Appeasement, Belief, Bible, Eternity, Grace, Justified, Protection, Righteousness, Salvation, Scripture



“You have been severed from Christ, you who are seeking to be justified by the Law; you have fallen from grace.”

If I had a billion dollars, I would give most it away. But since I don’t have a billion dollars, I can’t do that. No one is going to benefit from my imaginary wealth. One can’t happen because the other is not reality. That’s the best I can do to draw a comparison to today’s verse (which could be a confusing one). Let’s look at what Paul is really saying.

Today’s verse is a prime example of why you can’t just read a verse out of context. Taken by itself, you may presume that someone could lose their salvation (fallen from grace). Not so fast. Look at the second phrase (you who…by the Law). Is it possible to be justified by the Law? Of course not. Paul has been preaching that this whole letter. If that is not true, then the last phrase (fallen from grace) is not true either. Paul has never taught that this was possible. We’ll see another passage below that backs that up.


Look at Romans 3:20. “because by the works of the Law none of mankind will be justified in His sight; for through the Law comes knowledge of sin.” Ever since the Mosaic Law was handed down, man has been trying to keep it. Remember, if they failed in one aspect of the Law, they were considered failed to the whole Law. No one could achieve that – at least no one until Jesus.

A little further down in Romans 3, we read this, “27 Where then is boasting? It has been excluded. By what kind of law? Of works? No, but by a law of faith. 28 For we maintain that a person is justified by faith apart from works of the Law.” You can’t get much clearer than that. Don’t you wish the Galatians had had the letter to the Romans to read? (Romans wasn’t written until several years later.) Aren’t you glad you do?

Bottom line from Paul: You can’t do anything to justify yourself. You can’t keep enough laws. You can’t do enough good. It is only through Jesus that you can be justified. It is His righteousness which gives you access to your salvation and your eternal home. Praise the Lord! Hallelujah!

Only through Your Son, Jesus Christ, am I able to be called righteous in Your eyes.

Allegiance, Bible, Circumcision, Covenant, Faith, God's Will, Grace, Heart, Rescue, Salvation, Scripture



“And I testify again to every man who has himself circumcised, that he is obligated to keep the whole Law.”

A common cheer or motto among team sports is “All for one and one for all.” That implies that if one falls, they all fall. It means they must all stick together. The team has to stick together and is stronger together than separate. That is a good thing. However, our verse today is talking about a negative side of that “all for one” mentality.

Circumcision was the distinguishing mark of Jews. Since Abraham, this has been done to the male children. It was and still is a physical sign of allegiance to God for them. This rite was being forced on the Gentile believers in Galatia. There were Jewish believers who believed that they had to continue to follow the Mosaic laws, which included circumcision. Paul correctly points out that if they were going to keep this one law, they should keep them all (which was and still is impossible). Circumcision was not bad. It just did not prove their faith.


What are the things in your life that you do to show you are saved? I bet it is that big Bible you carry to church each Sunday. Perhaps it is the way you wear your hair or refrain from alcohol. You wear these as a badge of honor to prove your faith. Like circumcision, there is nothing wrong with a big Bible, short hair or not drinking, but none of those things will save you.

Jesus told the Pharisees in Matthew 22:25-26, “‘25 Woe to you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! For you clean the outside of the cup and of the dish, but inside they are full of robbery and self-indulgence. 26 You blind Pharisee, first clean the inside of the cup and of the dish, so that the outside of it may also become clean.’” This still applies to us today. It’s not about what the world sees we are doing. It’s all about our heart. We cannot keep all the laws and we cannot keep all the traditions. We will fail.

I have met lots of people who have said, “I could never become a Christian. I am too bad. God could never forgive me.” That is exactly why they need a Savior. There is nothing we can do to gain His favor. We can’t be good enough. That is what Paul is saying to the Galatians, and that is what is still true for us today. All we need is Jesus. Let’s make our motto “All to One.” How about that?

