Battles, Bible, Might, Power, Scripture, Strength



“and what is the boundless greatness of His power toward us who believe. These are in accordance with the working of the strength of His might”

People with real physical strength are impressive. As a young child, I used to love to watch the Olympic weightlifters. They could lift amazing amounts of weight. From 1960 through 1980 the Soviet Union dominated the heavyweight gold medals. They were big, strong and intimidating. Was their strength natural or chemically induced? We may never know.

Paul isn’t talking about weightlifting in today’s verse, though. He is talking about God’s power, His strength. In this verse, Paul uses three different Greek words to describe this. I want us to take a look at each of these and look at the difference. We know God is all-powerful or omnipotent. It’s one of His attributes, and one we should never doubt.


The first word Paul uses is dunamis, translated as “power.” It means the “ability to perform”; for the believer, power to achieve by applying the Lord’s inherent abilities. ‘Power through God’s ability’” (HELPS Word-studies). The key here is ability. We should always know we have His power to achieve whatever He asks us to do. It’s not our power. It’s His.

The second word Paul uses is kratos, translated as strength or might. It refers to exerted power. That’s what I saw as a boy when I saw those weightlifters lift those tremendous weights. I saw the strength being exercised. It was visible. How have you seen God’s strength exercised? How about in the winds of a hurricane or in the shaking of an earthquake? How about in the creation of the world itself? His strength is visible all around. It can be visible in us as we use His power to show His strength in and through us.

Finally, Paul uses ischus, translated as “might.” This word shows the force against resistance. Boy, we need that, don’t we? We are in a battle every day. God’s inherent might is visible in and through us as we resist temptations every day. We exert that might through the Holy Spirit. We use the Word of God to combat the impulses of our flesh.

So, how strong are you today? Are you trusting in your own power, strength and might or in the Lord’s. I think Zechariah 4:6 sums it up well. “Then he said to me, ‘This is the word of the LORD to Zerubbabel, saying, “Not by might nor by power, but by My Spirit,” says the LORD of armies.’”

Thank You, Lord, for Your power, strength and might in my life.


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