Bible, Family, Hurts, Scripture, Wounds



“‘And someone will say to him, “What are these wounds between your arms?” Then he will say, “Those with which I was wounded at the house of my friends.”’”

Years ago, I was working in a woodshop using a table saw to split some plywood. On the last cut, I made a big mistake. I let my glove get too close to the blade, and it was grabbed by the blade, resulting in my finger getting cut pretty bad. I still have that wound on my right index finger, right at my knuckle. It is a constant reminder to be safe around whirring blades.

When you first read today’s verse, you might miss the implications to Jesus. The Hebrew word for “arms” can also mean “open hand.” This person the Lord refers to here in Zechariah was wounded by his parents. Jesus was “wounded” by His Father at the cross. His hands were pierced. Those wounds could still be seen after the resurrection. His Father allowed those wounds for us.


Listen, beloved. Our deepest wounds are often caused by those closest to us – our families. We cut each other deep at times. Unlike Jesus’ wounds which had a purpose, these wounds we inflict on each other are just hurtful. Have you suffered that? Has someone you love caused you wounds? What do you do about that?

We imitate Jesus. What did He do when He was wounded by those soldiers at the cross? What did He say about those who had cried out for His crucifixion? Luke 23:34 tells us. “But Jesus was saying, ‘Father, forgive them; for they do not know what they are doing.’” He forgave them. He knew their actions were sin, but He asked the Father to forgive them. In fact, His death gave forgiveness for those very sins, if they would receive it.

I am not implying that it is easy for us to forgive those who have caused us wounds. But even in that moment, we have the opportunity to be Jesus. My late brother-in-law used to say about conflict, “Just be the wrong one.” I hated that. But he was saying what I am saying today. Forgive and let God handle the outcome. After all, you can do nothing else.

Lord, I am not capable myself to forgive those who have wounded me. Through Your power I can.