O Lord, thank You for rescuing me and always being there for me. I give You my all.

Advice, Belief, Bible, Confession, Deliverance, Eternity, Forgiveness, Grace, Justified, Obedience, Righteousness, Salvation, Scripture



“Look! I, Paul, tell you that if you have yourselves circumcised, Christ will be of no benefit to you.”

We often think if we just do this one thing then everything will be fine between us and God. We seem to think we can do things to warrant His grace. Let me tell you that is a hopeless endeavor. There is nothing you can do to gain His favor – nothing that is except coming to Jesus and acknowledging your need for a Savior. Why do we work so hard at something that is free?

As a former Pharisee, Paul is giving the Galatians a warning.  Albert Barnes said Paul was saying this, “if you are circumcised with a view to being justified by that in whole or in part, it amounts to a rejection of the doctrine of justification by Christ, and an entire apostacy from him.” They were thinking if they followed the Mosaic law and agreed to physical circumcision, they would be justified in God’s eyes. Paul says, “No! Stop! Don’t do that! It won’t work!”


As I said in the opening paragraph, you can’t do one thing to gain justification. It’s all been done for you by Jesus. You just have to accept and believe. Do you remember Paul’s words to the Roman church in Romans 10:9-10? “9 that if you confess with your mouth Jesus as Lord, and believe in your heart that God raised Him from the dead, you will be saved; 10 for with the heart a person believes, resulting in righteousness, and with the mouth he confesses, resulting in salvation.”

Confession and belief – that’s all that is needed. I hope you understand that it is not up to you. You are hopelessly doomed to an eternal damnation UNLESS you simply confess and believe. No other act is necessary. John tells us in John 1:12, “But as many as received Him, to them He gave the right to become children of God, to those who believe in His name,” I didn’t see one mention of circumcision or any other act in that verse. Did you?

In your journey with Christ, lean into Him. Don’t fret about what you must do. Sure, we need to study His Word and pray. We need to spend time with Him. As we do that, we will want to do more things for His kingdom. But none of those things will bring us salvation. Only Jesus will. Amen. I pray today you know the One who came to give you the greatest gift – eternal life.

Father, help me to stop striving and do more resting in You.  

Battles, Bible, Enemies, Enslavement, Freedom, Oppression, Rescue, Salvation, Scripture, Slaves



“It was for freedom that Christ set us free; therefore keep standing firm and do not be subject again to a yoke of slavery.”

Why do people fight wars? Most of the time it is for freedom. One group is trying to force another group to live a certain way, to surrender to their army, to deny their beliefs in favor of another. It’s almost always one group trying to force their will on another. We will see in today’s verse that spelled out so clearly.

Paul is emphatically stating that freedom is ours. That is why Christ died – to set us free. But from what? Well, he states that in the second part of the verse. He says, “do not be subject again to a yoke of slavery.” Here he is referring, of course, to the slavery of the law. The law was forcing these young believers to follow the old Mosaic law, which Christ has set them free from. He was the final, perfect sacrifice for all mankind. They were free.


All over the world today, Christians are facing the loss of their freedom – freedom to worship, freedom to share Jesus. Check out The Voice of the Martyrs website ( to read some of the stories they share about these saints. We often think this sort of thing doesn’t happen in the 21st century. How wrong we are.

What else does God’s Word say about our freedom? Jesus explains it so well in the gospel of John. John 8:31-36 says, “31 So Jesus was saying to those Jews who had believed Him, ‘If you continue in My word, then you are truly My disciples; 32 and you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.’ 33 They answered Him, ‘We are Abraham’s descendants and have never been enslaved to anyone; how is it that You say, “You will become free”?’ 34 Jesus answered them, ‘Truly, truly I say to you, everyone who commits sin is a slave of sin. 35 Now the slave does not remain in the house forever; the son does remain forever. 36 So if the Son sets you free, you really will be free.’”

