The things God does that may seem difficult make them marvelous.


Mark 10:27 is another great passage about the marvelous things God does. “Looking at them, Jesus said, ‘With people it is impossible, but not with God; for all things are possible with God.’” Don’t every doubt God’s ability to make something happen. After all, He did create everything. Why wouldn’t He have the power to affect whatever He chooses to affect?

The most marvelous thing I can think of, though, is salvation. That same God, who created all things, sent His own Son (the God-Man) into this sin-filled world to pay the ultimate price for all mankind. That blows my mind. Christianity is the only religion where the object of worship died for the worshipper. Isn’t that extraordinary? Doesn’t that cause great wonder?

Stop for a minute today and give God praise for this marvelous, this “difficult” thing He has done. I am reminded of that hymn, “I Stand Amazed in the Presence.” I love the chorus that goes, “How marvelous! How wonderful! And my song shall ever be:
How marvelous! How wonderful! Is my Savior’s love for me!”

Thank You, Lord, for doing the difficult and marvelous things. You are God and there is no other.

Bible, Blessing, Holiness, Holy Spirit, Obedience, Offering, Sacrifice, Scripture



“‘If someone carries holy meat in the fold of his garment, and touches bread with this fold, or touches cooked food, wine, oil, or any other food, will it become holy?’” And the priests answered, ‘No.’”

Have you ever wondered what makes something holy? We have the Holy Bible (that one is understandable). We have holy water (which is used by some). We even have holy smoke, lol. A question is poised by the Lord to the priests about how things become holy. This may seem like a foreign concept for us today. We’ll dig into that a little further in a minute.

In today’s verse the priests are asked if a certain action would cause something to be holy. Can meat, that has been blessed by the priests, transfer holiness from it to another object if it touches it? You can read about this transfer of holiness in Exodus 29:37 and Leviticus 6:27, 29; 7:6. It was the meat given to the priests as part of their provisions. This meat was a portion of the meat given by the people for sacrifice. This meat belonged to the Lord.


Ahh! So, there it is! That is what makes something holy. We have the answer to the question. Holiness is only transferrable by the Lord. He makes something or someone holy. There is nothing we can do on purpose or accidentally that can confer holiness. Our holiness cannot be passed on. Each person must become holy on their own through the blood of Jesus.

You see that meat that was holy was only holy because it was part of the offering to God, a blood sacrifice. We are made holy through the blood of the Lamb. We are made more like Him (more holy) by surrendering more and more of ourselves on that altar of sacrifice. As we die to our flesh each day, the Lord allows us to experience more and more of His holiness.

Holiness is not something to be grabbed and obtained through a touch. Holiness comes through righteousness given to us by Jesus. Do you long to live holy? Do you want to be known as someone who lives holy? Then lay your life on that altar. Die to your will and live according to His will. Holiness will be poured upon you through His Spirit.

Holy, holy, holy, Lord God Almighty…Only Thou art holy
There is none beside Thee, Perfect in power, in love and purity

Bible, Following, God's Will, Holiness, Modeling, Scripture



 “‘The latter glory of this house will be greater than the former,’ says the LORD of armies, ‘and in this place I will give peace,’ declares the LORD of armies.”

Everyone wants things bigger and better. Isn’t that right? If a two-bedroom house is good, a three-bedroom house is better. If you have earned $1 million, $2 million is better. Get the picture? We tend to think that way, but is it right? Is it God’s way? Let’s take a look at today’s verse and see.

God tells the Israelites that the new temple “will be greater than the former.” Was He declaring that it would be bigger and better? I don’t think so. You see, this new temple would be the very temple in which Jesus, His Son, would walk. The Messiah would enter it, bringing in His peace. That would make it better, not the adornments.


So, what can you expect from your Heavenly Father? Will He make your life “bigger and better”? He may or He may not. What we can expect is that God wants us to be more like Him. He wants us to be holy. In Leviticus 19:2 God tells us, “‘You shall be holy, for I the LORD your God am holy.’” Peter shares this again in 1 Peter 1:14-16, “14 As obedient children, do not be conformed to the former lusts which were yours in your ignorance, 15 but like the Holy One who called you, be holy yourselves also in all your behavior; 16 because it is written: ‘YOU SHALL BE HOLY, FOR I AM HOLY.’”

Being holy is bigger and better. Walking with Him is being bigger and better. Now, the world will tell you just the opposite. It focuses on material gains or fame. Those things do not make you bigger or better. Who you are in Christ is all that matters. What do you want others to see in you? That is the real question.

For me, I just want them to see Jesus. That begins with my wife. I want her to see Jesus in me every day as we pray. I want my children and grandchildren to see Jesus in their dad or poppy. That is what will make me bigger and better. After all, there is nobody any bigger or better than Jesus. Right?

