Bible, Scripture, Flesh, Accountability, Choices, Abiding, Wrath, Desires, Lusts, Mind



“Among them we too all previously lived in the lusts of our flesh, indulging the desires of the flesh and of the mind, and were by nature children of wrath, just as the rest.” 

It is so easy to get caught up in a mob mentality. One minute you are discussing something calmly and then things get heated. The next thing you know, you are shouting and screaming at each other. The bigger the crowd, the louder it gets. We’ve seen all the protests lately all over the world. People who have no idea what they are protesting are yelling, chanting and doing things behind masks they would have never done a year ago.

But don’t point your fingers. Paul tells us in today’s verse that we were there. We were just like them. He says, “we too all previously lived.” In other words, don’t forget that this is where you came from. Then Paul describes some of our actions in the past. We “lived in the lusts of our flesh.” We indulged “the desires of the flesh and mind.” We “were by nature children of wrath.” Let’s look at these past actions of ours to remind ourselves of where we have come from and to never return there.


What are “the lusts of our flesh”? Benson says in his commentary, that they are “the base appetites of which we were enslaved” that cause us “to forget the dignity and happiness of rational and immortal spirits.” Did you get that? These lusts drive you to do things. Paul includes himself in this description. He also struggled with these before Christ rescued him.

Then Paul further defines these lusts. He says they are “the desires of the flesh and mind.” These desires affect both the body and the mind. They are our actions and our thoughts. I have been reading a book lately that says our thoughts lead to words. Our words lead to actions. And our actions lead to habits. (Take Captive Every Thought by Jeff Rowe) How true that is. When we give in to our thoughts, things can progress very quickly.

Paul finishes this thought by saying we, “were by nature children of wrath.” Boy, that sounds harsh, doesn’t it? Listen to what Barnes says about this phrase. “I do not know a more strong or positive declaration that can be made to show that people are by nature destitute of holiness and exposed to perdition.” Wow! But that was us BEFORE Jesus. Praise be to God we are no longer there. Sin no longer has a grip on us. We are free to do as God wills. Amen!

Father, thank You for freeing me from these lusts of the flesh and my tendency to sin. I have Your Holy Spirit living in me.


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