There is really nothing else to add to that. Jesus said it all. The Son sets you free. Praise the Lord! Hallelujah! Aren’t you glad? No longer slaves. We’ve been set free! Sin has no more power over us. The penalty of sin has been removed. Praise His holy name.

Lord, I give You praise for the freedom You have given me in and through Christ. 

Abiding, Bible, Confidence, Doubts, Freedom, God's Will, Holy Spirit, Salvation, Scripture



“but I could wish to be present with you now and to change my tone of voice, for I am at a loss about you!”

We have all seen new believers who get saved and on fire for Jesus only to revert back to their old behaviors as soon as they move away or start hanging with their old crowd. Compare it to a drug addict who gets all cleaned up in rehab, makes vows or promises and then goes right back to the drugs as soon as they are out of rehab. That kind of behavior can make you raise some doubts as to their sobriety in the first place.

Perhaps I need to remind you that when Paul wrote this letter to the Galatians, he was not with them. He had invested much in them and now, since he has been gone, their behavior is perplexing to him. He is confused as to why they would have deserted the teachings he had given them on the Christ life just because he was no longer there. The phrase “to change my tone of voice” means Paul had much rather speak about them with confidence than doubting.


The Greek word used for “I am at a loss” is aporeo. It means to be perplexed or in doubt. It is used over in 2 Corinthians 4:8. “we are afflicted in every way, but not crushed; perplexed, but not despairing;”Now, let me quickly say that I don’t think Paul was doubting their salvation. He had seen the Holy Spirit work in their lives. Unlike during the Old Testament days when the Holy Spirit would enter and leave someone, in Christ, once the Holy Spirit has come into our lives through salvation, it remains.

However, we can refuse to submit to the leading of the Holy Spirit and get into some awful pickles. In John 16:13-14 Jesus tells us why surrendering our will to the Spirit is so important. “13 ‘But when He, the Spirit of truth, comes, He will guide you into all the truth; for He will not speak on His own, but whatever He hears, He will speak; and He will disclose to you what is to come. 14 He will glorify Me, for He will take from Mine and will disclose it to you.’”

Don’t you want to know what Jesus is trying to tell you? I sure do. Then we have to stop all this perplexing behavior and surrender to the Spirit. Before you make a decision or do anything, ask the Father in heaven. He will direct the Spirit to inform you. I believe that. Stop acting on your own whims. They usually fail us. He never will.

Father, I do not want to live a perplexing life. I want my life to be centered in Your will.

Answers, Bible, God's Will, Prayer, Redemption, Salvation, Scripture, Time



“But when the fullness of the time came, God sent His Son, born of a woman, born under the Law,”

Right on time, just in time! That’s part of a quote my brother-in-law used to make at the end of every service in the church where he pastored. The congregation would join him in the “cheer” signifying their agreement. It almost always made everyone smile.

When Paul penned the words of today’s verse, he was speaking of the perfection of God’s timing. Why did God wait so long to send Jesus? We won’t know that until eternity. We have to trust that His timing was exact.  When He saw mankind was ready to receive His Son, He was sent to redeem mankind. Even though Jesus was “born under the Law,” He superseded the Law.


Jesus spoke of His coming in John 16:28. “‘I came forth from the Father and have come into the world; again, I am leaving the world and going to the Father.’” I love how John writes about this in John 1:14. “And the Word became flesh and dwelt among us; and we saw His glory, glory as of the only Son from the Father, full of grace and truth.”

At the right time! Not too early, not too late. Just right! Think of the times in your life when God came through at just the right time. I can think of numerous times when He has done that for me. He revealed my Amyloidosis at just the right time through an emergency gallbladder surgery. If it had gone undiagnosed, I probably would not be here now. Right on time!

What are you waiting for right now? What are you asking the Lord to answer? Waiting is hard, I know. My wife and I are waiting on something right now. It is hard, but we have to trust Him. We have to know that He is more than capable of making anything happen – when it’s time. Until then, we wait. God is always right on time.

