Abiding, Bible, Hearing, Listening, Scripture, Speech, Testimony



“Also the word of the LORD came to me, saying,”

In this world of multi-media, we can get lost in messages and texts. I send a lot of emails. Usually, they are to groups of people I have saved in a distribution list. But occasionally I will need to send an email to just one person. I will type it, check it and hit send only to realize I needed to add something to the message. Now, I have to send another message.

The angel has been delivering God’s message to Zechariah, but now in today’s verse we see the Lord talking directly to Zechariah. I love the word “also.” In the Hebrew it is much stronger than that. It is an emphatic word. It is a strong word. It’s kind of like “And furthermore.” God is driving the point home. He has been watching and listening to the angel’s conversation with Zechariah and adds to it.


The point for us? God is not done talking to us. He has more to say – if we will just listen. In Luke 9:44, Jesus called the disciples close and said, “‘Listen carefully to what I am about to tell you: The Son of Man is going to be delivered into the hands of men.’” Have you heard the Lord tell you to “listen carefully”? He just may have a message for you.

The last couple of days I have been at a Pastors’ Conference. We have had some incredible pre-session prayer times. Each day as I walked the room and prayed over the table and chairs, God has given me words for that day. How did I hear those words? I was listening. He did not speak audibly to me. He spoke through His Spirit, but the words were as clear as a bell.

Today God may tap you on the shoulder and say, “Listen up. I have a message for you.” Get still somewhere and just listen. Try it for one minute. Then try it for two minutes. If you keep practicing this, you will want to add minutes so you can hear more from Him. God had more to say to Zechariah. He has more to say to us. Listen!

Here I am, Lord. I am listening. Speak to me.

Abiding, Bible, Choices, Confession, Discipline, Holy Spirit, Intimacy, Modeling, Obedience, Scripture, Speech, Testimony


AMOS 1:2

And he said, “The LORD roars from Zion, and from Jerusalem He utters His voice; and the shepherds’ pasture grounds mourn, and the summit of Carmel dries up.”

I have mentioned a lot in my blogs that I grew up in South Georgia. That’s different that Georgia. I grew up so far south that I thought Atlanta, GA was in the northern states. Lol. So when I speak, people know I’m from the South. I have a southern accent that I can’t deny, nor would I. That is where I dwelt.

I love this imagery which Amos uses. The Lord roars from Zion. He dwells in Jerusalem. This is a clear message to the nation of Israel who had set up worship sites in the northern kingdom. No! God dwells in Jerusalem. That is where He chose to dwell. He didn’t change His location. And you can definitely tell where His voice is coming from. The world will know.


Isn’t it glorious that now He dwells in us? When we receive His Son as our Savior, He immediately indwells us through the person of the Holy Spirit. We become His dwelling place. In 1 Corinthians, Paul reminds us that our bodies of the temple of the Holy Spirit. And our voice should now be His voice. People should know who indwells us by the way we talk.

Our language has to change. We can’t keep talking the same way we talked before we were saved. The words we choose to use have to reflect the one who indwells us. The words we put in print have to tell others that we are different. We can’t use the world’s words anymore. We are different. We are indwelt.

That’s hard sometimes. We slip up and fall back into the old way of talking. We use some of those old words that don’t sound like Jesus. I have had to confess that as sin too many times. I am thankful for a God who can override my tongue. He can choose my words for me when I want to say something different. I want my words to reflect Him and sound like Him. Don’t you?

Father, forgive me when I fail to reflect You in my speech. I truly want others to hear You and not me.

Advice, Bible, Child Raising, Child Rearing, Commands, Deceit, Encouragement, Evil, Godliness, Gossip, Inspirational, Lies, Mentoring, Modeling, Parenting, Speech, Testimony


1 PETER 3:10


This verse and the next two verses come from Psalm 34:12-16. Peter isn’t just giving his opinion. He gives us truth from God’s Word. Shouldn’t we all do that? And this truth is one worth sharing. Let’s just look at this verse.

The Psalmist says if you desire life watch your mouth. The word “evil” there refers to an inner evil, one that is really foul. And the word “deceit” means luring others into a trap. Get the picture? You must keep your tongue and mouth from evil if you want life. You can’t talk like this and see good days.


This is a no brainer for our kids. Aren’t we always correcting their speech, especially when it’s not nice? We don’t let our children talk that way. But where do they learn it? Most of the time from us. That’s not always the case, but it is most of the time. We have to watch our lips because little ears are listening.

Sometimes they learn this speech from their friends. So, ask yourself if you want your kids around these other children. You may have to limit their contact with people who are negatively influencing them. That’s tough, but necessary.

How’s your mouth? Are you talking out of both sides of your mouth? Our words should be consistent no matter where we are. Why? Because the One who matters is always listening. If we submit our tongues and lips to Him, only the right words will proceed from us. Will you do that today?

O Father, I desire for my words to be pleasing to Your ear. Speak through me Lord.
