Attributes, Bible, Choices, Flesh, Hostilities, Idols, Jealousy, Scripture, Strife, Witchcraft



“idolatry, witchcraft, hostilities, strife, jealousy, outbursts of anger, selfish ambition, dissensions, factions,”

We continue today in the list of things Paul named as “deeds of the flesh.” Hang on with me. Don’t let me lose you. Some of these words really get defined well when we look at the Greek word. Mark this blog down as a word study. I believe these words are here for a reason for us today.

Verse 20 begins with “idolatry” which is just a worship of idols, false gods. While most of us have not been exposed to that directly, there are still billions of people around the world who are engaged in this practice.

Witchcraft” is the Greek word , pharmakeía, which comes from pharmakeuō, “administer drugs”). It refers to drug-related sorcery, like the practice of magical-arts.

Hostilities” is literally hatred. God hates hatred. Does that sound ironic? Listen, God is repulsed by our hatred towards one another.

Strife” means to quarrel. It’s a readiness to quarrel (having a contentious spirit), affection for dispute. We all know people like that, right? I pray none of us are like that.

Jealousy” is burning emotion (inner feeling boiling over, boiling from heat.” This word can be used both positively and negatively. You can be jealous for God. You can have a godly zeal for Him. But most of the time, jealously is not a good thing.

When “outbursts of anger” is used of people it indicates rage (personal venting of anger, worth). This flaw is completely absent of the Lord expressing (inspiring) intense anger. It is used of God’s perfect, holywrath in Revelation 14:10,19,15:1). This anger is directed against sin with intense opposition and without sin. [Only the Lord exercises righteous wrath, so we must depend solely on Him as we experience or express anger.]

Selfish ambition” is acting for one’s own gain, regardless of the discord or strife it causes. 

Dissensions” is used of divisions which wrongly separate people into pointless (groundless) factions. Used here and in Romans 16:17. “Now I urge you, brothers and sisters, keep your eye on those who cause dissensions and hindrances contrary to the teaching which you learned, and turn away from them.”

Finally, we have the word “factions.” The term stresses the personal aspect of choice. It was how being a Sadducee (Acts 5:17) was sharply distinguished from being a Pharisee (Acts 15:5; 26:5). We form factions over the smallest disagreements. We are told preserve unity, not factions.

None of these fleshly attributes should be used to describe us. We must represent our Lord in all that we do. Most of these mentioned in today’s verse are sins against others. Would you go through this list again and pray against them so they will not be present in your life?

Father, keep me walking in the Spirit and away from these deeds of the flesh.

(Most of these definitions today came from HELPS Word-Studies)

Abiding, Accountability, Belief, Bible, Devil, God's Will, Idols, Scripture



“However, at that time, when you did not know God, you were slaves to those which by nature are not gods.”

I remember my BC (Before Christ) days, do you? I was enslaved to sin and did not even know it. To make matters worse, I was going to church and doing all the expected things there. I went to Sunday School, sang in the youth choir and threw a few bucks in the offering plate. I thought I was good. Boy, the devil can sure lure us into that false sense of security.

Paul shifts gears here a little in today’s verse. He turns his attention to the Gentile believers but puts them in the same category as the Jewish believers. They were both slaves to sin before coming to Christ. In contrast to the Jewish believers, who had been following the Mosaic law, these Gentile believers had worshipped just about anything. Paul referred to this idolatry by saying “which by nature are not gods.”


But before we point too many fingers at these Gentile believers, let’s take a look at ourselves. In my BC days, my idols were selfish ambition, pleasure and pride, just to name a few. Romans 1:18 tells us the results of unbelief. “For the wrath of God is revealed from heaven against all ungodliness and unrighteousness of people who suppress the truth in unrighteousness,” Who wants to face the wrath of God? Not me!

The opposite of this is spelled out by Peter in 1 Peter 4:1-2. “1 Therefore, since Christ has suffered in the flesh, arm yourselves also with the same purpose, because the one who has suffered in the flesh has ceased from sin, 2 so as to live the rest of the time in the flesh no longer for human lusts, but for the will of God.” That last phrase is the key – “for the will of God.” Before I came to Christ, I only pursued my own will. But now my heart is drawn to His will.

Do you know Him? I mean, do you really know Him? If you don’t, you are a slave to your own will and the schemes of the devil. By coming to Jesus and living under the knowledge of His will for your life, you can break free from the bonds of slavery. Your choice – what will it be?

Lord, I only want to live according to Your will for my life. Help me know You more and more.

Abiding, Bible, Eternity, Idols, Scripture



“Every cooking pot in Jerusalem and in Judah will be holy to the LORD of armies; and all who sacrifice will come and take of them and boil in them. And there will no longer be a Canaanite in the house of the LORD of armies on that day.”