Lord, give me patience and give it to me now! Forgive me for thinking that, Lord. I will wait.

Bible, Foundation, Learning, Maturity, Salvation, Scripture



“So we too, when we were children, were held in bondage under the elementary principles of the world.”

When I was in college I took Hebrew, Greek, Syriac and Aramaic. I love languages. I am learning Swahili right now. Each of these languages have basic fundamental principles. The above mentioned languages (except Swahili) all had their own alphabet different from the English, so I had to learn that basic foundation before I could begin to learn the language. There are some basic principles to learning.

Paul uses a phrase in today’s verse, “the elementary principles of the world,” that is much debated among the scholars. I like Myer’s New Testament Commentary which says this about this phrase. “The στοιχεῖα τοῦ κόσμου are the elements of non-Christian humanity (κόσμος; see 1 Corinthians 6:2;  1 Corinthians 11:32, et al.), that is, the elementary things, the immature beginnings of religion, which occupy the minds of those who are still without the pale of Christianity.” Let’s talk about that.


Religion is a good thing until it’s not. Religion can teach you to be moral and good, but not lead you to a saving knowledge of Christ. There are going to be a lot of morally good people in hell. The world loves religion – just not Jesus. The world’s religions want you to feel loved and accepted, but they won’t condemn your sin. Romans 12:2 says it well, “And do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, so that you may prove what the will of God is, that which is good and acceptable and perfect.”

It is not a matter of how “religious” you are. It’s about being filled with the Spirit and allowing that Spirit to control your eyes, tongue, actions, etc. In Acts 13:52 it says, “And the disciples were continually filled with joy and with the Holy Spirit.” The Spirit is the best teacher. He will grow you up beyond just the a, b, c’s of religion. He will show you what true faith is about.

I have been a believer for almost 47 years now. I have so much still to learn about submission to the Spirit and Spirit-filled living. But I want to learn. I want to grow into the perfect image of my Savior. I know that won’t happen until I reach Glory, but I will strive each day to learn more and grow more.

Thank You, Lord, for giving me a firm foundation. Help me grow to be more like You.

Age, Babies, Bible, God's Will, Maturity, Promises, Salvation, Scripture



“Now I say, as long as the heir is a child, he does not differ at all from a slave, although he is owner of everything,” 

We have all probably heard of a story or two of some young child or infant who inherited a fortune from their parents. Although this child had all this wealth, he was far too young to know how to handle it. So, a guardian was placed in their lives to control the estate up until the time the child reached an age where they could make their own financial decisions.

Paul continues his thought from chapter 3 into chapter 4 (remember, there were no chapters and verses in the original letter he wrote). And in 4:1, Paul uses the analogy of a child heir. The word “child” used here is really an infant. Paul says he has no more control of his inheritance than the slaves who work for him. He is powerless even to make his own decision. But Paul is preparing to show that real freedom, real power comes through knowing Jesus.


Think back to when you first came to Christ. Before you were saved, you were a slave to sin. You could not escape its snares and traps. Try as you might, you could not affect your spiritual future. Nothing you did was going to gain your salvation. You thought you were in control of your life, but you weren’t.

Let me carry this “baby” analogy a step further. When you came to Christ, you were freed from those bonds. Now what? You were free but totally uninformed on how to live. You were like a baby taking its first steps – a little unsteady. You were looking for anything to hold on to as you started walking in Christ.

I love how Peter says it in 1 Peter 2:2. “and like newborn babies, long for the pure milk of the word, so that by it you may grow in respect to salvation,” That is the only thing that will give us the strength and knowledge we need to grow into adults spiritually – the Word. Are you going to it daily to get that “pure milk” it offers? Go to it today.

O Father, I know I will not reach full maturity in Christ until I see You face to face, but I long to grow more each day.

