Bible, God's Will, Hidden, Messages, Mystery, Revelation, Scripture, Surprise



“He made known to us the mystery of His will, according to His good pleasure which He set forth in Him,”

My wife and I love to watch murder-mysteries on television. Go ahead and judge us, lol. We can binge watch a series trying to figure out “who did it” in each episode. Of course, normally those mysteries are not revealed until the final few minutes of the program, or worse yet, continued to the next episode. We are kept guessing until the end.

That is not what Paul is referring to in today’s verse by using the word “mystery.” God isn’t trying to keep things hidden from us only to surprise us in the end. The Greek word is mustérion, which means “a mystery, secret, of which initiation is necessary; in the NT: the counsels of God, once hidden but now revealed in the Gospel or some fact thereof; the Christian revelation generally; particular truths or details of the Christian revelation.” (Strong’s Concordance).


Look at some ways this word is used in the New Testament: Matthew 13:11 – the mysteries of the kingdom; 1 Corinthians 2:1 – the mystery of God; Ephesians 3:4 – the mystery of Christ; Ephesians 6:19 – the mystery of the gospel. I could go on and list more. It is used 26 times in the New Testament. God did keep hidden some mysteries which have been revealed through Christ. His plan for the Gentiles was hidden until Christ came, for instance.

Let me ask you something. What is something you know now about God that you did not know ten years ago? Why is that? Was God hiding it from you? Probably not. We discover the mysteries of God the more we spend time with Him. I have been married over 38 years and am still discovering mysteries about my wife. I pray that never stops.

In the same way, as you grow in your faith, God continues to reveal His mysteries to you. Remember the scene in “A Few Good Men” when Jack Nicholson’s character, after being challenged for the truth by Tom Cruise’s defense attorney character? Nicholson shouts, “You can’t handle the truth.” Well, the truth is we couldn’t all the truth God has for us if He dumped it all on us when we first come to Christ. He reveals, He uncovers His mysteries to us as we are ready. Are you ready for more?

Show me more, Lord. I want to know You better each day.
