Abiding, Answers, Asking, Belief, Bible, Boldness, Decisions, Encouragement, God's Will, Promises, Scripture, Seeking



“And you, brothers and sisters, like Isaac, are children of promise.”

My wife and I have been waiting on something for well over a year. Every day we pray about this, asking God to do whatever He needs to do to resolve the situation. Waiting is hard. Asking for the same thing over and over is challenging. But I am reminded of the story told in Luke 18 where Jesus taught the disciples about prayer. Verse 1 says, “Now He was telling them a parable to show that at all times they ought to pray and not become discouraged,” I’ll let you read the next several verses later to see the parable He told them.

Why mention waiting? Because Paul mentions Isaac today in verse 28 of chapter 4. He was the child promised to Abraham and Sarah. Sarah didn’t get pregnant right away. God waited 25 years. Abraham was 75 when God gave him that promise, and Isaac was born when he was 100 (Sarah was 90). Why would God do that? Don’t you know Abraham asked Sarah a hundred times if she was pregnant, and every time she would tell him “Not this time.” Annoying, right?


Sometimes God moves swiftly. We just moved and the process happened so quickly. We prayed for the right buyer and the right house for us on the other end. From listing our house to a contract signed took seven days. Then we found a house and had a contract in two days. So, we know He can move fast when it is His plan. The danger we face is getting ahead of God. I am sure you have never done that.

In 1 Samuel 13:8-9 we see a story about Saul when he did not wait as instructed. “8 He waited seven days, the time appointed by Samuel. But Samuel did not come to Gilgal, and the people were scattering from him. 9 So Saul said, ‘Bring the burnt offering here to me, and the peace offerings. And he offered the burnt offering.” And we know what happened as a result. The kingdom which had been promised to him was torn away and given to David. Waiting is important.

I want to encourage you today (as I encourage myself) to wait on God. He has a plan for your life. Listen to Him. Wait on Him. His timing is always perfect even though we don’t think so sometime. It won’t be easy, but it will be worth it (I keep reminding myself of that).

Lord, Your promises are always true and will be fulfilled. Help me wait on You instead of kicking in doors myself.

Allegory, Bible, Chains, Devil, Encouragement, Freedom, God's Will, Holy Spirit, Law, Scripture, Slaves



“This is speaking allegorically, for these women are two covenants: one coming from Mount Sinai giving birth to children who are to be slaves; she is Hagar.”

I have to admit that I am not a grammatical genius. If you have read many of my blogs, you have probably already figured that out. Right? So, I looked up the definition of allegory. “It is a figurative sentence or discourse, in which the principal object is described by another subject resembling it in its properties and circumstances.” – Webster. Thank you, Mr. Webster! I am sure we all understand it now.

Paul tells us plainly that he is going to be speaking “allegorically.” This Greek word is only used one time in the New Testament. It literally means to speak publicly something other than. Paul is going to be comparing the story of Hagar and Sarah, Ishmael and Isaac to our slavery to sin and our freedom in Christ. This allegory is not to imply in any way that the Old Testament story is not true. You can use an historical truth allegorically to make a point, which is what Paul has done here.


Now that I have bored you to tears with the English lesson on allegories, how do we use today’s verse in our lives? Well, let’s focus on the topic of this first part of the allegory – Hagar. Who was she? She was a servant girl of Sarah’s. But she was more than a servant. She had been given to Abraham by Sarah to try to conceive a child which would satisfy God’s promise to give then a child. God never instructed them to do this. They just decided to “help God along.”

This first part of the allegory isn’t very encouraging. Hagar and Ishmael represent slavery to sin. Even after Hagar gave birth to Ishmael, she was still a servant. Nothing had changed. You and I are slaves to sin until we come to Jesus. We have no power to resist. We have no way to escape the devil’s schemes. There is no hope. We can’t “perform” our way out of sin. We have to have the chains broken.