I know I have talked about this before, but today’s verse calls for another discussion. I want to know what you worship. Carl, of course I worship the Lord.  That’s great. That is my prayer. But what else do you worship? Some people (not my wife, of course) think I worship Georgia football. Not really, but I can put too much emphasis on a game.

Today’s verse is the conclusion of Zechariah. We close the book on this minor prophet with this blog. So, how does Zechariah close his book? What did the Spirit say to him? Pretty simple, final words. The Canaanites he mentions here are long gone, but there remained idolaters. They were worshipped the wrong thing. Now they would all be gone. No more idolaters. Can you imagine?


One day, folks, we will have no other object of our worship. Every knee will bow, and every tongue will confess. Jesus is Lord and will reign forever. Hallelujah! Revelation 21:27 says, “and nothing unclean, and no one who practices abomination and lying, shall ever come into it, but only those whose names are written in the Lamb’s book of life.”

Where is your name written? What is your focus of worship? Who are you bringing with you? Are you allowing the “idolaters” around you die without the saving knowledge of Jesus. That phrase “there will no longer be a Canaanite in the house of the LORD” includes all those unbelievers on this day.

I will admit that in the past I was an idolater. I worshipped the wrong things. My focus wasn’t on the Lord. But now…it is. My whole heart is given to Him. I know in whom I have believed and am persuaded that He is able. Amen? Amen!

We praise You, Lord. We worship only You. You are the King of kings and Lord of lords.

Bible, Drought, Faithfulness, Idols, Judgment, Rain, Scripture



“‘And I called for a drought on the land, on the mountains, on the grain, on the new wine, on the oil, on what the ground produces, on mankind, on cattle, and on all the products of the labor of your hands.’”

My brothers and sisters in Kenya are experiencing a severe drought. One missionary friend wrote me last week stating just how bad is right now there. People and livestock are suffering severely due to the lack of water. Fires have broken out in their area resulting in thousands of acres being devastated by the flames. It will take years to recover from this drought if things don’t change soon.

God called for a drought on the land of Israel to wake up the people. He was the one who controlled the rain, not some idol. He was the one who could deliver the life-sustaining water needed by all. In verse 11 today, we see that this drought was all inclusive. It was on the land, the mountains, the grain, the vineyards, all the harvest, and on every man and beast. Nothing was exempt from God’s judgment.


Let me ask you how dry you are? Are you experiencing a spiritual drought? I have heard people express to me how they felt they were in a dry spell with God. Well, whose fault is that? God hasn’t changed. He is still the One who gives us what we need for life and health. He is still the One who fills our spiritual cups with the water of His Word.

In John 7:37-38 we see Jesus referring to this. “37 Now on the last day, the great day of the feast, Jesus stood and cried out, saying, ‘If anyone is thirsty, let him come to Me and drink. 38 The one who believes in Me, as the Scripture said, “From his innermost being will flow rivers of living water.”’” Jesus may have been referring to Isaiah 58:11 which reads, “Thou shalt be like a watered garden, and like a spring of water whose waters fail not.”

I think you get the picture. Our thirst can only be quenched by Jesus. If you are thirsty, come to Jesus. If you are parched spiritually, go to His Word. It will never run dry. If you are in His Word, you will have your need met. Don’t run dry. Stay hydrated by Jesus. And let your cup overflow into the lives of others.

Fill my cup, Lord. I lift it up, Lord, Come and quench the thirsting of my soul.

Abiding, Belief, Bible, Blessing, Choices, Flesh, God's Will, Idols, Loyalty, Scripture



“‘And those who bow down on the housetops to the heavenly lights, and those who bow down and swear to the LORD, but also swear by Milcom,’”

When I was in my early teen years, I worshipped pleasure. Now, I didn’t say that out loud, but my actions all pointed to that. I still attended church and even sang in the youth choir, but my heart was pledged to something else. All I desired was pleasure. I didn’t really care what the source was as long as it felt good. I did not call it a god, but it was.

The people of Judah had turned to worshipping all sorts of idols. One was worshipped on their housetops through incense. They worshipped the Sun and Moon. And they even worshipped the detestable idol of the Ammonites, Milcom (also known as Molech). This god was brought into the nation by King Solomon when he was pursuing his own way.


Ask yourself whom you serve? Oh Carl, of course I serve God. I attend church every week and even put money in the offering plate. I’ve taught Sunday School for decades. That’s all well and good, but whom do you worship? For whom are you living? Is your god the God of the universe or some figure you have developed in your own mind that fits your lifestyle?