Make me like You, Lord. Help me to be holy, just as You are holy.

Accused, Belief, Bible, Consequences, Deliverance, Faith, God's Will, Holiness, Redemption, Salvation, Scripture



“This they will have in return for their arrogance, because they have taunted and boasted against the people of the LORD of armies.”

The old payback – no one wants that. Right? If you have ever done something to harm someone who has the ability to get you back, you are constantly looking over your shoulder. Siblings are great at that. They will plot until just the right time and then nail you. I’ve known people who waited for years to strike back and get their vengeance.

Of course, God is not getting vengeance on the Moabites and Ammonites. He is simply giving them what they deserve according to His judgment on them. In return for their violence against His people, they will be judged. Instead of blessings, they have incurred His wrath. If they had only yielded to Him. But instead, they rebelled and now are suffering the consequences.


God is still in the reward business. If we turn to Jesus and confess Him as Lord and Savior, then He rewards us by giving us eternal life. Instead of His wrath, we get blessings. If we do not come to Jesus, we will be judged by a holy God and be found lacking. Nothing we have done or could do will earn us a place in glory.

It’s really pretty simple. I think that is the problem. People don’t believe it’s that easy to get saved. They think they have to do something. All God asks of us is to confess our sins, believe in His Son and surrender to His Will. Who do you know who needs to do that? Can you lead them into a saving knowledge of Jesus today and help them escape the wrath to come?

I could list a number of verses about salvation here, but I would prefer that you look them up. Just do a Google search on salvation verses. You will get dozens and dozens. If you are not a believer, let the Word convict you and lead you to Him. If you are a believer, share these verses with someone who needs them. Praise God for His mercy and grace.

I love You, Lord, and I lift my voice to worship You. Oh my soul rejoice.

Abuse, Bible, Darkness, Evil, Flesh, Holiness, Justice, Purity, Scripture



“‘Woe to him who makes his neighbor drink; to you who mix in your venom even to make your neighbors drunk, so as to look at their genitalia!’”

I have read too many case files of child abuse. Just when I thought I had heard it all, I would get another case with even darker sins exposed. Actions taken against children anger me. To see their innocence robbed of them makes me scream for justice. One day all those perpetrators will receive their just reward.

The third woe has begun, and this one is against such abuse of others. Getting others drunk in order to leer at their nakedness or even abuse them was abhorrent to God. These Chaldeans were a wicked bunch of people and used their power over their enemies to abuse them.


You are probably not going to carry out such actions on another person. At least I hope you wouldn’t. But we can be just as sinful in our minds. Jesus told us to even look at a woman with lust in our hearts is a sin. That goes for women looking at men as well. You may not be getting them drunk and abusing them, but you are sinning against them just as much.

How do you protect yourself from such base desires of the flesh? By filling your mind with His Word. The more of His Word we have memorized and studied, the more weapons we have to fight off those evil desires of the heart. It takes discipline and effort to memorize Scripture, but the payoff is one hundred fold.

Why don’t you make a plan to start memorizing one verse a week? That’s not hard to do if you are determined to do it. There are many tools you can use, including some pretty, cool Bible apps to help. As you begin to do this, you will find those impure thoughts become less and less because your mind is flooded with pure things. Give it a try.

Fill my mind with Your Words, O Lord. Let the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be acceptable in Your sight.

Bible, Direction, Holiness, Purity, Scripture



Your eyes are too pure to look at evil, and You cannot look at harm favorably. Why do You look favorably at those who deal treacherously? Why are You silent when the wicked swallow up those more righteous than they?”

When I read this verse today, my thoughts immediately went to Job 31:1. “I have made a covenant with my eyes not to look lustfully on a young woman.” I want my eyes to be pure, but ian this world, that’s a pretty hard thing to do. Our eyes are under constant bombardment.

Habakkuk knows God’s eyes are pure. He knows the God of His people cannot stand to look on sin. So, why is He allowing these wicked Chaldeans to come in and defeat them? Why is a holy God using them to judge Israel? Surely, God cannot handle looking on such evil.


Everywhere we look, evil abounds. This world is constantly throwing evil our way. Any attempt to have holy eyes is a target for the evil one. He uses every conceivable method to divert our eyes off of God and onto the evil.

Thankfully, we can rely on God’s eyes remaining holy. Yes, He used the Chaldeans to judge Israel. He was doing that to bring them back to Himself. It wasn’t to drive them further away. God will not shield our eyes from evil just to make our lives easier. That is not how He works.

God will steer our eyes toward the holy, but we are in total control of what we choose to look at. We can choose to peer into the abyss of sin or into the heavenlies. What holds more promise. His Word directs our eyes. Our time with God reading His Word and praying points our vision.

Keep my gaze on the holy things, Lord. I only want what is holy to come into my view.