Praise be to God we have a “chain-breaker.” He is Jesus, the Righteous One. He is the One to whom we run for freedom. Paul is so aware of this. He now sees how bound to sin he was while he was under the law, which is also represented by Hagar. Paul wants these Galatians to be free in Christ, not bound to the law. In the same way, God wants us to be free in Jesus. Are you free today?

Lord, I am thankful You gifted men like Paul to write under the inspiration of the Spirit to give us these truths.

Accountability, Advice, Apologies, Bible, Choices, Confrontation, Encouragement, Gospel, Influence, Mentoring, Scripture



“The rest of the Jews joined him in hypocrisy, with the result that even Barnabas was carried away by their hypocrisy.”

It is not a good thing to be a bad influence. God does not look approvingly on that. I have to admit that before I came to Christ, I was not the best influence. I had some bad habits that I shared. I repented of that and have apologized to those I may have harmed back then. Even as a believer we can do that also. Let’s look at what happened in Antioch.

Paul begins to get in more detail why he had to oppose Peter to his face (as he said back in verse11). Because Peter stopped eating with the Gentiles, the rest of the converted Jews and even Barnabas, were influenced by him. The word Paul uses for “carried away” is only used three times in the New Testament. Once it is positive (Romans 12:16) and twice negatively (here and in 2 Peter 3:17). These Jews and Barnabas were led away by Peter’s negative behavior towards the Gentiles.


Why did Paul jump in and confront Peter? Well, we will see more of the story in the rest of chapter 2. But to make a concise point – Paul had to stop the corruption of the Gospel. Peter and the rest of the men who pulled away were essentially adding to the Gospel. They were implying that you had to eat kosher to be right with the Lord. Thank the Lord that didn’t hold up. I love bacon, lol.

Another story of bad influence was told in the book of Acts when Ananias made the plan with his wife Sapphira to lie to Peter about their land sale. Read Acts 5:1-11 for the full story. This decision to follow her husband in this lie cost Sapphira her life. When we influence people in a negative manner, it may not cost them their physical life, but it could spiritually. If unbelievers don’t see a difference in us because of Jesus, they may be influenced to not listen to the drawing of the Holy Spirit in their own lives, thus costing them eternity with Christ.

Who will you influence today? You have the opportunity to be Jesus to someone. You may influence a neighbor by the way you speak to them on the street. You may influence a fellow believer by sharing a prayer request with them or praying with them. We have a high calling. Be an influencer – only in a positive way.

Lord, give me the opportunity today to influence someone to follow Jesus – not me.

Abiding, Accountability, Bible, Blameless, Encouragement, Following, Integrity, Ministry, Reputation, Salvation, Scripture, Testimony



“but they only kept hearing, ‘The man who once persecuted us is now preaching the faith which he once tried to destroy.’”

I have had the opportunity to go back to my hometown church a few times to share about my ministry. Now, you need to understand something about me. I wasn’t always what you would call “ministry worthy.” My life before Jesus was filled with self. I wouldn’t call me a persecutor of Christians like Paul, but I didn’t want to be labeled as a “do gooder.” I kind of liked the reputation of a tough guy or at least as someone who loved to party. So, when I return now as a minister of the Gospel, those who knew me then raise an eyebrow or two.

As I mentioned in yesterday’s blog, the churches outside of Jerusalem had heard about Paul, but didn’t know him. They would have been a little wary of this guy showing up preaching Jesus. They may have seen him as a threat, as someone who was trying to trick them. Paul is still laying out his story here in Galatians. He is telling them who he was and where he had come from. He wasn’t who he was before. He had changed, and Jesus was the One who had changed him and given him the message he was to preach.