So many of us go through life thinking we are doing the “Christian thing” well. We go to church, we serve and even get baptized. We can do all those things well and still miss God by a mile. God desires complete surrender. We have to give Him our all. When we worship, it has to be all about Him. Nothing from the world can make our worship better. We have to be centered on Him and bow only to His will.

I don’t like not getting my way. I’m just like most people in that regard. But I have learned to yield my desires to Jesus. There is pleasure in serving a holy, righteous God. There is pleasure in knowing I am pleasing Him. My pleasure senses have been transformed through His Word and His Will. Yours can be too.

Thank You, Lord, for teaching me what real pleasure is all about.

Accountability, Allegiance, Belief, Bible, Idols, Scripture, Truth, Worship



“‘What benefit is a carved image when its maker has carved it, or a cast metal image, a teacher of falsehood? For its maker trusts in his own handiwork when he fashions speechless idols.’”

My wife and I are opposites when it comes to morning conversations. I am a morning talker, and she is not. After her second cup of coffee, then she’s ready. By then, I am ready for a nap, lol. I am not often accused of being speechless. I guess that’s okay for a preacher, right?

God is telling Habakkuk to remind the people of the hopelessness of their false gods. Carved images don’t answer prayers. Carved images can’t even hear their prayers. Think how foolish it is to make something and then pray to it. But the idol worship of Habakkuk’s day was full of such practices.


You probably don’t have carved images sitting around your house. Maybe I’m wrong. Perhaps you do. Sometimes, believers go to another country and buy a trinket that they think is cute, not knowing it is some idol sold to worship a false god. That’s only inviting evil spirits into your home. Be careful of that.

But this verse isn’t about us doing that. Instead, it is about us worshipping anything other than our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. He should be the only object of our worship. Nothing else is real. Anything we put on a pedestal intended to bring us happiness will fail us. Simply put, don’t waste your time.

I will commit to worshipping the one true God. How about you? Will you join me this Christmas season in spreading the good news of a God who loved the world so much that He gave His only Son to die for it? The world needs Jesus so badly. What better time than now to spread the true meaning of Christmas?

You are the only true God. There is none beside You. There is none like You.

Abiding, Bible, Calling, Destruction, Disciplemaking, Idols, Sanctification, Scripture


MICAH 5:14

“‘I will uproot your Asherim from among you and destroy your cities.’”

Weeds are a result of the fall of man in the garden of Eden. Before the fall, plants had no “enemies.” Weeds had no purpose. But since then, weeds have plagued farmers and gardeners alike. To get rid of the weeds, you have to get the root. If you just break it off, it continues to grow and spread. You have to really dig deep.

God is going to uproot any Asherim (wooden images of the Phoenician goddess) and destroy (totally exterminate, demolish) their cities. Any place that held an idol was going to be purged. God was going to flatten the surface from any corrupting influence for His people.


Idols still exist today. They are all around us. I have said it before, but it deserves repeating. Anything that comes before your relationship with God can be an idol. Anything! God wants and desires first place in your life. He is the only one deserving of that.

Being in the ministry sometimes blurs that line. I think I have been pretty good about protecting my family and keeping them before my ministry. There have been times when the “ox was in the ditch” and I had to work longer hours, but for the most part I tried my best to keep them before my ministry.

But the line gets blurred between my relationship with God and my ministry. They are not one in the same. My ministry is my calling to share the Gospel and disciple men into disciple makers. But I cannot do either of those effectively if I am not abiding in the Vine. That abiding must come first, followed by my family and then my ministry. Take a minute and evaluate your priorities. Do you have something on the shelf above God? If so, take it down a notch or two.

Praise You, O God, for reminding me of Your place in my life. You should always be on the top shelf.

Allegiance, Battles, Belief, Bible, Blasphemy, Darkness, Devil, Evil, Godliness, Holiness, Holy Spirit, Idols, Satan, Scripture


MICAH 5:12

“‘I will eliminate sorceries from your hand, and you will have no fortune-tellers.’”

I will never forget the evening when I lived in Lakeland, FL when my wife and I decided to go to the local outdoor mall. It was new to Lakeland and had become a major evening and weekend destination because of the shops, restaurants and entertainment. We were walking along, and while my wife looked in one shop, I decided to step into this store that caught my attention. As I walked in, a chill ran up my spine. All I saw was occultic images and products. I ran out of that store as fast as I could. Such darkness.

This is what the Lord is cutting out of the land. No sorcery or fortune telling would be allowed. These were based in the pagan idolatry of the land, the very thing the Lord had warned the people of when they came into the Promised Land. Nothing had changed. These evil practices were still around and were now going to be purged. Evil was evil then and still is now.


