Accountability, Allegiance, Belief, Bible, Commands, God's Will, Hypocrisy, Judgment, Obedience, Sacrifice, Scripture



“For those who are circumcised do not even keep the Law themselves, but they want to have you circumcised so that they may boast in your flesh.”

Do as I say and not as I do. You’ve heard that before, I am sure. A lot of parents may not say those words to their children, but they sure live them out. “Don’t smoke!” But they light one up regularly. “Don’t drink!” But they don’t have a problem popping a cool one. “Don’t cuss!” But they let a few words slide out when they are upset. It’s easy to give directions if you aren’t holding yourself to the same standard.

Paul continues to confront the Judaizers who were trying to force the Galatians to follow the Mosaic Law in addition to accepting Jesus as Savior. As a former Pharisee, Paul knew all too well the debilitating consequences of trying to follow the law. You couldn’t pick and choose which parts of the law you wanted to follow. It was all or nothing. Fortunately, the Galatian believers needed none of it. Paul wants to make sure they know that.


James said it best, I think, when he said this in James 2:10. “For whoever keeps the whole Law, yet stumbles in one point, has become guilty of all.” There you have it. You can’t say, “Get circumcised,” and not keep the rest of the law. These Judaizers were forcing the issue of circumcision without they themselves keeping the whole law. They were, in fact, guilty of breaking the whole law. It was a futile exercise.

Don’t get me wrong. The law served its purpose. It pointed out to men the impossibility of keeping it. We needed something more. We needed the perfect sacrifice to end all sacrifices. Jesus provided that. Hebrews 10:14 says, “For by one sacrifice He has made perfect forever those who are being made holy.” Hallelujah, praise the Lord!

Paul was not letting the Galatians off the hook with this statement in today’s verse. They still needed to follow the Lord’s commands. They should still strive to be holy as He is holy. But now all those things are under the blood of the Lamb. He has paid the price for our failings. We obey out of love, not fear.

O Lord, help me be an example of truth and honesty, not hypocrisy.


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