Have you ever met someone for the first time, and they told you they had heard of you? That’s happened to me a few times, and I usually reply, “Well, I hope it was all good.” Listen to me – our reputation matters, especially to a lost world. I love Revelation 12:11 that says, “And they overcame him because of the blood of the Lamb and because of the word of their testimony, and they did not love their life even when faced with death.” Notice that phrase “word of their testimony.” Our testimony has an effect on people. I don’t mean you have to have this testimony of coming out of drugs or alcohol. Your testimony consists of when you accepted Jesus and what He has done in your life since then.

But back to our reputation. How others see us and hear about us matters. Proverbs 22:1 tells us, “A good name is to be chosen rather than great riches, and favor is better than silver or gold.” We are told in Ecclesiastes 7:1, “A good name is better than precious ointment, and the day of death than the day of birth.” I could go on and list numerous verses on the importance of our reputation, but I will stop there. You can do your own study on that.

Why is our reputation important? Because we are representing the King of kings and Lord of lords. We are Christians – Christ like. We are His ambassadors who have been given a mission to carry out to a lost world. Paul had to overcome his bad reputation of being a persecutor of believers by showing them how he had changed. He had to love them. He had to share what Christ had done for him on that road to Damascus. He was faithful to the end, up to the moment he was martyred in that Roman prison. How about you? What is your reputation?

Let me never forget, Lord, that I represent You? I want others to know Whom I represent.

Abiding, Bible, Blessing, Doubts, Encouragement, Following, Humiliation, Scripture



“‘You have said, “It is pointless to serve God; and what benefit is it for us that we have done what He required, and that we have walked in mourning before the LORD of armies?”’”

There have been times in my life when I have felt totally inept. Everything I did seemed to fall apart. Indeed, it felt pointless to continue to try to do the thing I was attempting. Failure was assured. I can remember one football game in high school when we were losing in the fourth quarter. The coach called a timeout and gave us a pep talk. It was simple – play til the clock hits 0:00. We felt like zeroes.

In today’s verse, the Lord is reminding the people what they had been saying about following Him. They saw the faithful still suffering in poverty. They had decided it was better to not obey since obedience only brought sorrow. Serving Jehovah seemed useless. They had rather reap the benefits of the world than wallow in the pits.


Oh, but they were forgetting one important thing. This world is not our home. The things we obtain here are only temporal. They will not last. The faithful realized that. They were not obeying God to get things down here. They were laying up treasure in heaven, where neither moths nor rust can destroy.

In 1 Corinthians 15:19 Paul says, “If we have hoped in Christ only in this life, we are of all people most to be pitied.” How true! If my walk with Christ was dependent on what God gives me down here, I would have long ago left the path. It is not about that. He does bless us down here, though. I have been blessed in so many ways. But I do not and cannot live for those things.

Neither can you. Follow Christ out of joy. Follow Christ because of how much He loves you. Follow Christ because the promise we have in heaven. Follow Christ because ________________ (you fill in the blank). We all need to remember why we are serving Him here. We serve Him for what is coming. Praise God!

Lord, I love You and want to show You by serving You here on this earth. I look forward to my heavenly rewards.

Allies, Battles, Bible, Commands, Danger, Encouragement, Enemies, God's Will, Scripture, Strength, Weakness



“The LORD also will save the tents of Judah first, so that the glory of the house of David and the glory of the inhabitants of Jerusalem will not be greater than Judah.”

There are stories all through the Bible of God using the smallest or youngest to achieve great things. One of the greatest is of David. He was the youngest of Jesse’s sons, but God chose him to be the second king of Israel. If you are the least bit familiar with the Old Testament, you have read of all David’s exploits and how the Lord used him.

Zechariah contrasts the tents of Judah with the inhabitants of Jerusalem. One scholar says this about this verse. “tents—shifting and insecure, as contrasted with the solid fortifications of Judah. But God chooses the weak to confound the mighty, that all human glorying may be set aside.” Don’t you just love that? He uses the weak to confound the mighty.


We should never think we are too small or too weak or too old to be used by the Lord. 1 Corinthians 1:27 says, “but God has chosen the foolish things of the world to shame the wise, and God has chosen the weak things of the world to shame the things which are strong.” Everyone is useable by God.

