Abundance, Bible, Blessing, Glory, Grace, Love, Power, Riches, Scripture



“so that in the ages to come He might show the boundless riches of His grace in kindness toward us in Christ Jesus.” 

I am sure you have heard stories about rich people and their luxurious lifestyles. It’s on television all the time. Names like Elon Musk, Mark Zuckerberg, Bill Gates and Jeff Bezos are usually among the top 10 richest. But who was the richest person ever? Mansa Musa (1280-1337)! They say his wealth was incomprehensible. Ever heard of him? I hadn’t either which goes to show you money isn’t the answer to everything.

Aren’t you glad Paul wasn’t talking about monetary riches in today’s verse? God promises us “boundless riches of His grace.” The Greek word used for “boundless” is huperballó. It’s only used five times in the New Testament, three times in Ephesians (1:9; here, and 3:19) and two times in 2 Corinthians (3:10 and 9:14). I want us to look at what Paul uses this word to describe.


In 2 Corinthians 3:10, Paul uses huperballó to describe God’s glory. “…because of the glory that surpasses it.” Later in the same letter, Paul uses the word to describe God’s grace. 9:14 says, “while they also, by prayer on your behalf, yearn for you because of the surpassing grace of God in you.” So, we have God’s glory that is surpassing and God’s grace which is surpassing.

Then in Ephesians, we saw back in 1:19 “and what is the boundless greatness of His power toward us who believe.” Then the last time Paul uses huperballó is in this letter to the Ephesians in chapter 3 and verse 19. “and to know the love of Christ which surpasses knowledge, that you may be filled to all the fullness of God.” That means in Ephesians, Paul uses that word to describe God’s great power, His great love through Christ and the riches of His grace.

Paul really liked that word, didn’t he? Through the Holy Spirit, he penned those words so long ago which still ring true in our ears. God’s surpassing glory, surpassing grace, surpassing riches of His grace, surpassing greatness of His power and His surpassing love. Wow! God’s riches are truly surpassing. Are you an heir to all of this? If you are a believer in Jesus, you are the richest person in the world!

Thank You, Lord, for the surpassing riches of Your grace towards me.


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