Bible, Forgiveness, Gifts, Grace, Mercy, Salvation, Scripture, Secrets



“For if the inheritance is based on law, it is no longer based on a promise; but God has granted it to Abraham by means of a promise.”

Getting something you don’t deserve is nice. It’s especially nice if you receive it in spite of something you may have done. Grace gifts are given that way. Have you ever received a gift like that? I sure have. My wife has forgiven me more times than I can count when I know I didn’t deserve it. She’s that kind of person. How can she do that? It’s only because she knows how much she’s been forgiven.

In today’s verse, Paul makes a statement that needs to be looked at. He says, “God has granted.” That Greek word for “has granted” is “used of God giving His grace to pardon. This is freely done and therefore not based on any merit of the one receiving forgiveness. It is used of God giving His grace to pardon. This is freely done and therefore not based on any merit of the one receiving forgiveness.” (HELPS Word Studies)


Why did I use such a long quote above? I wanted you to see the full definition of this word. We have been granted our righteousness through Jesus in the same way. It is given to us not based on anything we have done. In fact, we don’t deserve it. We deserve hell. But God saw fit to send His one and only Son to die for us. John 3:16 tells us that.

In 2 Corinthians 9:8 Paul says this, “And God is able to make all grace overflow to you, so that, always having all sufficiency in everything, you may have an abundance for every good deed;” Don’t you like that? His grace overflows to us. How about Ephesians 4:7? “But to each one of us grace was given according to the measure of Christ’s gift.” The gift of grace has nothing to do with us and all to do with Him.

Here’s a practical application of this verse. Will you extend grace to someone who doesn’t deserve it? Perhaps they have offended you – give grace. Maybe they have lied about you – give grace. They may have tried to intentionally hurt you – give grace. That is exactly what God does for us. Shouldn’t we imitate Him? I didn’t say it would be easy, but it would be the “grace filled” thing to do.

Father God, give me the grace I need to extend grace to others.  

Abiding, Belief, Bible, Decisions, Faith, Following, God's Will, Grace, Justified, Obedience, Righteousness, Salvation, Scripture



“Now, that no one is justified by the Law before God is evident; for, ‘THE RIGHTEOUS ONE WILL LIVE BY FAITH.’”

In March of 1969, a song was released by Frank Sinatra that gained worldwide popularity. “My Way” was an instant success. That song is still sung around the world. You should google the lyrics to that song and read them. Wow! It epitomizes self. Its premise is all that matters is that you do it your way.

In today’s verse, Paul emphatically states what he has been saying in this whole letter. Man is not justified by what he does for himself, by his works, by following the Law. He may feel better about himself, but that doesn’t matter in God’s eyes. God is concerned with faith, with confession of sin, not in how many works a person does or how good he feels about himself. There is no other way to the Father except faith in His Son, Jesus.


The quote in today’s verse comes from Habakkuk 2:4. This is God talking to Habakkuk. “‘Behold, as for the impudent one, his soul is not right within him; but the righteous one will live by his faith.’” Now, if God says it, that settles it. He says through faith we find righteousness. We know that only the righteousness of Christ can make us righteous, not what we do.

Paul uses this same quote in Romans 1:17. “For in it the righteousness of God is revealed from faith to faith; as it is written: ‘BUT THE RIGHTEOUS ONE WILL LIVE BY FAITH.’” Paul must have liked that verse in Habakkuk to use it in two letters. Better yet, he believed it to be true. Do you? Do you believe it is not up to you? Do you believe your righteousness has nothing to do with you and everything to do with Jesus?

An old hymn just popped into my head. Don’t you love it when that happens?  “Faith is the Victory” is a great hymn that describes our reliance on faith in our daily battles. The chorus simply says this:

Faith is the victory!
Faith is the victory!
O glorious victory,
That overcomes the world.

Go out today and be faithful. Place all your trust in Him and Him alone.

Father, I give You praise for the faith You have birthed within me.