Maybe you have a physical defect that you think prevents you from being used. Not so! David Ring is a very gifted evangelist who has cerebral palsy. He has multiple physical challenges, yet God has used him all over the world to lead others to Christ. He often makes this statement when he speaks. “I have Cerebral Palsy. What’s your problem?”

So, let me ask you. What is your problem? Why aren’t you allowing the Lord to use you? You have so much to offer. It’s not about you, though. It’s about Christ in you. When you yield to Him, He can take your weakest trait and magnify it into a useable skill. Just let Him use you to great and mighty things!

Father, I thank You for using me, despite my weaknesses.

Advocate, Battles, Bible, Defense, Encouragement, Foundation, Scripture, Security



“‘It will come about on that day that I will make Jerusalem a heavy stone for all the peoples; all who lift it will injure themselves severely. And all the nations of the earth will be gathered against it.’”

Sometimes you just have to move a heavy object. I have a piece of furniture in my home that is very heavy. When we moved into our current home, I enlisted several of my friends to help with the heavy stuff. I vividly remember several robust young men heaving this particular piece of furniture over the stair banister and lifting it up the stairs. It was a major effort. I think it will stay when we move.

The Lord describes Jerusalem as a heavy stone in today’s verse. It wasn’t that they were heavy. They were immovable. Jerusalem would also cause severe injury to all who tried to move it. In other words, God was protecting the city. It was not going to be moved by anyone. They were there to stay, secured by God. It was His power that kept it in place.


The Lord is still keeping us secure. Did you know that? We are immovable because of Him. Our faith is secure. Ephesians 1:13-14 says, “In him you also, when you heard the word of truth, the gospel of your salvation, and believed in him, were sealed with the promised Holy Spirit, who is the guarantee of our inheritance until we acquire possession of it, to the praise of his glory.”

Just like Jerusalem was immovable, we are also because of His seal on us. Satan can buffet us and berate us, but we will not be moved. Don’t forget that. You may feel like you are falling apart, but you’re not. God’s got this. What He calls secure is secure.

I am so thankful for that security. Aren’t you? I am reminded of that security every time I read His Word. It is the anchor for my soul. Meditating and memorizing it brings me such confidence and peace. Have you experienced that? I hope so. If not, take some time today to dig into the Word. What you have just read is just a taste of what is to come.

O Lord, You are my security. You make me immovable.

Bible, Children, Encouragement, Eternity, Family, God's Will, Praise, Scripture



“And a people of mixed origins will live in Ashdod, and I will eliminate the pride of the Philistines.”

I have never owned a pure bred dog. All my dogs were mixed. My last dog was part Chow and part Australian Shepherd. We got him at the animal shelter. He was a mutt – cute, but a mutt. Those kinds of dogs don’t have much monetary value. Their value is only in the eyes of the beholder.

The Hebrew word in today’s verse for “mixed origins” really means bastard, one born out of wedlock, or one born of mixed heritage. When Alexander destroyed the Philistine cities, he repopulated them with people from other conquered nations. Any children born afterwards were of mixed races. Thus, the term used here referred to them. The pride of Philistine was gone. Their nation would be no more.


Now, what can we get from this verse today. Listen, as children of the King, we have a royal heritage. Peter tells us that in 1 Peter 2:9. “But you are A CHOSEN PEOPLE, A royal PRIESTHOOD, A HOLY NATION, A PEOPLE FOR GOD’S OWN POSSESSION, so that you may proclaim the excellencies of Him who has called you out of darkness into His marvelous light;”

Your value to God is not based on what you were. It doesn’t matter where you came from. You are now a child of the King. You are part of His family. You carry the authority of Jesus to conquer the enemy. You are worth everything to God. He spared nothing to bring you home. Don’t let anyone ever tell you differently. You matter a lot to Him.

