Affliction, Attacks, Battles, Bible, Challenging, Consequences, Enslavement, Following, God's Will, Healing, Markers, Scars, Wounds



From now on let no one cause trouble for me, for I bear on my body the marks of Jesus.”

I’ve got several scars on my body. I can tell you all about them. Cut knee when I was just a boy. Pencil point in my palm, cancer surgery on my chest. Should I go on? I am sure you have your own scars and your own stories. Today, as Paul comes to the next to the last verse of his letter to the Galatians, he reminds them once again of his legitimacy as an apostle of Christ.

Paul had obviously been given trouble by these Judaizers who were trying to undermine what he had taught. They were constantly questioning his right to even teach. But he reminds them all that he had paid the price. We know of Paul’s beatings by rods. We remember how he was stoned. Paul had his share of scars and his own stories for each one. They were all for the cause of Christ, and he bore them proudly.


What scars do you have in your journey to follow Jesus? You may have some emotional scars? You may have been beaten for your faith. The Greek word for “marks” is stigmata. It is only used right here in the New Testament. It literally means the brand a slave had burned upon him to show his master’s ownership. It also referred to the brands inflicted on those who were committed to serve in a pagan temple. Paul had his marks, as I mentioned above, which showed his loyalty to Jesus.

I am writing this blog on Memorial Day, a holiday we keep in the U.S. to remember those who have given their life in service to our country. They bore the ultimate sacrifice. They were mortally wounded. Their scars cost them their lives. There are people all over this world today who have given their lives for the cause of Christ. Just this week an American couple was killed in Haiti. They were missionaries who were killed by gang members. They entered heaven bearing the marks of Christ.

Reread the crucifixion verses and see the marks Jesus received. He was scourged, beaten, nailed to a cross, speared in His side. We may never receive those kinds of marks, but we will have marks. Wear your marks proudly. When people see you, let them be reminded of your loyalty to your master.

I thank You, Lord, for allowing me to be scarred for Your sake.
