Advice, Allegiance, Allies, Authority, Bible, Church, Counsel, Direction, God's Will, Leading, Scripture



“But I did not see another one of the apostles except James, the Lord’s brother.”

I have had the privilege to work with some fine men through my lifetime. I won’t begin to name names for fear of leaving someone off the list. Some of these came to me through my work environment. Others came through church or a men’s group. Some I chose, and others chose me. Funny how that works, isn’t it?

As Paul made his journey to visit with Peter, he had the opportunity to meet with a lot of different people. Jerusalem was still the hub of Christianity at this time. Surely there were more apostles present besides Peter and the one named in today’s verse – James. Scholars disagree whether this was the James, the son of Alpheus and cousin of Jesus, or James, the actual brother of Jesus born to Joseph and Mary. Irregardless, this James was a leader of the young church there in Jerusalem and someone who could come alongside Paul.


We have another reference to James in the book of Acts that is quite interesting. In Acts 15, there is a council held in Jerusalem. You really need to read verses 1-21 to get the full picture, but here is Paul and Barnabas before the council giving evidence of the work of God among the Gentiles and seeking the church’s approval of their methods.  After some discussion and Peter’s speech, James speaks up. He is obviously the leader of the church by this time. Verse 19 says, “‘Therefore it is my judgement…’” This is James giving his judgment.

Why do I bring this up? Why point to this passage while discussing Galatians 1:19? Paul had no idea how God would use this James in latter years. But here we have evidence of James’ leadership. That leadership, that respect from the other apostles, gave James the role he held in Acts 15. God led Paul to James early in his ministry in order to seek counsel from the future leader of the church.

From whom do you seek counsel? Do you ask the Lord about that before you seek it? You know, He may direct you to someone you would never think of. He may put someone in your path who has just the right words for you. Don’t just go to your buddy or pal or best friend. Seek counsel from those you respect as a leader in your church. Go to an elder or deacon whom you have observed for a while. God’s counsel is not spoken through just anyone. Be selective and watch how God works.

Lord, You have blessed me with many great counselors in my lifetime. Help me be that for others.

Abiding, Bible, Blessing, Church, Following, Holy Spirit, Invitation, Prayer, Scripture, Testimony, Witnessing



“‘“The inhabitants of one city will go to another, saying, ‘Let’s go at once to plead for the favor of the LORD, and to seek the LORD of armies; I also will go.’”’”

I am planning for a conference in Kenya and Uganda right now and am busy inviting people from all over Africa to attend. It’s going to be a wonderful time of training and encouraging the leaders of our Every Man A Warrior ministry on that continent. I want all who can come to be there. I don’t want them to miss out on this training and fellowship.

The people of the cities were looking at Jerusalem in today’s verse and encouraging each other to go there. They wanted to “plead for the favor of the Lord.” They wanted to be where the Lord was. They could see how Israel was being blessed and were drawn there. I love that last phrase – “I also will go.” In other words, lets’ all go!


Have you invited anyone lately to be a part of your small group or fellowship? I just finished a small group with four men and am praying about men for a new group in the Fall. I long for that time. I need that fellowship and comradery. But I have learned to pray these men in – not just grab some guys and start a group.

The same thing applies to inviting people to church. Ask the Holy Spirit to guide you to the right people. Then when He gives you an open door of opportunity, take it. Tell them what these people told each other. Tell them to come and seek God’s favor with you. Paul tells us in Romans 15:7, “Therefore, accept one another, just as Christ also accepted us, for the glory of God.”

I had the privilege to preach recently in a church of a different denomination than my home church. I was totally welcomed there and felt right at home. The Spirit of Christ welcomes us, not a specific church. Would you allow the Spirit of Christ in you to welcome someone to visit your church or small group this week? Be the hands and feet of Jesus.

I will be obedient to the Spirit as He leads me this week to talk to others about You, Lord.

Accountability, Bible, Calling, Church, Direction, Family, God's Will, Holy Spirit, Presence, Scripture



“‘The LORD of armies says this: “It will yet turn out that peoples will come, that is, the inhabitants of many cities.”’”

You may be one of those people who love to shop on Black Friday. For those of you who don’t know what that is, it is traditionally the Friday after Thanksgiving when the Christmas shopping season begins. Here in the U.S., huge crowds gather outside stores offering reduced pricing on items. People get a little crazy on this day and crowds can become unmanageable. Personally, I stay as far away as possible from shopping areas on that day.

The people aren’t gathering in Jerusalem to shop here in verse 20. The Lord says that people are going to come to Jerusalem from all over. We will see in the next few verses why they are coming, but we know it is all about the Lord. They have seen how He has restored Israel, and they want to be a part of that. Instead of being shunned by the nations, Israel is seen as a destination point.


I want to be in the midst of wherever the Lord is, don’t you? I love Moses’s words to the Lord in Exodus 33:15-16. “15 Then he said to Him, ‘If Your presence does not go with us, do not lead us up from here. 16 For how then can it be known that I have found favor in Your sight, I and Your people? Is it not by Your going with us, so that we, I and Your people, may be distinguished from all the other people who are on the face of the earth?’”

Listen, we should look different from the world. We should be attracting people to come be a part of us. Last night my home church had a members’ meeting. We welcomed a couple of dozen new members to our church. People are coming to join our body of believers. Why? I would hope it is because they sense the presence of the Lord in our midst. We feel just like Moses. We are distinguished by His Holy Spirit among us.

I pray you are part of a body of believers. If not, seek one out. You need that fellowship. You need that accountability under a shepherd. And the body needs you. You, as a believer, are filled with the Spirit of God. As you join others with the same Spirit of God, the unity of the church universal is strengthened. Come to His gathering place and feel the presence of the Lord.

I come, Lord, into Your presence each week as I gather with other believers. Thank You for the fellowship I have with them.

Bible, Church, Reverence, Scripture, Worship



“‘Who is left among you who saw this temple in its former glory? And how do you see it now? Does it not seem to you like nothing in comparison?’”

The problem with comparing things is there is always something that is bigger and better. My family has lived in several homes. Each of them had their strengths and well…their weaknesses. We have never been about buying bigger and better. It was more about just meeting our needs. Most of these houses were provided to us as part of my job, so we really could not complain. But there is always that lure of something better, right?

The Israelites were mixed in their emotions about this newly renovated temple. Some of the older people had seen the original temple built by Solomon in all its glory, everything overlaid with gold. Fifty-nine years after its destruction, here they were, looking at an “inferior” temple – or so they thought. They were comparing the old and the new. Why? Because they had their own idea of what the temple should look like, not what it was – the house of God.


Don’t be harsh with them. Their perception was their reality. We are the same, aren’t we? I have heard too many people complain about the color of the carpet in church. Others don’t like the chairs. The pews were holier. The stained glass windows are replaced. How dare they do that! And I haven’t even mentioned the lighting or the sound system.

You see, we also compare our image of what we think church should look like. Don’t get me wrong. I like the stained glass and pews. I prefer a well-lit service and a lower decibel of sound. But it is not about that. We are in God’s house. We don’t go to church to worship a building. We go to church to worship the occupant.

I have probably ruffled some feathers with this post. If I have offended you, I apologize. That was not my intention. I did intend, however, to get you to think. What are you comparing? What is your reason for doing that? God’s house is God’s house, whether it is a tarp with plastic chairs or a cathedral. It’s what happens inside that counts. Next Sunday, go to worship. Don’t just go to church. There’s a big difference.

Father, I worship You, no matter the setting. Help me keep my eyes looking up, not around at my surroundings.