I never felt anything but love from my parents. Sure, they disciplined me. There were times we did not see eye to eye. But I never doubted their love for me. But as much as we loved each other, God loves me so much more. His love never waivers. He will love me for eternity. I am His and He is mine. Praise the Lord!

I praise Your holy name, O God. I know I am Your child and will live with You forever.

Abundance, Bible, Blessing, Calling, Encouragement, Gospel, Harvest, Messages, Scripture



“Then the word of the LORD of armies came, saying,” 

Don’t you just love it when you get good news? Maybe you were just notified that you are getting that promotion that you have been praying about. Perhaps you were just told by the doctor that you are expecting after years of trying to get pregnant. Just fill in the blank. We all have those stories. Well, Zechariah is about to get some good news from the Lord. I bet he is so excited.

This verse, by itself, is pretty plain and not very exciting. But the excitement comes in what is coming. Every time the Lord talks it is exciting, isn’t it? Whether He is delivering words of judgment or words of blessing, it is exciting. Zechariah is ready to hear the Lord. How do I know that? Because every time the Lord speaks, Zechariah is listening. He was waiting for the Lord to tell him the next message he is to deliver.


Take a peek at the whole 8th chapter. It is so encouraging to see the good news for Israel. Don’t you feel the same way about the good news of the Gospel of Christ? We have had such good news given to us. Why aren’t we more like Zechariah, sharing the good news with the people?

Probably one of the most familiar verses about this is found in Acts 1:8. “‘but you will receive power when the Holy Spirit has come upon you; and you shall be My witnesses both in Jerusalem and in all Judea, and Samaria, and as far as the remotest part of the earth.’” Are you doing that? Are you being that witness wherever you go?

Romans 10:13-4 tells us, “13for “EVERYONE WHO CALLS ON THE NAME OF THE LORD WILL BE SAVED.” 14 How then are they to call on Him in whom they have not believed? How are they to believe in Him whom they have not heard? And how are they to hear without a preacher?” We must be the feet of Jesus. We must spread the good news. Listen for God’s message, telling you to whom and how to share it.

Thank You, Lord, for sending me the good news all those years ago. Give me opportunities to share it to others.

Answers, Asking, Bible, Disciplemaking, Encouragement, Following, God's Will, Scripture, Teaching



“So he answered me, saying, ‘Do you not know what these are?’ And I said, ‘No, my lord.’”

A large part of my ministry career involved supervising people. I felt like I have been a pretty good coach over the years. I tried to answer everyone’s questions. Better yet, I tried to get them to ask the right questions. I wanted them to think for themselves. We teach men in our ministry of Every Man A Warrior to think for themselves and to teach their children to do the same.

That is what the angel is trying to get Zechariah to do – think for himself. This is the second time in this vision that he has given this answer to him. In fact, if you look back at verse 5, this verse is identical to it – the same words. That is not a mistake. Repetition is important for learning. The angel was repeating himself on purpose. Think Zechariah, think!


Often, in our walk with the Lord, He will not give us the answer immediately. He wants us to grow. He wants us to learn. He is helping us mature as believers. It is like Paul told the Corinthians in 1 Corinthians 3:2, “I gave you milk to drink, not solid food; for you were not yet able to consume it. But even now you are not yet able,…”

Can you imagine living your whole life only drinking milk? You would not be very strong physically. You need other foods to grow. In the same way, God will not spoon feed you all your life. He wants you to grow strong, spiritual muscles, so He allows things in your life to stretch those muscles. He will give you the strength you need, but you will need to push yourself as well.

Now, don’t be afraid to keep asking Him for help. He is always there. But be patient when the answers come slowly. There is a reason for that. He may give you the exact same answer you got last time. That’s okay. That’s for a reason as well. Trust the process He has you in. He is building you into a beautiful vessel.

Lord, I do have to admit that I am impatient sometimes when I ask You for something. Give me more faith, Lord, to trust the process.
