Abiding, Access, Bible, Blessing, Eternal Life, Eternity, Heaven, Home, Scripture, Seated



“and raised us up with Him, and seated us with Him in the heavenly places in Christ Jesus,” 

Man, there is nothing like getting good seats for an event, whether that be football, tennis, basketball or a concert. When you are in that seat you can see the players better. You can watch the action better. Shoot, you might even get some of their sweat on you, lol. Being up close and personal makes the event that much more memorable.

What do you think Paul is describing in today’s verse? We are going to get front row seats with Jesus. The phrase “seated us with Him” is sugkathizó, means to sit in company with someone. It’s in the Aorist Indicative, which means it is a factual event that has been done once. Paul is telling the Ephesians (and us) that this action has already been completed. We have guaranteed, reserved seats with Jesus.


I have a friend who gets season tickets to a minor league baseball team’s games. Those seats are right behind the dugout between homeplate and third base. Great seats. He lets me use them. They are paid for. They are guaranteed. No one else is going to take my seat. No one can stop me from sitting in them. He has paid for them.

Jesus has paid the price for our reserved seat with Him in heaven. He is just waiting for us. He’s seated next to His Father, at His right hand, and is waiting for us to join Him. Colossians 3:1 tells us that’s where He is. “If then you have been raised with Christ, seek the things that are above, where Christ is, seated at the right hand of God.”

Can you just picture it? You enter heaven and Jesus waves you down to where He’s seated. “Make room. Make room. My child is here. He has a seat reserved in His name.” Of course, I am just making this up. I don’t know what it will look like in heaven. But I do know one thing. I’ve got a seat. How about you?

Father, You have promised me so many great things. I look forward to my front row seat.


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