So many Christians today dabble in the occult, thinking it is frivolous or meaningless. Satan loves for us to believe that. I am not saying that a demon is going jump out of the Ouija board and tackle you to the ground, but the devil has a way to hook us into this stuff. Tarot cards and astrology are still listed in God’s eyes as sorcery and fortune-telling. That has not changed.

If you are into these things or have been in the past, let me urge you to put them down and confess that as sin. Renounce any allegiance you had to these items and get rid of them. Burn them if you can. Does this all sound extreme? You bet. Our battle with the forces of darkness is real and extreme. You must have your armor on and be free from any form of darkness.

Once you do that and allow the Holy Spirit to guide you, He will make you very sensitive to these things. You will be able to recognize any form of idolatry. God wants you and me to walk in holiness, free from the entanglements of evil. Walking free is so much easier than dragging around a chain of darkness.

O Father, thank You for protecting me from evil. I know You have my back at all times.

Accountability, Accused, Advocate, Bible, Cleansing, Confession, God's Will, Holiness, Idols, Judgment, Listening, Repentance, Scripture



“The seers will be put to shame, and the diviners will be ashamed. Indeed, they will all cover their lips because there is no answer from God.”

You may not remember the days when you called someone on their phone and did not get an answer. This was the days before voicemail or answering machines. You could not leave a message. You just had to keep calling back until you reached them. I wish sometimes that was still the case. Lol

The false prophets (called seers and diviners here) could not hear God speak to them. Why? Because they were not seeking Him. They were living lives that were displeasing to God, so He had shut His mouth. He was not delivering any messages to them. They cried out only because He was delivering His judgment. How sad that they could not have surrendered to His Will, which would have opened up that line of communication again.


Oh, brothers and sisters, before we cast too many stones at these false prophets, don’t we do the same? We live our lives as we wish and then when we get into trouble and call on God, He is quiet. We get perturbed with Him because He did not answer us. How dare He?

Well…God demands holiness from us. That’s right. He expects us to live according to His laws and commands. He does not expect perfection, but He does want us to strive to be more like Him and less like the world. If we want God to speak, we must stop, repent and listen.

This week there has been a verse on my mind a lot. Psalm 84:11 says, “The Lord God is a sun and a shield; the Lord gives grace and glory; no good thing does He withhold from those who walk uprightly.” Did you get that? No good thing does He withhold. But there is a condition – from those who walk uprightly. So, my question to you is – are you walking uprightly today?

O Lord, I do not want to be like one of those false prophets who could not hear Your voice. Speak to me Lord!

Altars, Bible, Darkness, Evil, Gospel, Holy Spirit, Idols, Modeling, Scripture



“Who eat the flesh of my people, strip off their skin from them, smash their bones, and chop them up as for the pot, and as meat in a cauldron!”

I have experienced evil in my lifetime – pure evil. It is not a comfortable feeling. I remember many years ago, back in 1985, I had the opportunity to visit Liberia on a mission trip with a couple of friends. We went to several villages with the local missionary to do medical missions and share the Gospel. One village we approached had this huge cottonwood tree on the edge of the village, from which were hung all kinds of animal bones. We were told this was the local witchdoctor’s altar. You could just feel the evil all around.

Micah continues the description of those who were leading the people in evil. These people were totally disarmed and helpless. Their flesh, skin and bones were chopped up for the pot, not literally, but figuratively. They were just food for the leaders, people to be exploited and preyed upon. Pure evil.


I pray you never encounter evil like I experienced or what Micah is describing. I am afraid our world is becoming more evil by the day. The Word of God is scoffed at. The principles taught in the Bible about marriage, life and godly living are ridiculed and considered old-fashioned. The biblical worldview we believers strive to live by is scorned.

How do you survive this? By relying on the power of the Holy Spirit. There is a pledge I recite as part of the Every Man A Warrior ( disciple making curriculum. It is called the manhood commitment. It says:

Created by God in His image to be a bearer of destiny in social and spiritual leadership, I will be a man who, abiding in Jesus Christ and relying on the power of the Holy Spirt –  rejects passivity (the silence of Adam); accepts responsibility to obey God’s will, do God’s work, and love God’s woman; leads courageously through direction, protection and provision based on God’s principles, not my passions; serves humbly giving life to others, not taking life from them; and invests eternally, making disciplemakers.

Ladies, you can adapt that to fit you, as well. But that is how we fight the evil in this world. We abide in Christ and rely on the Holy Spirit. We reject passivity, accept responsibility, lead courageously, serve humbly and invest eternally. That is my passion. Try that today in your life and just see what happens.

I shall fear no evil, for You are with me. Your rod and Your staff comfort me.
